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Bill barring permits in MO Breaks and other districts pops up

i read the bill hopefully correctly, it states that if deer,elk, antelope, moose are over objective “ they may not set limits” and mentions a 12hr. Notice of close of season, which I assume means hunters would have to call in with harvest? I could be wrong😳
The 12 hour closure has always been in place for areas like Deckard Flats.
This is awesome.
I've got my 2021 season all planned out already. Spend archery season in the Elkhorns looking for 350"+ bull. If I don't find what I'm looking for, I'll take the first week of rifle and try to get er' done in 410. If I still can't make it happen I'll take 2-weeks in mid-December and hit the Gardiner area with my muzzle loader.
This season is going to be epic.
They're getting what they asked for...
As an Independent voter, I feel compelled to pontificate. When most Montanans go to the polls and vote straight party line, without a clue what the ramifications of the prevalent ideology are, then why would they be surprised at the adverse consequences?!!!

"Less government; more jobs", what a bad joke! This ninety day reality is "More wacky legislation; less wildlife"!
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This is awesome.
I've got my 2021 season all planned out already. Spend archery season in the Elkhorns looking for 350"+ bull. If I don't find what I'm looking for, I'll take the first week of rifle and try to get er' done in 410. If I still can't make it happen I'll take 2-weeks in mid-December and hit the Gardiner area with my muzzle loader.
This season is going to be epic.
Have you considered relocating to Wyoming?
This is awesome.
I've got my 2021 season all planned out already. Spend archery season in the Elkhorns looking for 350"+ bull. If I don't find what I'm looking for, I'll take the first week of rifle and try to get er' done in 410. If I still can't make it happen I'll take 2-weeks in mid-December and hit the Gardiner area with my muzzle loader.
This season is going to be epic.
Looking for a Elk Hunting Partner in Mt 2021, I don't have much experience, I'm fat, and slow, just looking for someone to help me find a 6pt bull and you seem to have a good plan. Can we be friends? I cook well...

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