Many things contributed to what is happening in parts of Montana. Pisses me off when a long time resident is criticized for having a negative view of the current situation. mtmuleyBelgrade, just west of Bozeman, is growing as fast, maybe faster, than Bozo. The school student population is burgeoning and a new elementary school is direly needed, but the recent bond levy failed, due to the recent escalation of property taxes, IMO. School financial needs are discriminated against as that is the only tax bill on which you may vote with a NO to school funding. If more money is needed for roads, weed control, snow plow trucks, county employee wage increases ... or whatever, the tax bill is just increased, with no voice and no way to object by the property tax payer.
The $1,150 tax rebate is a joke. It's a poor token of sympathy for the poor folk from Gov G and the legislature, Ds and Rs, as an acknowledgement that the property tax system has been fornicated to the point of putting poor Kurt on the street with his new sign that says, "Urban camping for life."