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Biden admin attacking hunting in elementary schools

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Kansas trap shooting has taken off in the last decade, with thousands of shooters learning how to competition shoot. Kansas State High School Activities Association has not yet added shooting sports (trap, with skeet and sporting clay options) to its roster of "sports", but I understand that there are many high school club teams that are wanting KSHAA to recognize them as the latest sport. Some schools with clubs are granting varsity letters to participants.

Perhaps the Dept of Education will try to stop these activities as well?
Believe it or not even California had a trap shooting league with high schoolers and a state championship was awarded every year. This spelled the end of that, its gone.
Believe it or not even California had a trap shooting league with high schoolers and a state championship was awarded every year. This spelled the end of that, its gone.
Is that a fact or your projection? grade school-high school trap teams are everywhere now. I don't see any of them worried about going away. Quite the opposite.
I do recall archery in PE class, they allowed us to bring our compounds in. It was pretty handy as we had a public archery range just across the street from the high school. The archery targets the school had would have been woefully inadequate for arrows with anything other than a suction cup on the end. I think it would have been a legit safety issue to have us slinging arrows at those P.O.S. targets.

As to hunters safety, it was never taught in school that I was aware of. The class I took was at the University of Montana in the old men's gym, in 1979.

I guess I'm behind the times, because I never have been aware of hunters safety being taught in a public school setting. It probably is a great idea to do so and I'm all in favor of it.

As per usual, Jon Tester seems to be doing the right thing, and of course will get ZERO credit for it. I wonder if Maryland Matt, Zinke, and Daines will do anything?
I can’t speak to anywhere else, but I went to a small class C school in Montana and took hunter safety in school in either 2001 or 2002. We may have been a one off but not positive.

As for Tester, I hope he has some pull but I’m skeptical. He’s probably on the way out and I worry that the Democratic Party knows it and won’t listen to him.
I do recall archery in PE class, they allowed us to bring our compounds in. It was pretty handy as we had a public archery range just across the street from the high school. The archery targets the school had would have been woefully inadequate for arrows with anything other than a suction cup on the end. I think it would have been a legit safety issue to have us slinging arrows at those P.O.S. targets.

As to hunters safety, it was never taught in school that I was aware of. The class I took was at the University of Montana in the old men's gym, in 1979.

I guess I'm behind the times, because I never have been aware of hunters safety being taught in a public school setting. It probably is a great idea to do so and I'm all in favor of it.

As per usual, Jon Tester seems to be doing the right thing, and of course will get ZERO credit for it. I wonder if Maryland Matt, Zinke, and Daines will do anything?

Were you one of the first classes at Big Sky?
I'm not clear why they would allow hunting in elementary schools. It seems kinda dangerous, what with all the kids around. Maybe if it they restricted the hunting hours to either recess time or, more preferably, after hours. See, with the kids gone, you could even set up traps, and hang out in the cafeteria all night, but not sure how enjoyable drinking apple juice from sippy cups could satiate ones thirst for blood. That is unless you brought a gallon of Night Train with ya! Oh, and some pizza cuz hey, it's gonna be a long night.

On the other hand, I'm not sure hunting in elementary schools is such a good idea. If some of the kids actually witnessed the hunting, they may be inclined to hunt as well, and we ALL know what happens to people who turn to hunting. It becomes a slippery slope, with the next step most likely being "the pot." You know, wacky tobacky. It's just a short jump to tactical thermonuclear weapons from there. I've seen it a million times. I often reflect on my cousin Timmy, taken from us so young. He actually died due to infection from a paper cut. There's very little medicine in east San Diego county. I remember his mom telling the story of him reading that damn hunting magazine, and proclaiming "OUCH!" Another loved one cut down before his prime from hunting.

Wait, I just reread the title. I may have misinterpreted the focus of this thread. Sorry for the rant then. Nevermind.

Let's Go Brandon!
Hey did you hear Biden is out? Get your comment in before the libs on this site start posting micro brew pics.

A more current article from the same news source that had to pay out $750 million because they have trouble getting stories straight shows that your link is dated.
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