Yeti GOBOX Collection

Broadhead for elk, deer and pronghorn


Well-known member
Aug 14, 2016
Trying to sort out what Broadhead to shoot....

just heard Randy say he uses Bone broadheads... but they look pretty primitive...

I’m looking at Slick Trick and Magnus Stingers... open to suggestions but I would like a 125 grain Broadhead.

Thanks for the help.
I'm going with Viper Tricks this year. I like small 4 blade heads. They tend to fly good, penetrate good, and 4 blades cuts a lot of tissue even when the diameter is only 1 and a 16th inch. I've said it before but I'd still use Tekken 2' s if they were still made. That was an altogether darn good BH.
Depends on your setup and what you're looking to get out of it. Mechanical broadheads typically fly better and don't require a lot of tuning, but they will penetrate less than an fixed bladed
I've been back and forth between the Slick Trick Magnums and Vipers over the years, they work well for me. I've heard a few complaints about mediocre blood trails, but I've never had a problem recovering any animal that had one of my Slick Tricks pass thru them.
Killed my bull last year with a wacem. I was impressed and will be using them again this year.
Your bow will tell you what it likes the best. My old Mathews Z7 liked 100 grain Shuttle T's. My Elite liked 100 grain slick trick mags. My new PSE likes 125 grain slick trick mags. FOC is something you need to take into account with deciding on what grain heads you use. I've killed a lot of animals with each head, but I am really impressed with the slick tricks.
I like NAP killzone 125 gr broadheads. I’ve always had a quick kill with easy to follow blood trails.
I like slicks, and G5 strikers. I like heavy arrows. Pay attention to your draw weight, arrow spine and FOC when shooting 125's.
I shot the Slick Trick 125 Magnums and they flew Ok, but this year I've been messing around with the 125gr Wac'ems and loving the flight. I haven't drawn blood yet with them, hopefully next weekend I will during my HAM javelina hunt
I shot the Slick Trick 125 Magnums and they flew Ok, but this year I've been messing around with the 125gr Wac'ems and loving the flight. I haven't drawn blood yet with them, hopefully next weekend I will during my HAM javelina hunt

I bought some Wac’ems last year when I was in Canada. Like you haven’t blooded. I’m keen to poke them through some big hogs here in Oz.
I’ve been trolling through plenty of posts looking a the different broadheads folks are using for elk - good to know I’m on the right track. You folks are spoilt for choice.
Your bow will tell you what it likes the best. My old Mathews Z7 liked 100 grain Shuttle T's. My Elite liked 100 grain slick trick mags. My new PSE likes 125 grain slick trick mags. FOC is something you need to take into account with deciding on what grain heads you use. I've killed a lot of animals with each head, but I am really impressed with the slick tricks.

I found the same to be true with my bow. I went to the pro shop and shot numerous heads. The Montec G5's is what I ended up using for elk and I used the Rage Chisel tip for deer. My buddy used the Rage on his elk this yr, as did his wife. I was impressed with the blood trail, and both were perfect shots. Not sure how they would've handled bone, but there are plenty of threads that discuss those opinions. I shot my cow elk at 33 yds and the arrow broke in three places when she took off running. She went down within 40 yds, but there was almost no blood. The below pics show my cow elk shoulder blade, which was the entrance side(Montec G5) and the exit hole on my deer(Rage Chisel tip)


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I like my Ironwill fixed blade broadheads. Haven't got a shot at elk yet, but have downed deer & antelope. Sharp and durable.
Razor sharp ones that fly straight and are sturdy. Everything after that is just preference. I've been pleased with the slick trick magnums. Shot G5 Montecs (fly great, hard to keep sharp, tough) and Hellrazors ( fly great, tough, sharper than Montecs, not as sharp as slick tricks)
I have had great luck with QAD Exodus heads. I am also interested in the single bevel heads like the Bones, the couple I have tried took a bit more tuning to get to fly with my field points due to their propensity to plain. Not a deal breaker, just something to be aware of.
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