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BHA and the green decoys

There is so much misdirection from both sides, who really knows? All I know is that BHA has some very liberal leaning folks within its organization, as does TU, at least here in Mt.. Is it a smear campaign? I don't really know, but where there is smoke...there is probably a pot head with a conspiracy theory

Finished it for you.
Is it possible that a hunter could be Green? Or that a Green could be a hunter? Or is that just beyond the pale in a society that thrives on divisiveness, two-valued orientations and false dichotomies?

I'm green. I also hunt. I also work in the oil and gas industry.
Any thoughts on the Montana Wildlife federation?
I've nearly joined several times but have been made hesitant by a particular individual who comes off very abrasive that is affiliated with them.
I imagine Fin knows who I am talking about. I think he had a bunch of negative things
to say about the YouTube channel a while back.
Any thoughts on the Montana Wildlife federation?
I've nearly joined several times but have been made hesitant by a particular individual who comes off very abrasive that is affiliated with them.
I imagine Fin knows who I am talking about. I think he had a bunch of negative things
to say about the YouTube channel a while back.

Such individual is not longer there from what I see, and plan to join shortly.
Every wildlife group needs an abrasive person in the fold, why the issue?

Applying some friction at the right time and right place can be useful.

Glad to see you joining MWF. I am biased as a past employee and recent contractor (I did their lobbying for them this session) but think they do outstanding work at the federal and state level on a myriad of issues from tentatives to land transfer.
Every wildlife group needs an abrasive person in the fold, why the issue?

Applying some friction at the right time and right place can be useful.

Agreed, there are people who I work with on a professional level that are assholes and/or abrasive, but they can be very effective they are used in an appropriate manner.

We don't have to like everyone on the team in order to play well with them
I agree as well, but I am not sure that statement really applies to this. I'm all for being blunt and to the point.

I just wasn't going to give my money to a group that had appeared to be opposed to trapping, opposed to following the ESA process on bear de-listing, and was against predator hunting. (not to mention the BS he posted all over Newberg's facebook page)
I support Stalling's right to have whatever views he wants, I just wasn't going to help promote them.
It appears neither was MWF, as he cites them as the reason he was terminated.

Thanks Ben, I'll be signing up shortly.
I'll team up with peta to protect public lands. Doesn't mean that I won't fight them equally hard to protect hunting on those lands. Public lands are an issue both sides support and it seems to me that "green decoys" is only trying to divide the public lands issue so it's easier to conquer. I guess you could say I'm like an onion, many layers kinda stinky
Newbergs #KeepitPublic podcast made some great points along this line, you don't have to agree with everything to agree some some things. I concur LGo, I would team with the enemy on public lands if that ensured there existence in perpetuity.
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