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BHA and the green decoys

Is it possible that a hunter could be Green? Or that a Green could be a hunter? Or is that just beyond the pale in a society that thrives on divisiveness, two-valued orientations and false dichotomies?
Hello, my name is Gerald Martin and I am a Green Decoy.....


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Hello, my name is Gerald Martin and I am a Green Decoy.....

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I suppose I would fall into the category of "Green Radicals" listed on the "Green Decoy" website that is funneling money into the organizations. I love clean air, water, open spaces, and try to eat organic meat as much as possible. Heck, I even recycle my ammunition! Reduce, reuse, recycle--shoot arrows.
There is so much misdirection from both sides, who really knows? All I know is that BHA has some very liberal leaning folks within its organization, as does TU, at least here in Mt.. Is it a smear campaign? I don't really know, but where there is smoke.........
There is so much misdirection from both sides, who really knows? All I know is that BHA has some very liberal leaning folks within its organization, as does TU, at least here in Mt.. Is it a smear campaign? I don't really know, but where there is smoke.........

If you read the following quote from the GD site you don't even have to read between the lines: These liars are actually Republican Decoys. They don't care about environmentalists so much as they are pissed that the votes of otherwise conservative men with guns are getting taken away from the Republican Party:

“In 2012, this pop-up PAC spent $1.1 million against Republican U.S. Senate candidate Denny Rehberg, who was challenging Democratic U.S. Sen. Jon Tester. The liberal MHA also spent $500,000 in support of the libertarian candidate as a strategy of drawing votes away from the Republican.”

Boo hoo. Just more partisan political wedge-driving BS. These folks can't fathom the notion that people might actually stand for what they stand on, regardless of party. If BHA has some very conservative leaning folks within its organization, where does that leave you? I'll tell you where it leaves you: With an organization focused on it's stated mission, irrespective of party BS.
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There is so much misdirection from both sides, who really knows? All I know is that BHA has some very liberal leaning folks within its organization, as does TU, at least here in Mt.. Is it a smear campaign? I don't really know, but where there is smoke.........

Show us the smoke. Where are the anti-hunting and fishing issues that BHA has promoted/supported? The body of work speaks for itself.
There is so much misdirection from both sides, who really knows? All I know is that BHA has some very liberal leaning folks within its organization, as does TU, at least here in Mt.. Is it a smear campaign? I don't really know, but where there is smoke.........

Yeah, liberal as in I don't give two sh!ts who someone marries, or liberal as in not all hispanics are bad people and might actually deserve being citizens more than a good portion of the current citizens, or liberal as in I'm sick and tired of giving my tax dollars to lockheed martin. But tell me how any of those liberal ideas had a d@mn thing to do with hunting and fishing?
A good litmus test for any organization is their transparency. If you look at legitimate organizations website there is an About section where you can see the backers, board members, mission statement, and sometimes financial information. If you look at Green Decoy and the Environmental Policy Alliance websites there is absolutely no "About" section, and no links for how to donate or get involved. I'm guessing their funding is pretty stable. BHA on the other hand tells you who they are, what they are about, and how to get involved.

Be leery of quotes without sources and anything that reads like a tabloid.
Ty Stubblefield here, I'm new to the forum scene so feel free to keep me in line!

I appreciate the confidence in being on the level, I like to think I'm as about as balanced as it gets?!?!?! Not too far right not too far left and I believe there has to be a balance when it comes to the utilization of our public lands and waters.

In fact the Green Decoy website and all its media is one large smear campaign and there is speculation that the reason its always at the top is its being paid for. They are trying to drive a wedge using political parties and funding sources to discredit organizations that pose a threat to their funder's agenda which happens to be the privatization of our public lands. Green Decoy funders happen to be energy developers and resource extraction companies. ie; gas and oil companies etc.

BHA is in fact made up of some of the most bad ass backcountry hunters and anglers in the field today. Our goals, keep public lands public, maintain access to our clean clear public waters and above all protect what little untouched backcountry lands and waters we have today for ourselves and future generations. Though I'm more dialed in on the folks that make up BHA and less dialed on our funders I would say that our funders are NOT anti-hunters. If that were the case we wouldn't get funded by them even if we wanted to. Think about it, would an anti-hunting foundation fund a group the put at the top of the page - Backcountry Hunters & Anglers? Not gonna happen!!! I think the misconception is that some of these funders aren't PRO hunting and are geared towards land, water and habitat protection so therefore they must be anti-hunting. We as hunters and anglers should WANT to protect our resources in a balanced and sustainable manor as not to lay them to waste. If we don't step up and fight - those with dollars in their pockets and eyes on our public lands will surely win!!
There is so much misdirection from both sides, who really knows? All I know is that BHA has some very liberal leaning folks within its organization, as does TU, at least here in Mt.. Is it a smear campaign? I don't really know, but where there is smoke.........

I'm a liberal leaning, gun owning, hunting, veteran. And BHA member. Please tell me how my liberal leanings cause "smoke".
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Ty is a great guy. I go to plenty of BHA functions and they are filled with folks like Ty. .

Thanks Randy, I appreciate that :) I think you are a pretty awesome dude yourself!!!! And for what it's worth I truly appreciate your public lands videos, I wish more folks in the industry would follow your lead!!!
All this Green Decoy bull crap comes from 1 guy and 1 website. He was apparently correct in thinking that if he put these lies out there, there would be enough low information parrots to pick it up and spread it around, without using the minimal brain power involved to investigate on their own.
I just read the deal on Berman at, especially the part about his Playbook and his quotes. Interesting to see what you are up against.

" . . .a gifted translator of biz-think into the common sense of the millions". Salon.

Wonderful quote. That's why so many people vote against their own interests.
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There is so much misdirection from both sides, who really knows? All I know is that BHA has some very liberal leaning folks within its organization, as does TU, at least here in Mt.. Is it a smear campaign? I don't really know, but where there is smoke.........

I belong to 4 hunting/conservation organizations, that's all, and of those 4 the only one I have zero disagreements with is the MT. BHA. They are at the top of the list in my opinion, the best..
Ha! This has been debunked quite a while back. I was a proud BHA member and need to renew my membership. If being a hunter who is conservation-minded and wants to ensure public land access for future generations makes you a green decoy, then I'm a green decoy.

Steven Rinella does a good job exposing the smear campaign here:

On a more relevant and interesting note, BHA's top dude Land Tawney just drew a Rock Creek ram tag!
Ha! This has been debunked quite a while back. I was a proud BHA member and need to renew my membership. If being a hunter who is conservation-minded and wants to ensure public land access for future generations makes you a green decoy, then I'm a green decoy.

Steven Rinella does a good job exposing the smear campaign here:

On a more relevant and interesting note, BHA's top dude Land Tawney just drew a Rock Creek ram tag!

Thank God for guys like Land Tawney, Steven Rinella, Randy Newberg, and all the others like them who are so dedicated to conservation and hunting and fishing on public lands. Too bad there seem to be so many other a-- holes, who would squander our public land and conservation legacy with absolutely no regard for future generations.
Agreed. It is nice to have guys who have the spirit of Aldo Leopold, an eye towards the future, AND the decency to respect the quarry that they pursue.

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