Caribou Gear Tarp

Bozeman: is it really that bad anymore?

  • Thread starter Deleted member 53219
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As you know, the term is nothing new for Bozeman. Your YMMV for the root and current relation to the use of Boz-Angeles. It's not related to "Traffic, assholes, crowded?"

The reference originated in Bozeman back 2006, ( ) from what I gather. New York Times article and another relate to the Bozeman area residents naming the wealthy / glitz 'n glam from California making Bozeman their posh spot for getaway fun - eventually led to the wonderous creation of the 2009, "Yellowstone Club"... $400k to become a member and some 10% annually.

Income statistics for Bozeman during this time:

View attachment 268411

As of recent - the surge has really enhanced the common themed usage of "Boz-Angeles" within various Insider, WSJ, even Montana Standard and other Montana (and Bozeman) News publications.
Montana Standard:
View attachment 268417

"It has not only been ranked the fastest-growing city of its size in the nation, but it's also becoming a tech hub that's attracting pioneering millennials from around the country. In fact, it's often somewhat disparagingly called "Boz Angeles" for the many Californians and celebrities that have come to town, as well as its perceived "fanciness" in relation to the rest of the state."

Forbes MSU mention of Boz Angeles refers to the following highlight:
"With a vibrant downtown and plentiful nearby outdoor recreation, Bozeman’s recent swanky transformation led to the Wall Street Journal dubbing the city “Boz Angeles.” Bridger Bowl and Big Sky Resort, two major ski
destinations, are within an hour of campus, while Yellowstone National Park is 90 miles away."

Meh, interesting morning coffee googling.

Probably much better places to have a isolated little cabin, write a manifesto, send mail bombs, and raise some cute little skin-heads.
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Probably much better places to have a isolated little cabin, write a manifesto, send mail bombs, and raise some cute little skin-heads.
Better hunting in Lincoln? Less populated? ;) That's Lewis & Clark County. Great beef jerky, that's certain. Maybe produced by your manifesto brethren. ;)

Probably much better places to have a isolated little cabin, write a manifesto, send mail bombs, and raise some cute little skin-heads.
Ted was an anti-technology enviromentalist kook. Bozeman has some of those too. If Ted had some skinhead neighbors in Lincoln, I bet they had some interesting conversations.🙂

Ted Kaczynski
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Ted was an anti-humanist enviromentalist kook. Bozeman has some of those too. If Ted had some skinhead neighbors in Lincoln, I bet they had some interesting conversations.🙂

Ted Kaczynski
Now he is my neighbor in Florence CO, along w a popular hispanic fellow, Chapo something.
Wonder how many people that are bitching about the changes and the new in Montana are the same ones that make a living off of the changes? Yet they bitch cause it's different..... gotta love it.
Bozeman has some of those too.
The manifesto secluded rustic cabin where the well-educated Bozangeles Raptor/Hawk spur-booted, western hatted Straight grandies gather to plan the war against the mice and marmots and strategize about immigration ploys to cause immigration of elk into the freezers scattered about the Gallatin Valley.

Ridgerock Cabin.jpg
Yep, like NW Montana (aka NE Idaho).
Whoa, whoa, whoa... That is a massive shot that can't go unaddressed.

While North Idaho may have been the home of Richard Butler, Randy Weaver, and the Aryan Nations... oh, shit, I'm realizing that I'm shoring up your position...

Hey, we're better than Libby. Prove me wrong.
I occasionally shop at WalMart, for the prices, and for the ego boost it gives me. Don't tell any of my kids' friends.
For the record I don't discriminate against any grocery store. The lower the price the more you'll see me there.

My recent transplant neighbor from suburban Colorado (he proudly displays a "climate change is real flag" in his yard) was walking his dog past my house the other day. He told me he tried elk hunting for 4 years with no success and decided he really didn't like it. Told me he prefers to buy his steaks from Whole Foods, or Rosauers (two of the more expensive places in Bozeman to buy a steak from). My wife told me after he left that he must be a sucky elk hunter, and a Virtue signaling lil bich...I got a good laugh out of that.
Alls I know is if my kid pops another kid in the nose for making fun of me shopping at WinCo I will be in approval of the nose pop.

Although my kids by nature are more likely to come back with a comedic comeback of their own that uses kale,coffee and organic kombucha as a pejorative than they are to involve their knuckles. 😄

Pro tip- Costco has the best value for potato chips for packed lunches.
Whoa, whoa, whoa... That is a massive shot that can't go unaddressed.

While North Idaho may have been the home of Richard Butler, Randy Weaver, and the Aryan Nations... oh, shit, I'm realizing that I'm shoring up your position...

Hey, we're better than Libby. Prove me wrong.
Shoring up with a typical Straight Arrow / Buzz broad paintbrush (you colored this thread with racism). NW Montana in a very broad sense - to include Missoula, Sanders, Lincoln, Flathead, and Lewis & Clark County... No one introduced racism but you guys. Spin it however you'd like. Bring @Big Fin into this - I'd imagine he'll close this thread - grats, your mission accomplished. It's played it's course, regardless. You'll flap blame whichever direction serves your purpose and your fanboi base will absorb your bs. :)

How about we call a spade a spade. This is a @BuzzH , @Greenhorn , and @Straight Arrow hurt feeler response to the term "Bozangeles". Nothing, what-so-ever, to do with their crying rant side distraction diversion with the whiny "racism" card in a thread about Bozeman. But hey, @Greenhorn , Kurt, shared his disappointments with Bozeman earlier in the thread. Lordy, lordy, lordy... somebody hurt his (their) feelers. God forbid someone shares the history of the Bozeman resident created term back 2006... ;)

Play ball boys - you want to keep your diversion by introducing racism into the Bozeman thread, I'll be your huckleberry. ;)
Shoring up with a typical Straight Arrow / Buzz broad paintbrush (you colored this thread with racism). NW Montana in a very broad sense - to include Missoula, Sanders, Lincoln, Flathead, and Lewis & Clark County... No one introduced racism but you guys. Spin it however you'd like. Bring @Big Fin into this - I'd imagine he'll close this thread - grats, your mission accomplished. It's played it's course, regardless. You'll flap blame whichever direction serves your purpose and your fanboi base will absorb your bs. :)

How about we call a spade a spade. This is a @BuzzH , @Greenhorn , and @Straight Arrow hurt feeler response to the term "Bozangeles". Nothing, what-so-ever, to do with their crying rant side distraction diversion with the whiny "racism" card in a thread about Bozeman. But hey, @Greenhorn , Kurt, shared his disappointments with Bozeman earlier in the thread. Lordy, lordy, lordy... somebody hurt his (their) feelers. God forbid someone shares the history of the Bozeman resident created term back 2006... ;)

Play ball boys - you want to keep your diversion by introducing racism into the Bozeman thread, I'll be your huckleberry. ;)
Lighten up, Francis. I'm from Sandpoint, Idaho. I will not apologize for making jokes about my own community. Take 3 deep breaths.

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