
Best Bullett for 7mm Rem Mag


Active member
Mar 1, 2022
I just booked my first Elk hunt for 2023. I have a Weatherby Vanguard 7mm Rem Mag and am wondering what bullets I should try. They guide mentioned Nosler Partition, Remington Cor Lokt and Federsl Premium. I was going to use Hornady ELDx.

Any suggestions? I also reload so if any of you have some favorite loads you would to share for 7mm Rem Mag I’d give them a whirl.
I’ve used 168 gr Berger VLD out of my 7 mag for years and haven’t looked elsewhere.

Seems like people love them or hate them.
x2... Although @mtmuley has piqued my interest in Hammer bullets. So I may cook some up soon. They seem a lot more "available" during these trying component times
143 Hammer Hunter or 140 Absolute Hammer if your rifling is 1:9 or faster. If it's a 1:10 then the 146 Hammer Hunter. The 143 and 146 Hammers would do well with some RL23 and should get you to about 3250-3300fps pretty quickly in a 7 Mag

If I didn't have 200 160gr Partitions I'd be shooting the 146 in my fugly Savage 110 from the 70s
Had a 7mm Rem Mag years ago and the bullet I liked best in it was the 160gr Speer Hot core. I tried lighter bullet's and found the were best at destroying more meat than I wanted. Also I read years ago the the purpose of magnums is not to deliver normal power at abnormal range but to deliver abnormal power at normal range. Always made a lot of sense to me!
I’d try a few different and find out what your gun likes the best. I’ve shot 150 & 175 gr corelokts for years.
The 145LRX has performed incredibly well for me and a friend that I've reloaded for. Last year I started loading 143 hammer hunters and accuracy has been outstanding, but have not had a change to take an animal with it. Using H1000 for both those loads.
I used to have a Vanguard in 7mm Rem Mag and am kinda bummed I sold it. It shot Barnes 160 grain TSX really well. Probably one of the better bullets, especially for elk.
With the price of ammo, reloading components and how hard it is to find I want to grab like two or three and give them a try. I think if I can find them I’ll try CoreLokt and Nosler Partition first.
So many great choices. Let your rifle tell you what it likes.

I'd feel 100% comfortable with factory cup and core bullets at 150 grains and above.

Buy a case of what it likes and practice (a lot) from field positions.
My Interarms Mauser 7RM shoots equally well w 160 gr partition and 175 gr cup/core. All my load development was in the previous century. I've only shot factory Nosler partition and Accubond in recent years from Ol' Betsy, w completely satisfactory results.

It should be fun finding out which bullet your 7 likes best.
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