Help launch the North American Pronghorn Foundation - GoFundMe

Funny part of that tramp stamp idea is it is spelled wrong! Go for it though! NAPF!

Kinda like a Subway tattoo. All the NAPF decals for your trucks for life!
Fellow HuntTalkers and Conservationists,

As you may be aware, most all of our big game animals have a non-profit organization advocating for the well-being and permanent future presence of a sustainable, healthy, and huntable population. The one exception is the Pronghorn. But a group of us hope to change that with the establishment of the "North American Pronghorn Foundation". Our initial step is to complete the necessary paperwork to make this an official organization. If you're interested in helping this cause get on its feet, please see the attached GoFundMe link to show your support.

Feel free to message any of us listed, if you have any questions or would like to be involved. We are of course in the fledging stages, but we have high aspirations and would love to have many of you join as future members so we can help this important mission grow.

Because part of the funds raised in this initial effort will be used to file for 501c3 tax exempt status, any donation to this GoFundMe will not be tax deductible.

In addition to 501c3 tax exempt status, the funds raised here will be used for other start-up costs that will include logo/branding, website/systems management, and leveraged for additional fundraising.

Thanks in advance, and goatspeed!

Dean Krebs
Jake Schwaller
Josh Newstad
Randy Routier
David Gough
Bryan Suchey
Brock Wahl
Phil Orem
Collin Fountain

Having recently went on my first western pronghorn hunt, I am happy to see this. I hope to one day take my boys on their first pronghorn hunts, and maintaining a sustainable and healthy population of the species is great - especially given the few harsh winters some western states have experienced recently.
Thanks for asking! It is a lot of work at this point! We have been working on a membership model, website, merchandising, etc. We have a call again next week. There certainly are a lot of details to iron out! Here is a little teaser....we did procure a website address! But it isn't live yet.