PEAX Equipment

Best hunting sidearm?

I am frequently in big bear, as well as wolf and mountain lion country. I have had lions steal my meat I had hanging, shredding a game bag, and just a couple years ago, I had a lion following me as I was carrying out quarters of a cow elk from a very steep, very brushy draw.



I was carrying my G17 loaded with 148 grain hard casts at 1100 FPS.

Its a load I produce to. I sell some over on the 24 hour Campfire when I do runs of it.

Long story short, I felt it was just right for the job of protecting my hide from the lion who was obviously on my tail, while I was packing out elk quarters.

"Best" sidearm is subjective.

I feel comfortable with a 9mm when I think the largest and primary threat is wolves and lions. A couple weeks ago I took the kids to the cabin and again lions are the main danger.


When I am hiking with my lady south of Livingston or over not far from Gates of the Mountains, I normally run a heavy 250+P .45 ACP at 920 FPS that is the semi auto equivalent of a .45 Colt. It is a super deep penetrating load that is good for defeating bones and such. Since the area is well known for large bears, the heavier payload is appropriate.

I used to almost exclusively carry a .44 magnum but the fact is that I can put multiple rounds per second, repeatedly on target, accurately, and in the time it took to get two accurate shots of heavy .44, I could get 3x as many from a 1911 or Glock .45 ACP. Using a heavy, deep penetrating bullet, it simply made sense to switch, after developing a load that found the balance point of heavy bullet and power/velocity.

The 250 flat point, at 920 FPS from a 5" 1911 was that balance point.




In a Glock 21, or HK USP the polymer frame allows me to have a lighter weight gun, but still have a heavy, effective projectile, and larger magazine capacity.

With the large bears, I am not at all concerned about the weight of a sidearm within reason. If you see one, within reasonably close proximity, it does not matter if you have a Glock 9mm, 10mm, or S&W .44 mag. They will all feel very puny in your hands.

For me the I simply pick the sidearm appropriate for the area and most likely major threat. Normally that ends up doing double duty as a CCW type weapon if I end up running into town for something or am near other people.

Choosing a good holster and belt often can make whatever pistol you are carrying significantly easier, as having the wrong holster can be extremely uncomfortable. Proper gear is essential.
I am frequently in big bear, as well as wolf and mountain lion country. I have had lions steal my meat I had hanging, shredding a game bag, and just a couple years ago, I had a lion following me as I was carrying out quarters of a cow elk from a very steep, very brushy draw.



I was carrying my G17 loaded with 148 grain hard casts at 1100 FPS.

Its a load I produce to. I sell some over on the 24 hour Campfire when I do runs of it.

Long story short, I felt it was just right for the job of protecting my hide from the lion who was obviously on my tail, while I was packing out elk quarters.

"Best" sidearm is subjective.

I feel comfortable with a 9mm when I think the largest and primary threat is wolves and lions. A couple weeks ago I took the kids to the cabin and again lions are the main danger.


When I am hiking with my lady south of Livingston or over not far from Gates of the Mountains, I normally run a heavy 250+P .45 ACP at 920 FPS that is the semi auto equivalent of a .45 Colt. It is a super deep penetrating load that is good for defeating bones and such. Since the area is well known for large bears, the heavier payload is appropriate.

I used to almost exclusively carry a .44 magnum but the fact is that I can put multiple rounds per second, repeatedly on target, accurately, and in the time it took to get two accurate shots of heavy .44, I could get 3x as many from a 1911 or Glock .45 ACP. Using a heavy, deep penetrating bullet, it simply made sense to switch, after developing a load that found the balance point of heavy bullet and power/velocity.

The 250 flat point, at 920 FPS from a 5" 1911 was that balance point.




In a Glock 21, or HK USP the polymer frame allows me to have a lighter weight gun, but still have a heavy, effective projectile, and larger magazine capacity.

With the large bears, I am not at all concerned about the weight of a sidearm within reason. If you see one, within reasonably close proximity, it does not matter if you have a Glock 9mm, 10mm, or S&W .44 mag. They will all feel very puny in your hands.

For me the I simply pick the sidearm appropriate for the area and most likely major threat. Normally that ends up doing double duty as a CCW type weapon if I end up running into town for something or am near other people.

Choosing a good holster and belt often can make whatever pistol you are carrying significantly easier, as having the wrong holster can be extremely uncomfortable. Proper gear is essential.
That G17 with the RMR is a pretty sweet setup. Are you running stock Glock barrels for those hardcast bullets or aftermarket?
That G17 with the RMR is a pretty sweet setup. Are you running stock Glock barrels for those hardcast bullets or aftermarket?
Yes totally stock barrels.

In 9mm I have probably run 30K + rounds through stock 9mms barrels.

In .45 ACP, in the last 30+ years, due to shooting USPSA, instructing, and a whole bunch of etcetera, etcetera, etcetera's, I have put very well in excess of 100K rounds through a few different stock Glock 21 barrels.

In fact on one of the earliest Gen3 G21s the (then) western half of the US Glock rep sent my gun back to Glock because they wanted to look at it since they had not seen one that had been used in such high volume in such a short amount of time. As a thank you, they gave me a (then) brand new G30. For a very poor young officer who was pouring all his money into shooting/competing and traveling and teaching (which is how I met the rep, as he walked into a class I was doing), this was a super cool thing.

I use the 148 heavy hardcast as a HD load as well. They are excellent barrier penetrators.

JWP475 over on the Campfire shot some into 20% gel and they outperformed 357 Sig JHP.

He also killed a porker recently:



If I’m crop scouting and more worried bout no legged critters with possible smaller 2-4 legged critters I have an air weight j frame 38spl with 2 shotshell rounds and 3 hollow points. Cylinder indexed to whatever is the more likely threat first.

If I’m hiking with the gf and possibly going to town worried bout grizzly or 2 legged critters I take a Glock 29

If I’m hunting and worried bout grizzly’s it’s a Glock 20

Then when carrying solely in town it’s a p365. Gotta cover all the bases
Ruger SP-101 chambered for 327 Fed mag. If you reload, it’s very economical to shoot. If you don’t, get familiar with ordering ammo online.
You can choose factory loads from 600fps all the way up to 1450. S&W 32longs, 32H&R Mag, and of course 327Fed. Think 22mag up to and beyond 9mm+p. Some claim .357 mag performance meh, I’m not going to support that claim.
There are other guns chambered for it. I recently picked up a Ruger Single Seven, I believe Taurus has something too. Look into this, versatility turned up to 11.
I'm not in a position to buy a new gun so I have put up the .44 Mag and when I carry I usually carry my 9mm with a high penetration heavy bullet.
I would like to get a 10MM or a 357 Mag as I think ultimately you should use your rifle if possible and then a handgun you can practice with and make good follow up shots with if you don't have the ability to access your rifle.
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Ruger SP-101 chambered for 327 Fed mag. If you reload, it’s very economical to shoot. If you don’t, get familiar with ordering ammo online.
You can choose factory loads from 600fps all the way up to 1450. S&W 32longs, 32H&R Mag, and of course 327Fed. Think 22mag up to and beyond 9mm+p. Some claim .357 mag performance meh, I’m not going to support that claim.
There are other guns chambered for it. I recently picked up a Ruger Single Seven, I believe Taurus has something too. Look into this, versatility turned up to 11.
That's a very compelling argument. The wide range of ammo compatibility would be very welcome in times of shortages I'm sure. I'm off to research some more, thanks!
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