Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Broadhead Preference

I shoot 100gr G5 Strickers for bear and 100gr Rage Hypodermics for Mule/Whitetail Deer...

As much as I like mechanicals, I personally wouldn't shoot anything bigger than a Mule Deer with them.
I wanted to add a bit of something for you to chew on also. I carry fixed-blade COC heads in my quiver as my first choice but, I also carry a mechanical broadhead equipped arrows. The reasoning for this (from personal experience) is that at somewhat longer distances (usually 30+ yards) when there is wind, that wind will impact the flight of an arrow with a fixed head. It just will. Therefore, if I'm hunting with a strong wind and I'm looking at a shot of 30-40 yards, I pull out the mechanical. It just flies better in those situations. Just saying. In this scenario, I will absolutely use a mechanical.


I did the same with G5 Montecs and Rage Hypos. I thought I was going to have a 60 yard shot with strong cross wind so I pulled out the Rage. The cow elk popped up at 37 and the Rage put a gaping hole in her. It was a bit high and back but she didn't go far. The next day my hunting partner put a strickland Helix through both shoulders of his cow elk, crushing bone.

The bottom line in my worthless opinion is use whatever you like. They are all good and they are all bad depending on who you talk to.
Born and Raised Outdoors has a great video on YouTube comparing different broadheads. I just watched it last night, they test a bunch of different ones.
Just got back from a hunt with some Muzzy 3 blades. Hit a little forward and lost the Bull. Had good blood for 30-40 yards, and then nothing. Now - I’m not saying it was all the broadhead’s fault. It was my first elk hunt, and I rushed it a little bit, and didn’t make a perfect shot. But, I’ll be moving to something else, if for no other reason than to try and give me a little confidence boost.

I’m strongly considering the new single bevel from Bone Broadheads
I'll use 125 gr. strikers, montecs, or slick trick magnums, in no particular order, they've all worked for me on deer, pigs and elk.

I spend way more time worrying about bow tuning and my shooting form than broadheads.
100 grains Soilds have been my go to for everything since 2012. Deer, moose, elk, bear, goats , Soilds have performed well on all of them.
I picked up some 100 grain vented IRonwills the end of last fall, so far they been excellent as well. I have only killed deer with them so far ..very impressed with the construction, materials, performance and flight. I plan on using them the next three weeks elk hunting.
Another head that I killed a bunch of game with and is extremely versatile is the Viper trick.

So for heads that would recommend for elk, or anything for that matter are. Soilds, IW and Viper Tricks.
I have killed an elk with a mechanical head ( rocket steelhead ) and been on recovery’s for elk killed with other mechanical heads and honestly ...I am not impressed with the performance on elk. Mechanicals have place for me but elk hunting isn’t it.
A fairly heavy arrow and solidly constructed fixed blade head will get you boringly dependable performance on elk...or anything else for that matter.
What arrow head did Randy use on his Utah archery bison hunt? (Don’t have the cell coverage to get the YouTube video to play)
Thanks. Had a bad experience with some mechanicals and want to move to some durable fixed blades and debating between the Bones and Ironwills. What is the warranty on the Bone Broadheads? I know Ironwills have the no questions asked lifetime warranty.
Also I see that the Bone Broadheads refer to twist of fletchings... I’m a newbie and hate to ask an annoying amount of Q’s but what are the 3 vane Blazers (stock) on Beemans? Don’t want to pay to get two dozen arrows refletched after sneaking a set of 6 expensive Broadheads last the wide... [oh sweet Jesus - the WIFE not wide. Gent’s if I never reply again it’s because my wife saw that typo].
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Tell the wife that Iron Wills are a buy once investment. Yes the warranty is as good as they claim. I shot a WT doe and bent the tip. After a couple of emails back and forth, I received a new main blade and screw in the mail. Can’t ask for more than that.
I emailed both Iron Will and Bone with some questions about my set up and hunting style and Bone got back to me within hours, on the day before Thanksgiving no less. They took the time to make sure that I am getting the exact thing I need and even gave me a coupon code to use. So for now that settles it. The plan is to buy half a dozen broadheads so the cost difference + the coupon code cut the expense quite a bit vis a via IW. I have some old G5 Montecs that i can use to finish this season with.
Thanks for the info ElkHuntr!
Happy turkey day ladies and gents!
Shot my elk at 62 yards with g5 striker. Complete pass through to include a rib and stuck in a stump. The shot was a little high which may or not have contributed to a weak blood trail but we still found it. Not sure if I will use them again on elk.

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