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Cabelas Euro HD (Meopta Meostar) vs Sig Zulu6 HDX IS


Well-known member
Feb 14, 2017
HT Community, I apologize for another optics thread, but it’s my offseason and I need to dream for the fall.

I currently have 10x42 Cabelas Euro Binos which have a Meopta label and from my research, I believe they are simply rebranded Meostars. They are the 2016 or 2017 models.

I have been contemplating upgrading binos for a while. However, I’m not quite in the Swaro money spending mood yet so I’ve been looking at that $1000 price point.

The Sig Zulu6 HDX image stabilization binos have popped up several times and I’m interested in them.

I am a Midwest Treestand deer hunter, Midwest and south run and gun turkey hunter, and hunt out west for deer or elk about every other year.

I would have to sell the Cabela’s binos to help finance the Sigs if I went that route.

So my questions, am I crazy to get rid of the Cabela’s/Meoptas to get the Sigs? Is the Image Stabilization a gimmick? How would the glass compare between the two models?

I would also need help on the 12x or 16x Sigs if I went that route, but I don’t want to get the cart before the horse.
ive got the 12x42 sigs regular zulu 6 hdx, and really like them//the image stabilization is pretty cool tech,,no real need for a spotter,,can pick deer out at 800 yrds without a tri pod!!,, seems like a good jump for me this year..ive heard complaints about the new "pro version",,but i like mine.low level light issues are not too bad with the 12x42,s i feel.
I hunt with my buddy that uses all Swaro glass (New 14 NL's, EL Range and big BTX setup). It's a toss up who spots more animals faster. I'm running the 16x HDX Sigs and also Sig rangefinding binos. Sometimes Maven 15's on a tripod if I'm going to be sitting a knob for awhile. I used to envy his setup when running just regular 10's, but no longer feel the need to sneak a peak. Alpha glass is nice, but not for the way I hunt.

IMO you need to lay out your hunting style. Do you have a rangefinder? For me, if running a single piece of gear, a rangefinding bino is the single most important item. Next, are you generally moving about, rarely sitting to glass single spots for extended time (>45min)? That's where the Image Stabilized binos shine. I've already glassed a hillside before my buddy gets his tripod set up, and even with mid-grade glass they stomp all over alpha glass when handheld.

RF binos -> Image Stabilized binos -> Big glass on tripod. That's my vote.

FWIW I really like my Maven 15's. Just a hair worse than Swaro glass and Vortex like warranty. Pricing is decent. Stay away from the new Sig HDX Pro model of the IS binos - I posted a review here as I bought 3 different pairs to confirm they are objectively worse than my gen 2 HDX. Save your money.
ive got the 12x42 sigs regular zulu 6 hdx, and really like them//the image stabilization is pretty cool tech,,no real need for a spotter,,can pick deer out at 800 yrds without a tri pod!!,, seems like a good jump for me this year..ive heard complaints about the new "pro version",,but i like mine.low level light issues are not too bad with the 12x42,s i feel.
Thanks! I am have thinking the 12x is where I need to be due to the amount of time I spend in Midwest treestands. Fear that 16x would be too much magnification to find animals.
I hunt with my buddy that uses all Swaro glass (New 14 NL's, EL Range and big BTX setup). It's a toss up who spots more animals faster. I'm running the 16x HDX Sigs and also Sig rangefinding binos. Sometimes Maven 15's on a tripod if I'm going to be sitting a knob for awhile. I used to envy his setup when running just regular 10's, but no longer feel the need to sneak a peak. Alpha glass is nice, but not for the way I hunt.

IMO you need to lay out your hunting style. Do you have a rangefinder? For me, if running a single piece of gear, a rangefinding bino is the single most important item. Next, are you generally moving about, rarely sitting to glass single spots for extended time (>45min)? That's where the Image Stabilized binos shine. I've already glassed a hillside before my buddy gets his tripod set up, and even with mid-grade glass they stomp all over alpha glass when handheld.

RF binos -> Image Stabilized binos -> Big glass on tripod. That's my vote.

FWIW I really like my Maven 15's. Just a hair worse than Swaro glass and Vortex like warranty. Pricing is decent. Stay away from the new Sig HDX Pro model of the IS binos - I posted a review here as I bought 3 different pairs to confirm they are objectively worse than my gen 2 HDX. Save your money.
Appreciate the feedback. Your reviews of the Sigs have played heavily in my decision process.

Yes I have a rangefinder. Primarily a bow hunter so I range a lot and am comfortable with and prefer a stand alone rangefinder.

Midwest deer hunting (10 days a year) is all from a tree and I’m looking at things from 50-600yds. Tripod is not an option.

Turkey hunting (4-6 days a year) is all run and gun (moving) and again looking at things from 50-1000yds.

Western hunts (every other year about 7 days) are all mobile. I’ve carried tripods and spotters a lot of miles in my pack and rarely use them. Another reason I’ve been interested in the Sigs. I spend a lot do time looking through binos and rarely setup to glass though.

I also hike and birdwatch with my wife 10 days a year. And then birdwatch year round at the house.
I got a pair of the 16X Sigs and love them for handheld glassing or off a tripod in the wind. Where I was disappointed was in the Wisconsing woods out of the stand. The field of view is to narrow. I am contemplating saving up over the summer and get one of the lower power ones. The image stabilization is a game changer for handheld glassing in the woods.
from what i researched before the buy was that the 12x42 were better than the 16x42 in low light,,,im pleased with the decision to go 12x42,,they are not perfect in low light,but really not to bad either by my judgement,,,that is one of the slight downfalls i have found,but the image stabilization makes up the difference
Do you have the HD euros? The Meostar glass is really good I was comparing with SLC. I sold some euros awhile back but was able to find another pair.
Quite frankly, neither. With the sales that are going on for the soon to be discontinued Zeiss Conquest HD's (the best value in a binocular of all time, IMO), I would not even look at a Meostar or Sig. I say that after owning a couple pairs of Meostars and Conquest HD's at the same time. I have not owned or looked through those particular Sigs, but what I know about Sig bins has never impressed me. Sig is not an optics company.
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i dont know what to say other than im quite impressed by my 12x42 sigs,,the image stabilization in them is pretty incredible,,now ive got my vortex razor 8x42 binos,{$1200} just for my back up,,have no use for my nikon ed-50 small spotting scope,{$800} back when i bought it,,problably dont need my medium spotter 16-48x65 vortex razor hd,{another$800}anymore either.to me the sig is a game changer,until you look thru one out in the field,it is that impressive.

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