
Bullet Failure? (Open at your own risk, graphic)


Well-known member
Dec 10, 2002
Chugiak, AK
Would you consider this bullet failure? Tell me what you think and I will tell you what type of bullet was used. This is the exit hole from about 80-90 yards with a muzzle velocity of about 2950fps from a 280 Remington. Impact velocity was probably around 2775fps or so

Definately looks like the bullet failed/seperated....pretty wicked hole. I don't think he was going to run anywhere though so it worked.
I'd have to say the bullet came apart. Did it get any major bones, or ribs only? The deer is quite dead though so it suceeded on that level.
Man, that is what I call a hole. I have never experienced that kind of expansion at short range, just the opposite type of failure, no expansion. Sure did work though.
I'd say it did it's job. I find it hard to say a bullet failed if you have the animal, but that's just me.

Let's see pics of the bullet!
If everybodys bullets "failed" like that, we wouldn't have many deer running around wounded??
Man what a hole!!!!
Nope, you have an entrance, exit, and the deer. I've never seen a bullet that could skin and gut one like that. ;)
Yup, it's a bullet failure. The bullet came apart. If you're going to continue using that bullet try hitting them about two ribs back so there won't be so much waste. And I wouldn't use that bullet on elk. IMHO if you really needed penetration, that bullet wouldn't have done much good.

You got him, and I guess that's the main thing. Shots placed about the second or third rib back waste the least meat, though, if you want maximum meat. The hillbillies who taught me about shooting deer were real strict about not wasting meat.

There are plenty of well made hunting bullets that hold together real good and probably won't lose more than 10-20% of their weight.
I know about an awesome new bullet that is hitting the market next year. I've been able to see the development of them most of the year and they are beyond impressive. I'm using some right now but haven't been able to squeeze the trigger on anything yet with them. They shoot good and they hold together.

Bambistew, that wasn't a core-lokt ultra was it? Or maybe something with a plastic tip?
if it's the accubond, that bullet isn't fairing to well in the hunting world--few guys bitchin' about it's performance(meat waster)--chris
Accubond and the animals dead, prefer Lapua myself, but anyway a few of these used against the Iraq insurgents might make the war lot shorter, maybe the west could decapitate a few of their fighters with some of these bullets and then see how those fuggers like it :mad: :mad:
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