Best Holster when Hunting


Active member
Feb 21, 2020
I was wondering if anyone had any recommendations for a good lightweight holster that is easy to walk with that you have used while hunting? I want something that is OWB, and is comfortable for walking and hiking with. I also always have a bino harness on as well when hunting is that kind of limits me on chest holsters. Please let me know what you recommend, thank you it is appreciated!!
Razco makes a chest holster that can attach to your binocular case or you can just get the chest holster. I have both, the Bino Harness Holster for hunting and Chest Rig for when I'm backpacking and fishing (don't need binoculars) in the Beartooths. Easy and quick access while out in the field.

Razco makes a chest holster that can attach to your binocular case or you can just get the chest holster. I have both, the Bino Harness Holster for hunting and Chest Rig for when I'm backpacking and fishing (don't need binoculars) in the Beartooths. Easy and quick access while out in the field.

Awesome!! Thanks!!
I always like a good leather holster for revolvers and a molded plastic or kydex for semi autos. I personally prefer a chest holster mainly due to carrying owb was majorly scratching up the stock on my nice rifle. But the setup I liked while I was still carrying owb was a owb paddle holster. It's so easy to take the holster on/off, and my frame pack has a waist band that buckles in the front and has an intentional velcro loop for a holster attachment. So i could take it and put it on my pack when hiking and take off my pack and quickly slap my holster back on my pants.

Some of my real nice leather holsters are galco. I'd also recommend a steel core leather belt if you don't already have one. It makes a difference for sure
Marsupial Gear makes a holster that attaches to molle webbing on the bottom of bino harness similar to the Razco but without extra straps. I've used one for several years and am a big fan.
RAZCO as well on my AGC bino pack. It's not perfect but my revolver never falls out and always draws smoothly. Can't ask for more. I went the OWB route first but found the bino pack mount to be cleaner and easier.
Another vote for the Kenai Chest holster. I wear mine under my bino harness. The pistol is still easily accessible Then it's always there, even if I take my bino harness off. I tried a drop leg holster for a bit. But it was too bulky and was less than ideal if you're going through lots of brush.
I carry a 9mm S&W everywhere I go. Rides in a high rise pancake holster, even when I'm hunting. Been using a pancake for a lot of years. If I'm out plinking and take along my 38 or 22 I use an inexpensive nylon belt holster. Don't care for it but th 38 and the 22 both have 6" barrels and hard to find holster's for around here!
Venandi Holsters has their Bino Pack Holster System that I feel is the best tradeoff and preventing people from having this huge footprint of stuff on their chest with minimal straps. I’ve been trying to come up with a design to have someone custom build for me and they beat me to it. My thoughts were always something like this but always ended up bulkier.
Any Razco holster under you bino harness is a great bet.
If you hike more than 50 yards from your truck the. Avoid a drop leg holster like the plague!
Another kenai chest holster here. Wears just fine under my bino harness. Way more comfortable than my old thigh holster.
Alien gear has the shapeshift holster set up. You can adapt it from iwb to owb has paddle or ways to attach to mollie. I use the paddle and put it on my backpack waist strap while hunting and if dropping pack am an easily take off and put in owb. Whichever you use practice a lot and the practice more. If you really do need to use it you want so much muscle memory built in that you hun just appears in your hand and you didn’t even think about it.

I work in law enforcement so no way I’m going to use a chest holster where I’m not trained to draw from.

Good luck lots of options out there.
If you use a Bino harness this seems like a great option
I’ve never used one but it is something that I might consider
My issue is however that I don’t always use a bino harness….
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