Yeti GOBOX Collection

Broadhead Preference

Very happy with QAD exodus on elk this year. First year using them and they flight great in my setup and punch through an elk.
I went on a Bear hunt years back in Canada and the guide told us no mechanical broad heads , so I have been sending the Shuttle t lock for years ! 125 grain

I have shot a lot of different heads throughout the years. I have been on a few bear hunts and have done a bunch of studying on it. Bears are soft comparably to a lot of other animals. I think large cutting mechanicals are perfect for them.

This is such a hard question to answer. If you are shooting under 60lbs, under 450 grains of arrow weight you shouldn't even think about large cutting mechanicals. If you are shooting 70 lbs, have a decent draw length and shooting over 450 grains of arrow weight the mechanicals are pretty good options on deer size game. I would say elk even works some.

I have never had a problem with mechanicals other than one. It was a G5 T3, it didn't open but I still killed the deer. It may have been user error on how I installed it.

Personally I really like the NAP killzone. I think it has the best blade retention system but it does eat up some energy so you have to shoot heavy arrows.
Very, very good advice above. Just about any of the name brand broadheads will kill an elk, if you tune your bow properly for them.

I wanted to add a bit of something for you to chew on also. I carry fixed-blade COC heads in my quiver as my first choice but, I also carry a mechanical broadhead equipped arrows. The reasoning for this (from personal experience) is that at somewhat longer distances (usually 30+ yards) when there is wind, that wind will impact the flight of an arrow with a fixed head. It just will. Therefore, if I'm hunting with a strong wind and I'm looking at a shot of 30-40 yards, I pull out the mechanical. It just flies better in those situations. Just saying. In this scenario, I will absolutely use a mechanical.

Oh, and I use the Grim Reaper 3-blade as my mechanical. Designed for elk. Otherwise, fixed-blade is my go-to - G5 Stryker.

My opinions are worth exactly what you paid for them.

I agree 100% and thus is exactly what I do. I only caution people use a durable proven mechanical and know the bows limitations at farther distances because a mechanical will use up energy to deploy (some designs more than others) and energy used up on opening the blades is less energy left to go through the elk. I also personally like no more than a 1 1/2" cut on a mechanical for elk.
I started shooting Grim Reaper Pro series Hades, come out of the box sharp. I did not have to make any adjustments with good results out to 80 yds in comparison to my field points. I shot the 3 blade micros, I think I am going to buy a box of the larger regular Pro Series Hades, but I know the micro would do the job for elk. Was very disappointed with the shuttle T's, came out of the box very dull and pulled left significantly vs field point impact. Also when put on a spin tester, 2 of them had a significant wobble. A buddy just switched to the QAD exodus and those are treating him very well out to long distances too.