Biden Announces Lead Ammo/Lure Ban Across Eight National Wildlife Refuges by 2026

Did you know because of the clean air act you can’t even buy a puncture top can of r-134a anymore?
Bunch of schrader valve bs.
And because of that, you’ve gotta buy another $20 hose just to use it.
I swear.
We haven’t been in this bad of shape since stonemans cavalry tore up the tracks.

Not the Clean Air act, but an example of Uncle Sam spending a drunken sailor. A friend from work, who was serving in Viet Nam, they had a plentiful supply of beer available to them, but no ice. So what's a GI to do? They had many canisters of freon. They put them to work chilling beer, by spraying the freon on the beer cans.
Copper often has better terminal performance.

As hunters, who care about making clean, ethical kills, maximizing weight retention, and getting the most bang for our buck AND the most buck for our bang, copper is kinda a no-brainer at this point.

But gosh darn it, if it makes birds, hippies, and Joe Biden happy, that means it can't be good for hunters too, huh? Makes me think we should get rid of wildlife refuges and wilderness areas altogether. That'll show 'em!
Just like the choice I have now between the two, I cannot stand the government telling me what my options are. SO far its only back east.

I use both copper and lead. Depends on gun and purpose. MY CHOICE
Just like the choice I have now between the two, I cannot stand the government telling me what my options are. SO far its only back east.

I use both copper and lead. Depends on gun and purpose. MY CHOICE
Ah yes. How dare the federal government make rules to protect federal property and wildlife funded by federal tax dollars. What next, a whole department to keep me from getting to shoot bison in Yellowstone National Park??
So what happens when a young republican from Illinois doesn’t read the owners manual and blows out the barrel of his Benelli using steel shot with a full choke?
Does this rule apply to mossbergs?
It will be a sad day in the Brockel house when I have to switch everything to copper and I know that day is eventually coming. Just haven’t found a copper bullet that behaves like I want is all
I’m holding my breath for that .387 BC 195 .284 bullet to come out in copper
Can't believe hunters still fall for a repeat the lie of lead ammo being detrimental to wildlife. It's like there's a mental disconnect where you're not smart enough to understand the data so you internally appeal to authority to beat yourself in an argument. Nuts, but common.
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