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Biden Administration to negotiate with animal rights activists over public land hunting

Here is a communication I recently received FYI. Beyond this, the details seem really vague and lots of speculation floating around.

“Earlier this week the center for biological diversity sent a settlement agreement to the Biden administration for review. The federal government is legally bound to perform its due diligence in reviewing any suggested settlement agreements. Reviewing a settlement agreement is NOT a closed-door negotiation. Upon learning of the Sportsman Alliance story, BHA leader Land Tawney called Martha Williams as she was just in our offices a few weeks ago, to ask about the alleged closed-door negotiations. She informed us the Federal government is legally bound to listen to and consider any settlement options, but she will not back down from her support of hunting and fishing on these refuges.”

Oregon has historically cut trees right up to the river on state lands which flies in the face of federal recovery standards. Conservationists have been pleading the state to help for decades, sometimes you have to litigate.
OK, agreed, not all lawsuits are bad, but they've been party to plenty that are total shams (ie wolves). And their hyperbole in some of their statements is beyond the pale.
It's democratic government's job to let everyone be heard. I certainly do NOT agree with how the trucker gang chose to express themselves up here over COVID restrictions. And the Canadian governments' (plural possessive) responses were pathetic.

I think the Biden administration is doing the right thing not dismissing these clowns out of hand. Some of them have demonstrated they are capable of violence. Hear them out, politely dismiss their points with science, then move against them with the force of legitimacy and due process if they decide to use civil disobedience.
I think this is why shows like Fresh Tracks Weekly are so important. No, it’s not a fun exhilarating video about chasing a critter. However, it is necessary. The article has little information about what the details are. I want to know. What are the facts? I will be contacting my reps.