California Bans Travel to Idaho

Ignorant is the nicest way I can say it. I do that out of respect for Mr. Newberg and his platform. These things aren't differences of opinion. There is no valid viewpoint that supports discrimination. We don't have an obligation to give ignorance and hate any sort of benefit of the doubt. I don't care how anyone was raised, or how things were in society when they were raised. It still breaks my heart that my children have to face the hate that they do in 2020 and I will do my best to call it out in every instance that it rears it's ugly head.
Growing up is tough, I see no reason to make it harder.
When I coached my athletes looked at how I treated them and their peers and followed suit.

Give both of those facts, I personally would error on the side of inclusion, ask the kids where they feel most comfortable participating and then move on.

My soccer team was coed till middle-school, skiing was coed those separate scored, same with cross country, and biking in college. All my college intramural sports were coed as well.
Perhaps if I had play football/hokey/baseball etc my perception would be different.

I agree, why make it harder. And I'm not saying make it harder. I am however say that no matter what you decide (which side you take) in a situation where there are restrictions, there is always someone who is disappointed. And part of what is influencing troubles in our country right now is people who have no respect for the other. And learning disappointment is essential in an unfair society. Even Randy (BigFin) decides a persons fate on this web page. If he don't like what you say, as he has said in one of my post, if you don't like it pack your key board and move on. That is a fact that I/we have to accept to stay in the conversation. Rule has been established. One comment or opinion that is not acceptable, and you could be gone. Fair not fair don't matter. Just like in life's choices with group activities. Private or government run, fair for one may not be fair for another. But we all have to learn disappointment, we need to accept and find an alterative.
What does who are children choose to have relationships with when they get older have anything to do with boys competing against girls in children’s sports that was the topic of the conversation I thought ,

I have to agree. The new law in Idaho as I understand it when I read it just now is simply not allowing boys to play on girls teams. They are not against homosexuality or transgenders and in the article posted are not bashing ANY segment of the world populace.

Boys play on boys teams and girls play on girls teams. "If" your daughters feel they are boys and are looking for someone to blame they would need to go to the source, their father and mother. If on the other hand they are girls who prefer to be with girls rather than boys, no problem, they are welcome in Idaho and can do everything anyone else can do while there , except play on a boy's sport team. Because they are not boys and for no other reason

the big sport up here is hockey. there have been girls over the years who thought they were tough enough to play hockey with the boys. They were wrong
There goes collegiate sports travel.

Not sure how this positively effects California athletes.

Why does The Blaze equate state funded travel with Idaho frustration over the influx of new residents? Was California sending state employees here to house hunt?

That’s just bait journalism and it seems to be working. You all need to take breath and ease off the trigger.

This is turning into a name calling thread. I’m voting @Big Fin lock this and y’all can take the fight over to Facebook
I have a bigger picture question that actually may put this topic into the public land hunting arena. The bigger question is this, if we allow states to put in restrictions because the "state" (actually in this case officials of the state) does not agree with another state's law on something, where will it end? Could a state say that they do no agree with a state's stance on public land ownership (looking at you Nevada!) and thus decide to put a restriction on their own residents for travel to or enjoyment of that particular state? Where does it stop? What if Idaho retaliates and goes one step further.....any public employee of CA may not ENTER its state? If there are multiple states that have this law as alluded to earlier, how does that affect college sports? When I step back and think where this could lead, it certainly concerns me.
Lady, you have issues. I have a gay son and love him just like the rest. I don't get all butthurt over a thread on men taking all the trophies in womens sports. I didn't read this one as any form of gay bashing at all and I too think it is ridiculous for men to compete in women's events. So does one of the greatest female, lesbian tennis players of all times.
I often wonder when hunting will be considered ignorant, is it already? Certainly not to those on this forum, but what about the people driving CA laws that the rest of the country seems to follow. General public consent? I’m not comparing human rights to other political issues but there is a growing movement to give animals the same rights as humans. Sounds crazy but things that seemed crazy 20 years ago are today’s norms.

If a person wanted to create a program that introduced A diverse group of urban youth through the public education system to the outdoors and conservation Could it include hunting? Trapping? Certainly not. The wildlife protection act banned trapping in California, additionally they ousted their game commissioner when he legally harvested a lion in Idaho. Ca has a long history of casting their will on the rest of the country and it’s citizens.

In Part a conversation I had with my oldest daughter (child phycology major) last night.
My parents raised me to not call anyone "ignorant" regardless of the circumstances. We may have a difference of opinion on a subject, but it does not make either of us ignorant, at least that is what I was taught and believe. I was taught to listen to what others are saying and their opinion as you may learn something new or change your mind about a subject. Or you may choose to disagree after the conversation which is also o.k. It is possible to disagree without being disagreeable. Therefore I stand by my prior comments. I will not call you or anyone else "ignorant". I will respect my elders. And I still believe it is unfair and possibly even unsafe for a boy to play on a girls team, as "on average" boys are bigger, faster, stronger, so I feel the "girls" team that has boys ( biologically ) on it will have an advantage over an all girls team. But that is just my opinion and I respect your opinion on the subject. I will let you have the last word and not respond further
Hi Randi,
Hang in there Kiddo.
Hi Randi,
Hang in there Kiddo.

timing is everything :) I was just on looking at the responses and --hello

please go down to the fishing section and post those pictures of those Graylings you caught this week. Huge and a lot of them. Please also share the pictures of the bears and how close they come to you guys. Salmonchaser is in Alaska doing what the does every summer :love:

p.s. saw that lodge burned down, that was sad
Sorry Kyle, but it sounds like your two daughters never worked hard all through middle and high school to compete at the top level of their sport (track, swimming, etc.) with a SERIOUS eye on otherwise unaffordable elite college scholarships or national rankings only to be beaten at the state finals by a much stronger male who "self identifies" as female. If they had, you probably wouldn't be trying to play the "inclusion" card as justification for your position. There are many male college athletes that routinely outperform female Olympic competition times. There is simply no debating the male bodies physical advantages. This is a necessary rule that assures fairness to all.
The reasoning behind putting these laws in place in states such as Idaho has nothing to do with LGBT rights.
Idaho has simply been observant enough to seen what happens when those are not in place
Here in CA there have been many instances of "girls" wiping the walls of girls in girls sports.
This was actually one of many reasons i pulled my daughter from public school last year.
She saw her first p%nis when a "girl" went into the schools "all-gender" restroom and whipped it out, almost, well probably, in a taunting way.
How do you think i felt when she came home that day and told me?
Or how about when we went to Target she had to uses the restroom, was in for a few moments, then came out and said she afraid to use it because a "man, or girl, not sure?" was in there.
Its sad day when you cant confront a possible pedophile because you might get sued for hurting their feelings.
The line has to be drawn somewhere.
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