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Border closure and spring outfitting season

Wait! Someone drinks Labatt's? lol. As a Canadian I can not cross the border for a extended period of time, essentially day use only. It sucks, my parents purchased a home in south eastern Florida on the Gulf. This will be the 2nd hurricane season where we couldn't protect it. Hell, we haven't even been there before. I'm thinking it might be cheaper to tear down whatever is left and start over
In addition to your vaccination cards, you'll need to download the "ArriveCAN" app on your phone and have it registered before you reach the border crossing. I'll be making quick stops in Manitoba and Saskatchewan if the news holds true, but it'll still be a far cry from a normal Canada year. Take what we can get, especially in a drought year.
Wait! Someone drinks Labatt's? lol. As a Canadian I can not cross the border for a extended period of time, essentially day use only. It sucks, my parents purchased a home in south eastern Florida on the Gulf. This will be the 2nd hurricane season where we couldn't protect it. Hell, we haven't even been there before. I'm thinking it might be cheaper to tear down whatever is left and start over
Fly... nothing has stopped you from flying.

Meh, it's been available to Canadians for a heck of a long while...

Meanwhile shitfit because U.S. and Canada made a joint agreement to revisit the opening on a mutual basis...

Trudeau feels the heat for crapcanning American tour $ and claims his fame breaking from the mutual agreement 12 days early.
At the same time Canadians and naive USC's complain because US doesn't open land borders 12 days earlier than mutually planned while permitting air travel to Disneyland or to parent's house in florida since Covid blew snot rockets.
What a cluster...
I have seen a lot of last minute openings for hunts this fall in Canada. Many of them are top end hunts like moose, mountain caribou, even stone sheep. It doesn’t seem like the outfitters are to worried about filling them because the stone sheep hunt I saw was still north of $50k.
I have seen a lot of last minute openings for hunts this fall in Canada. Many of them are top end hunts like moose, mountain caribou, even stone sheep. It doesn’t seem like the outfitters are to worried about filling them because the stone sheep hunt I saw was still north of $50k.
most are completely booked out to 2024, and at approx 10% higher prices each year. The few openings for Aug and Sept of this year, filled fast after the border opening was announced. The Territories have agreed to open with the same rules and regulations. ( U.S./Canada border ) All bookings and re-bookings are approx 95 % from the U.S. You fellows have the bucks and are willing to spend it--thank you very much.

Yesterday two U.S. citizens tried to enter Canada with phony Vaccination documents. It didn't go well for them.
I know it's a unpopular opinion but I think the government should close it back down again. With the US having 130,000 new cases a day it doesn't seem right. If they don't want to take it seriously why should we suffer more
I know it's a unpopular opinion but I think the government should close it back down again. With the US having 130,000 new cases a day it doesn't seem right. If they don't want to take it seriously why should we suffer more
A lot of people in the Territories agree with you. Surprisingly The Yukon is going to open also with basically the same Canada/US border restrictions. However Nunavut and Northwest have elected not to open their borders.

If the Border patrol employees ( Canada ) goes on strike, as they have threatened to do, crossing the border will be a very time consuming proposition. However, I should add there is a tentative agreement in place. Hope it holds
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If the Border patrol employees ( Canada ) goes on strike, as they have threatened to do,
A tentative agreement was reached yesterday. So, as of now, crisis averted.

I know it's a unpopular opinion but I think the government should close it back down again. With the US having 130,000 new cases a day it doesn't seem right. If they don't want to take it seriously why should we suffer more

Hell, we've been letting Canadians in since the beginning, essential or not via flight. Three day or less negative covid result is a pretty fair action by the U.S..

This should be reciprocal... IMO. What's the worst? A Canadian gives a USC covid?

I'm personally for eliminating the Disneyland, Arizona fun flights from Canada and turn U.S. flights strictly essential as well.

Both countries should be on the same page... though Heaven forbid we refuse Canadians in Disneyland.

An American in a Canadian National Park? You'd think Hell burped up lava in Canadian news... meanwhile Canadians with their selfie stick phone cameras are counting the seconds for Old Faithful in Yellowstone to burst again.
I have to wonder why anyone would want to cross into Alberta right now. What a mess. ICUs are full and patients being airlifted to other provinces. They're saying over 600,000 still don't have ONE vax shot ... all by choice of course. On Wednesday Ontario initiated vax passport in nonessential indoor venues. The purpose is to force kids to get vaxed who want to do the bar scene. It's that unvaccinated age group that's causing the current wave of hospitalization. Apparently it's working. Big lineups Thursday at vaccination centres. Quebec is even tougher. Alberta's Conservative premier sent too many mixed messages. Ontario's Conservative premier has been very tough on COVID. And we have reaped the benefits.

If you want to drive to Canada, better come now. Unless things turn around soon, I expect someone will close the border.
Really glad the boarder opened and I was able to get my goat hunt in this year.
In all honesty the added layers to complete the crossing weren’t bad at all. The ArriveCAN app was simple and intuitive.
I haven't been in 14 years, but it was way better than that crossing years ago (thought they were going to strip search us at one point). The crew said it was the smoothest they've had in years. In and out, super simple.