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Bill barring permits in MO Breaks and other districts pops up

RMEF routinely engages in lobbying efforts around specific bills or programs across the US. Advocating for good policy isn't a republican versus democrat issue, it's an issue of standing up for conservation & your membership.

Good for Kassmier to pull the bill. If you have the time, send him a thank you.

Brace for the Galt bill, as that's going to be their pivot plan. With the power of the Speakership behind it, it's going to be tough to kill.
Ben can you enlighten some of us what the "Galt Bill" is, I am unaware or don't know it by that name? Thanks
Good for Kassmier to pull the bill. If you have the time, send him a thank you.
I get what you do Ben, but thanking the dude for pulling dumb ass bill that made less than zero sense and whole lot of people had to put time and effort in to kill just doesn't sit well with me. Kinda like thanking a guy for punching you in the gut.

Maybe I just need more coffee.
I get what you do Ben, but thanking the dude for pulling dumb ass bill that made less than zero sense and whole lot of people had to put time and effort in to kill just doesn't sit well with me.

Maybe I just need more coffee.

Politicians are like dogs. You reward them for the doing the right thing, and correct them for doing the wrong thing.

Montana Wildlife Federation

Hunters spoke up, and it mattered.
HB 417 would have barred Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks from using special permits for bulls and bucks in hunting districts that are over the objective population. This would have been a disaster for wildlife management, leading to a slaughter of bull elk in the Missouri River Breaks for the rifle season, among others. Bill sponsor Rep. Josh Kassmier, R-Ft. Benton, has withdrawn the bill, showing that the hunters who spoke up mattered. Let’s keep it up and kill these bad bills for wildlife, habitat and access.
Addicting not about political side. Dont care if u are dem or reb. Its about doing whats best for montana. I was just curious on there stance. But totally understand there silence.
Amidst the current assault there is a good bill, SB 256, headed to the Senate Judiciary Committee tomorrow that needs our support. It would make it a crime to block public access to public lands by erecting gates and such. Take a look and send some letters of support. It is the rare bill that needs our help not opposition.
Ha! He spoke at the SB143 hearing. He told a heart wrenching story about how he bought the Broken Hart Ranch 3 years ago, then had to tell Momma he only got 3 elk clients for the 2020 season. He blamed it on the Texas style leasing of ranches around him, whose leaseholders "knew how to get their clients tags". I guess these random hunting clubs can figure out Montana's draw system but the outfitters can't.

I really don't understand who in the hell is going to bother paying for an overpriced Montana elk tag to shoot a raghorn. I know Montana is an opportunity state but my god...
Exactly, it’s not difficult to cultivate clients based on current draw odds and communication. As in most businesses,, it’s more than if you build it they will come. There is leg work to do.
You must have missed the point of my comment.

You’re wrong and don’t know what you’re talking about.
Your type strokes would mean more to the whole thread if you would explain your reasoning to those that do not understand the issue.
I am just saying for all of the great access and promotion work RMEF does, we as a hunting whole cannot lean heavily on them or like groups for legislation assistance.
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