
Bighorns Poached


New member
Jan 22, 2003
:mad::mad::mad::mad:Bighorn sheep found with head cut off 5, 2010 06:30 AM
Associated Press
APACHE JUNCTION - Wildlife officials and preservationists are offering a reward of up to $10,000 for information leading those responsible for illegally killing two bighorn sheep in a rugged area northeast of Apache Junction.
The two animals were killed last month on the southern shore of Canyon Lake. The hunter or hunters were believed to have gotten to the area by boat.
The head and horns from one sheep were taken away, while the rest of the body was left at the scene. The second sheep was located 100 yards away and didn't have any of its body parts removed.
Given that the carcasses were found close together, officials believe the animals were killed by the same hunter or hunters
The person who shot it was a kid 22 i think, there were fshing saw the bighorn in the morning when they awoke and shot one. the bullet went through and killed 2.
I grabbed a link off my fishing board to another state hunting board

One of my co-workers was asking me alot of questions about sheep and the wildlife laws today. (I'm the only one who hunts in my dept.)
After he beat around the bush, I told him he was pi$$ing me off and to spit it out. Well (according to my co-worker) his soon to be (or not to be) son-in-law was turned in by one of his friends. Turns out, they were fishing at the lake and he woke up to see alot of sheep, so he takes a shot at one... I guess the bullet was a pass-through into the 2nd sheep...He did not know about the 2nd. He cut the head off the ram and showed it around a few places before burring it in his back yard. According to my co-worker, there were 6 Game&Fish trucks, 1 DPS, and a hand full of Mesa PD at the kid's (21 or 22year old) house. I told my co-worker that I hope he does some time and gets slapped with the max. He (co-worker) said the Game&fish just wrote him alot of tickets. I told him that its not over yet...

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