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Better pic of my archery buck....


New member
Nov 24, 2003
Which pic do you think looks better? The first one or the second one? These are the pics my brother took at his house when I first got into town. The buck has a huge body on him and is basically how he was still bedded when I was 15 yds from him. I tried not to look at the horns due to maybe a miss. But anyways.
Which pic looks better to all of you? Please all opinions.

Nice buck, I would have to say he looks bigger in the first picture.
The second picture appears to be in better focus and you can see the details of the antlers better, but the first gives a better size perspective IMHO.

Again, that is one DANDY buck Sider!
I like the 1st one better, you are to close to the camara in the 2nd one :D . That is one awesome buck and the first definately makes it look bigger .
I think the first picture looks better. Heck of a buck man. I tell you what Montana is growing some nice deer. ;)

wink wink at IB.
First pic was on my brothers disposable camera and it was taken as soon as I got back into town.
Second pic was off my friend digital camera and he burned me a cd right away. Second pic has his head laying down and makes the horns look smaller more shorter.
Thanks for your input. I am not trying to look for bigger. I am trying to make it look as it really does. This buck does not need to inhance his size.
Is this the same buck that is in your signature. I agree the second is clearer, the first looks bigger, both great pics though.
Sako.... No offence but look at the Right forks... Not even close .. :confused:

Sider, You know I love ya but to be honest I don't like either one of them. I'd rather see a field photo.

I like the clarity of the 2nd picture but the deers head is cut off on the bottom. The 1st picture would be better if you guys were looking at the camera.

Besides all that, It's still most gus Buck of a lifetime and Dreams !!!!!! Congrats again CookieMonster ;)
Sako I here is a picture of the one in my signature. This one is from 2 yrs ago.
Moosie I agree with you about the field photos being better. but if you dont have a camera then what? I had 2 different cameras going off at once. My other brother was taking pics on his digital. His all came out blurred.
LOL.. I can't say much,. Last weekend I shot a little buck and Had no camera.. Luckily Idaho Bugler had one. But the week before, Wylee didn't and I did. Thats whats good about hunting buddies ;)
I like the second pic Jerry. Kinda like what Moosie says though, ones better focus but poorly composed, the other is not real clear but has a better composure.....

Super nice buck, if you need a hunting partner just holler!
Originally posted by Moosie:
Sako.... No offence but look at the Right forks... Not even close .. :confused:
None taken Moosie. I have a rather small computer screen here at work and his picture on it, about all you can tell is that its a big buck, ok take that back, MONSTER buck!
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