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Blue Lives Matter

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I'll ask the question again to the broader forum since it keeps coming up: who are you going to protest when a criminal murders (whether it is a cop or not)?
Per Panda Bear's request I'll add a little more contex. Estimates are that Law Enforcement makes up about 0.2% of the population. Using the numbers above about 7.5 times as many whites and 5 times as many blacks were killed by police than police killed by gunfire. However there are about 65 times as many blacks than law enforcement officers.

The bigger issue is of the numbers above how many were justified AND of the justified shootings how many lives of any color were saved as a result?
Alright, it seems you're more interested in creating a distraction than responding to the topic, so I'll do the math, in context...

328M U.S. Citizens
207.9M White (63.4%)
43.9M Black (13.4%)

215 Whites shot/207.9M = 0.0001034%
111 Blacks shot/43.9M = 0.0002528%

Or roughly 2.5 times more often.

To put it plainly, if you are black, you are 2.5 times more likely to be killed by police than if you are white, according to your own statistics.

Yes, these are very small numbers, but it's that 2.5 times more likely that people are upset about.

Now, to prove my theory, all we need to do is run a few thousands normal citizens through the shoot simulator MNElkNut went through, present them with 63.4% white subjects and 13.4% black subjects, and see how the shoot numbers shake out. It would not surprise me one bit if that 2.5x figure held up through that exercise among the average U.S. citizens. This is what folks mean by "systemic racism."
"One of the guys I was with shot him. He would have went to jail cuz the guy was unarmed."

This is not necessarily true.

It' isn't true but if there was a color discrepancy aligning with the current so called trends he most likely would be fired, charged prior to the completion of an investigation, his family would be in danger, businesses in his community would be damaged or destroyed, there would be calls to defund his department and people who weren't there would be arguing about his actions on internet forums.
"One of the guys I was with shot him. He would have went to jail cuz the guy was unarmed."

It' isn't true but if there was a color discrepancy aligning with the current so called trends he most likely would be fired, charged prior to the completion of an investigation, his family would be in danger, businesses in his community would be damaged or destroyed, there would be calls to defund his department and people who weren't there would be arguing about his actions on internet forums.
I like math and statistics. Because we have math and statistics, we don't have to guess about these things, or create boogeymen to scare people with. We can instead engage our brains, analyze the problem, and then come up with solutions to those problems. Of course, we have to agree on what the problem is, how to solve it, and whether to solve it, but it isn't that hard to see the problem if a person really wants to.
I like math and statistics. Because we have math and statistics, we don't have to guess about these things, or create boogeymen to scare people with. We can instead engage our brains, analyze the problem, and then come up with solutions to those problems. Of course, we have to agree on what the problem is, how to solve it, and whether to solve it, but it isn't that hard to see the problem if a person really wants to.

Then just out of curiosity what are the statistics of law enforcement officers shot by race when compared to the overall population?
I like math and statistics. Because we have math and statistics, we don't have to guess about these things, or create boogeymen to scare people with. We can instead engage our brains, analyze the problem, and then come up with solutions to those problems. Of course, we have to agree on what the problem is, how to solve it, and whether to solve it, but it isn't that hard to see the problem if a person really wants to.
Correct. But you’ll be called a racist when you produce the statistics that show the real problem.
Then just out of curiosity what are the statistics of law enforcement officers shot by race when compared to the overall population?
I haven't seen those data and not sure where you'd find it tbh.

However, if officers are stopping blacks at a disproportionate rate (which has also been proven), then it would stand to reason that more encounters = more shootings. To look at this issue objectively, you really need to remove some of the variables, or put them on the same playing field. So shootings per encounter would be a better measure than shootings by race, and even that would be biased by the figure we derive from the experiment I mentioned above.
I can't refind it but I read an article about a month ago that broke down the officer related shootings from the last five years just like what was posted before. It broke down black on black, black on white, white on black and white on white numbers of all recorded officer shootings. Two things stood out: black on black and white on white shootings was an extremely low percentage. The percentage of black on black compared to black on white was larger by almost the exact same margin as white on black compared to white on white. I was eye opening to me that this is a two way street...
Not sure what you mean by "the real problem."
Half of the murders in America are committed by Black citizens. The majority of Black citizens that murder are young men.
Police are having trouble with interactions with young Black men.
Asian Americans commit murder at a much lower rate. I’m sure it happens, but I’ve never heard of law enforcement having bad interactions with Asian Americans.
Where you going with this thought experiment, rwdweeb?

Protesting "your community" because of murder doesn't make sense. A protest has to seek some sort of change from those able to make the change. If you are protesting, for example police violence, you show up to a station or a legislature and make it known that behavior acceptable in the past is now unacceptable. Murder is already a seriously violation of societal norms and is already harshly punished. The only people given leniency when it comes to killing another human are police. Protesting an entire community because a criminal murdered doesn't make any sense.
Half of the murders in America are committed by Black citizens. The majority of Black citizens that murder are young men.
Police are having trouble with interactions with young Black men.
Asian Americans commit murder at a much lower rate. I’m sure it happens, but I’ve never heard of law enforcement having bad interactions with Asian Americans.

This is true and definitely the leading factor in the entire issue. However it leads to the larger question of why young black men are more involved in crime/shootings in the first place. Unless you believe black Americans are more prone to criminal activities due to their race it leads you down the road of poverty and systemic racism. Aka people of lower socioeconomic status are much more likely to use crime to support themselves.
This is true and definitely the leading factor in the entire issue. However it leads to the larger question of why young black men are more involved in crime/shootings in the first place. Unless you believe black Americans are more prone to criminal activities due to their race it leads you down the road of poverty and systemic racism. Aka people of lower socioeconomic status are much more likely to use crime to support themselves.
Correct. Why does a young man embrace a life of crime from a young age? Multiple contributing factors, but the biggest factor would be just not seeing another way to move forward. As a society, we have to do a better jobs of providing pathways to success.
[QUOTE="rwc101, post: 3058093, member: 40156"The only people given leniency when it comes to killing another human are police.
How so?
This is true and definitely the leading factor in the entire issue. However it leads to the larger question of why young black men are more involved in crime/shootings in the first place. Unless you believe black Americans are more prone to criminal activities due to their race it leads you down the road of poverty and systemic racism. Aka people of lower socioeconomic status are much more likely to use crime to support themselves.

Yes and this is a conversation that most Americans are willing to have and I think try and make solutions for the betterment of society. But politicians and the media push divisive agendas. More money in it.
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