Brooks talks on his bull

I guess if it makes you feel better put it in the picked up/found category. Not sure if that's legal though.

Was he actually hand fed?

Rhetorical question. Hand fed , feed placed on the ground by hand. Not much of a difference if that’s how you roll.
Rhetorical question. Hand fed , feed placed on the ground by hand. Not much of a difference if that’s how you roll.
Once again I'm not advocating for baiting. I think it's lame and wouldn't do it here of they allowed it tomorrow. But yah there is a big difference in hand fed, I would say. Food for thought, do you want an asterisk next to any animal entered that a guy paid the same as some of our salaries for 10 bros to scout and pin point a bull far from a road and have them walk him back in there and shoot the elk at 1,500 yards? Not knowing what the hell is going on. Only to have them skin quarter and pack it and call it a great "hunt" Because theirs plenty of them in there like that. What this guy did seems to be a little more like hunting than that kind of stuff. He stuck with the bow right up until the last night when he could have taken a rifle, so that says something. Even if it is a minor detail imo.
Once again I'm not advocating for baiting. I think it's lame and wouldn't do it here of they allowed it tomorrow. But yah there is a big difference in hand fed, I would say. Food for thought, do you want an asterisk next to any animal entered that a guy paid the same as some of our salaries for 10 bros to scout and pin point a bull far from a road and have them walk him back in there and shoot the elk at 1,500 yards? Not knowing what the hell is going on. Only to have them skin quarter and pack it and call it a great "hunt" Because theirs plenty of them in there like that. What this guy did seems to be a little more like hunting than that kind of stuff. He stuck with the bow right up until the last night when he could have taken a rifle, so that says something. Even if it is a minor detail imo.

I could honestly care less either way if something gets entered.
Nobody cares what something scores until it scores big (myself included). You know why the books were started/exist right?

Originally dedicated to promote responsible hunting and conserving wildlife and their habitats. Fair Chase kinda came out of it.

George Bird Grinell, who has an oversized footprint where I live helped establish it, along with his buddy Teddy.
There are so many problems with this story. This story is not a story of character and hard earned adventures. It is not a story of skill, luck and time coming together in an unexpected way.

I, and others on here, work diligently to spread the word of ethical hunting that prioritizes meat, and stories, above trophy’s and pride.

Does this story move us toward greater acceptance of hunting?

The problem with this story is ego. His son fuels the flames with statements like this, “Casey Brooks, as the “King of Elk Hunting” with 86 bulls to his credit.” He clearly paid for this bull through a a raffle governors tag and paying others finders fees. Why doesn’t he admit how many tickets he bought? Why does he leave out details?

Did he utilize the system? Yep. However, that doesn’t make it “right.” Am I okay that he killed this tremendous bull? Yes. I am not okay with him gaining an ounce of fame from it as the “King of Elk Hunting.”
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For all the fair chase lacking comments where do you draw the line? Using modern sights or compound bows. Range finders? Using calls? Shouldn’t stalk on a bedded sleeping bull…not very fair to the bull to make a move then. Sitting water? Could make that argument for anything. If it’s legal why do you care
For all the fair chase lacking comments where do you draw the line? Using modern sights or compound bows. Range finders? Using calls? Shouldn’t stalk on a bedded sleeping bull…not very fair to the bull to make a move then. Sitting water? Could make that argument for anything. If it’s legal why do you care
Keep hammering
For all the fair chase lacking comments where do you draw the line? Using modern sights or compound bows. Range finders? Using calls? Shouldn’t stalk on a bedded sleeping bull…not very fair to the bull to make a move then. Sitting water? Could make that argument for anything. If it’s legal why do you care

Where’s your line? Is it simply defined by what is legal?

Why do I care? The future of hunting is at stake.
I only hunt barefoot with my Native American friend and rocks. Seems the most fair chase to me.

I think randy just posted multiple videos of bulls on winter range over bales, let him know he’s risking the future of hunting
Where’s your line? Is it simply defined by what is legal?

Why do I care? The future of hunting is at stake.

That’s a bit dramatic. Baiting doesn’t guarantee an animal will come to the bait in daylight.
This isn’t a classic hunt and wouldn’t be enjoyable for most. But I’d rather a person kill the bull with archery gear than have it die of old age. I’ve whitetail hunted in the burbs and learned to pick up my bow when I heard car horns honk. That meant deer were crossing the paved road. Not real exciting, but made for good sport after work.
That’s a bit dramatic. Baiting doesn’t guarantee an animal will come to the bait in daylight.
This isn’t a classic hunt and wouldn’t be enjoyable for most. But I’d rather a person kill the bull with archery gear than have it die of old age. I’ve whitetail hunted in the burbs and learned to pick up my bow when I heard car horns honk. That meant deer were crossing the paved road. Not real exciting, but made for good sport after work.

Not really. My wife and family were anti-hunting. They’ve completely flipped to being pro-hunting. Why? Consistent messaging and strong ethics. I’ve shifted piles of students and families by keeping the message low pressure and about humane care of a healthy protein source.

His son created the issue. He’s the one that pushed the “King” message. This story is about the biggest bull killed, not a rando buck. This story is out there for others to read. What message does it share?
I don’t see the problem here other than the social media bragging. Sounds like it was a pretty tough hunt to me if it took that long with that many people.
Idk what elk eat but a deer under a corn feeder is just as hard to stick an arrow in as one under an oak tree. I will say it’s more rewarding killing one under an oak tree but if it’s the end of season and I am after a particular buck that will be going down hill next year I will have no shame shooting him over bait. If I had to apply for years to draw a tag I certainly would do what it took to fill the tag.