Yeti GOBOX Collection

Big WY quandary


Well-known member
Aug 2, 2017
Twin Cities
So, our goal was to pull second chance buck tags in unit 42. So, of course we applied for matching doe tags in 42. But as luck would have it we failed to draw second chance 42 and instead pulled buck tags third chance in unit 26. But then of course, we got the doe tags in 42. We likely will not do all the driving and try to hunt both sets of tags so will pick one. If we tag out really quickly we may then try the other, but not likely. We are going second week of the season and there are 4 of us on a party tag - so 4 tags per unit. Another consideration is that we are canvas wall tenting for the first time this season. We have never been to either unit and probably will not have time to do a scouting trip to help with final choice.

The big question for HT is where should we hunt (and camp), unit 26 for bucks or unit 42 for does?

In favor of 26 - we paid "special" for buck tags and it is my son's first antelope hunt so bucks would be nice. And it is 2 hours closer to home (MN). On the downside, looks like limited BLM areas good for wall tenting and little public land that is not right off the highway (we like to get off main roads for our trips when possible).

In favor of 42 - (at least from onx & google) 42 looks to have better options for hunting and camping away from a highway, and the poker player in me reminds me that funds already expended are a lousy way to make your next bet, so the fact that we paid for "special" buck tags is irrelevant. As for doe vs buck, we primarily hunt for camaraderie, and secondarily for meat and never for trophy status - so should doe vs buck really factor in for us?

If I knew for sure the 42 had better hunting grounds, better camping options, and less hunter pressure in second week of season it would push us strongly towards 42, but since I haven't seen either unit it seems like a bit of a crap shoot.

So, what say you?
There is public land to hunt in 26, I would try to fill a buck tag. You could also look to pay a trespass fee and access private land.
Initiate your trip in 42. Better quality camping and some quality low stress family time going after the does. It should be more likely to fill you tags and coolers starting in 42. Once you fill up in 42, start you return trip home and proceed to 26. Depending on the amount of time you have left you can work at trying the less successful hunt plan in 26. Just let the last part of the trip be a bonus if you can find a spot to hunt and can kill bucks.
I was in 42 last year. You couldn’t throw a rock without hitting a doe N of Wheatland 3. It won’t be much of a challenge. You could be done in an hour. I would focus on your buck tags and make a day trip out of 42.
Your areas are not far apart, take huronmtns' advice. Give yourself a day or so to fill most of those doe tags then move up north for the buck tags. You can easily stay a night or so in Laramie if needed to fill those doe tags, avoid setting the tent for a day hunt or find a spot on The BLM in 42 and set camp.
Conditions should be better in 42 this year and antelope numbers are fine.
Heck you may find your doe from the highway driving up towards 26 and never have to get back into the area, check into the HMA when info is out.
You can easily stay a night or so in Laramie if needed to fill those doe tags, avoid setting the tent for a day hunt or find a spot on The BLM in 42 and set camp.

I was thinking the same thing... Wouldn't take the time to setup the camp in 42 for what should be a 1 or 2 day hunt at most... Just grab a hotel for 1 night if needed then head to 26 planning to spend the bulk of your time there....
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I'd have a hard time not using the expensive buck tags. So I'd do what has already been suggested- hunt both areas. Maybe don't even bring the wall tent. You'll be more flexible without it. I would plan on spending half your time in one unit and half in the other. I would probably hunt 26 first, as those are your $600 tags, versus the $50 you paid for your tags in 42.
If you have to go the private land route in 26, could you not ask the landowner to allow you to camp out of the way somewhere?
I would definitely try and do both it should only take a day to fill your doe tags. If I could only choose one hunt I would pick 42. After paying the special it would be a hard pill to swallow but if meat is more important to you then horns then IMO you have a better chance of filling 4 doe tags in 42 then 4 buck tags in 26.

With the units being so close just setup in 26 and take a day or two to drive over and fill the doe tags.
If you have to go the private land route in 26, could you not ask the landowner to allow you to camp out of the way somewhere?

We yet to have a private land contact. Tried hard last year in 9 to no luck - either “no, we are booked” or “no, we leased to outfitters” or just “hell no”. We will poke around private trespass options in both units but am not interested in an outfitter and no overly optimistic without having some time of connection.
I would do doe tags first, easier of the two hunts. I would just camp at Glendo reservoir, hunt for buck in second half of hunt.
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I'd have a hard time not using the expensive buck tags. So I'd do what has already been suggested- hunt both areas. Maybe don't even bring the wall tent. You'll be more flexible without it. I would plan on spending half your time in one unit and half in the other. I would probably hunt 26 first, as those are your $600 tags, versus the $50 you paid for your tags in 42.

$600+ is a lot to just blow off IMO. Try for that one first.
Depending on how things are looking in 26 you might also consider filling your Type 1 tag with any antelope.

I’ve not been, but the maps indicate that the BLM north of the Converse 1 WIHA might have a decent spot or two to camp off the main road.

And because I’ve got 3,000 people in front of me on the Packers season ticket waiting list and couldn’t help myself . . . you’re a Vikings guy, clearly trophies aren’t important. :ROFLMAO:

Seriously though, good luck in your decision, hope you guys have a good time.
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Lots of places to camp just east of area 26 in the grasslands. I don't think trying to hunt both tags from a camp in between would be very fun, especially if you fill the doe tags the first day and end up wanting to move camp farther north anyway.
I would hunt the buck tags first as sounds like the next day could add the does and then meat is fresher as end filling all tags. If instead fill the doe tags first then could be several days keeping that doe meat cold before the buck hunt wraps up.
I've hunted #26 the last 7 years. We made contact with a ranch to hunt. I've met lots of people in #26 without private (limited public) and it's a chore. I'm not saying that it cannot be done. If I were you I would hunt #42 first and then head to #26 for the bucks. Enjoy the family experience. Once done in #26 head north and hit interstate 90 and head back east to home.

You probably know that unit #26 opens a week before most other units, correct. Not sure when #42 opens.

good luck to all
the dog
I've hunted #26 the last 7 years. We made contact with a ranch to hunt. I've met lots of people in #26 without private (limited public) and it's a chore. I'm not saying that it cannot be done. If I were you I would hunt #42 first and then head to #26 for the bucks. Enjoy the family experience. Once done in #26 head north and hit interstate 90 and head back east to home.

You probably know that unit #26 opens a week before most other units, correct. Not sure when #42 opens.

good luck to all
the dog

26 and 42 open within a day of each other, so no conflict there.
It depends on what you think will be the best experience for your time. Personally, I enjoy many things besides horns, so that is just one factor among many in my decision, and it doesn't necessarily have more weight than the other factors. I have been on many hunts where I've chosen solitude, scenery, or filling the freezer, and left headgear on the table.

As an aside, it's not overly impractical to devote the first day to the doe hunt, then move out and chase bucks the rest of the time, as others have pointed out.