Brooks talks on his bull

Aside from the rack I found nothing remotely interesting or even ethical about this "hunt." Bull was back and forth between 2 feed yards, both on private property. The challenges of the hunt were strictly logistical: who was putting up which cameras, winning the tag in a lottery, schmoozing the landowner, keeping the warden posted, pissing off the neighbor, sitting for days over bait in a scentproof blind. Eff that noise, not hunting as I understand it. I'd rather fair chase and bring home a cow, or tag soup. Why does BC or PY consider hunting over bait as fair chase? Unconscionable.
If I had a bull of that size wander into my yard and I had a tag in the pocket I would shoot it. I probably wouldn’t ask for access to the neighbors that were feeding it hay though. All hunts are not created equal, let’s pay some respect to a giant bull with a sweet tooth for apples. He was a specimen.
If I had a bull of that size wander into my yard and I had a tag in the pocket I would shoot it. I probably wouldn’t ask for access to the neighbors that were feeding it hay though. All hunts are not created equal, let’s pay some respect to a giant bull with a sweet tooth for apples. He was a specimen.
I agree. Lot of haters that would have more than likely done it in a heart beat regardless of what they say. That is of course if they could have got the bow back and made the shot, not many could of. 95% sure I'd of choked.
I agree. Lot of haters that would have more than likely done it in a heart beat regardless of what they say. That is of course if they could have got the bow back and made the shot, not many could of. 95% sure I'd of choked.

I’m pretty sure it’s not IF folks would have if given the chance, it’s the tactics that turn people off.
Think we’re saying the same thing.
He didn't break any laws. I'm not at all a proponent of baiting. I've seen how vulnerable animals can be to it and I don't like it at all. However it being legal, that tag with that oppurtunity I'd of not only dumped the bait but I'd of brought a rifle. I'd like to say I wouldn't, but I'm not gonna bullshit either.
He didn't break any laws. I'm not at all a proponent of baiting. I've seen how vulnerable animals can be to it and I don't like it at all. However it being legal, that tag with that oppurtunity I'd of not only dumped the bait but I'd of brought a rifle. I'd like to say I wouldn't, but I'm not gonna bullshit either.
I have to agree, not sure I would enter it into the book or claim to be the king of elk hunting. 😂
He didn't break any laws. I'm not at all a proponent of baiting. I've seen how vulnerable animals can be to it and I don't like it at all. However it being legal, that tag with that oppurtunity I'd of not only dumped the bait but I'd of brought a rifle. I'd like to say I wouldn't, but I'm not gonna bullshit either.
Two things make people do crazy things. Money, and elk. mtmuley
I have to agree, not sure I would enter it into the book or claim to be the king of elk hunting. 😂
We all go into a hunt or tag for different reasons. Sometimes it's to fill an antlerless tag for meat. Sometimes it's to shoot a trophy or bust. Other times it's to just enjoy a specific area whether we fill a tag or not. This guy set out to kill a world record bull and that's what he did.
Idk about claiming to be king of elk hunting. But I'd of entered it nonetheless, records are kept for more reasons then honoring the guys name and that bull deserved the recognition imo.

Maybe with an asterisk that he was hand fed. Far different than most bulls.