Caribou Gear Tarp

Broadhead for elk, deer and pronghorn

First year shooting QAD Exodus in 125. Pass through on 2 deer and one elk. Zero issues. Blood trail was a bit light, but my bull plugged up with fat (not BH fault) and the deer all dropped with sight.
"but they look pretty primitive..." :confused:

Check out youtube where Randy shoots a Henry Mtn's Bison with that primitive broadhead.

If you want to pick up the lastest issue of bowhunter magazine and go through all the new broadhead offerings and look for the newest/latest/greatest/fanciest broadheads on the market, you will find something that catches your eye.

Then talk to some killers who've killed some stuff and you'll realize that guys shooting lots of animals using, arguably, "primitive" archery equipment are still choosing a two-blade broadhead because they have proven to be the best shooting broadhead and still get the job done, better than many other broadheads.

KISS, keep it simple. Heavy arrow, fixed blades and make sure your arrow and bow are turned for best performance.

I personally shoot Slick Tricks, but I will likely use the Iron Will for next season.
Everything said above is spot on...I wouldn’t over think it, just make sure that they are hitting where you are aiming and practice at long distances to gain confidence and verify bow tune. I use g5 strikers on my Matthews and muzzy on my Hoyt. Good luck!!
What everyone else said above is correct. Another one to add to the list is Ramcats. That's what I used this fall and it zipped through both shoulder blades of the whitetail that I shot. Same thing for my mule deer doe last year.
once I got my bow tuned and shooting muzzy trocar 100 gr broadheads well I haven't messed with it. Very good success so far on deer and elk so haven't found a reason to change.
Ive had the most luck with two blade rage broadheads (chisel point and this year the trypans). Keep in mind these are for east coast whitetail so YMMV for heavier bodied animals.\
If I end up drawing for archery elk/muledeer I would most likely moved to a fixed like bone broadheads or iron will since I have a short draw length.
Depending on the state I will be shooting rage trypans for elk and deer where I can or Iron will S100’s where expandables are illegal.
Both my mates coming on our elk adventure are going to use Montecs. I’ve shot a few fallow deer with them and a couple of big hogs (300lb mark).
I’ve noticed a whistle through the air with them from my bow. Not sure if it’s speed related but the other guys don’t seem to have the issue.
Have had good luck with slick trick as a fixed. Like to shoot mechanicals here on the east coast (Grim Reaper Fatal Steel). Am drinking the kool-aid and going to try a few iron will to see how they are.

It seems like there's a paradox with bigger game like elk and moose. Where you want more penetration which (isolating the broad head as the variable) requires a smaller cutting diameter. Seems like most people's preference is an entry an exit wound when possible vs a larger cutting diameter that risks losing penetration
I will throw Dirt Nap’s DRTs in the hat. Love em!!! Shoot a BowTech Experience 70# w a 29 1/2” draw, Goldtip Pro Hunters. They fly great n penetrate extremely well, w a blood trail my grandson can follow. That being said, I haven’t shot an elk w them YET, but have put down plenty of South Texas size whitetails (60-160# dressed) n hogs (up to 250#+) w great results. One hog was 76yds quartering away, entry in front of ham exiting in front of shoulder, dead w/in 40yds, 170# sow.
I have shot magnus buzzcuts in the past, they bend easy and replacement blades are a pain to tune. I think I am switching to cutthroats or VAPs this year. I have been eyeballing those Bone broadheads pretty hard too though.
I'm stocked up on Montecs and Rage trypans from post season sales, but I think I may be switching to Iron Wills this year. Waiting on my arrows from South Shore and will be giving them a shot!
I’m shooting G5 Montecs and I love them, them back by Easton FMJ 5mm arrows and they do some thumpin
I shoot nap hell razors and have zero issues with them easy to sharpen and are tough
But I paper tune every year and also walk back tune every year IMO if a bow is tuned well almost every broad head will fly true and true flight even aids in penetrating
What others have said, something that is razor sharp and flies true.

Glad to see on this forum that this particular question hasn't resulted in the typical "broadhead war" argument that usually ensues, nice to see people are being helpful without arguing about which is best! (y)
I've had great luck over the years with the muzzy 4 blade, 100 gr head on elk, deer, and antelope. Come to think of it, it's all I've used going on 20 years.

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