Caribou Gear

Best Bullett for 7mm Rem Mag

I shoot Federal Premium 160 gr Accubonds and 160 gr TSX's in my 7mm Rem Mag. I don't reload for various reasons. My twist is 1 in 10, and I have a Shilen match barrel, and the rifle shoots 3/4" groups at 100 yards. Did my first Long Range qualification Sunday out to 900 yards. I was amazed I could shoot that far. I am now quite comfortable shooting out to 500-600 yards. The Federal ballistic computations were spot on, which surprised my spotter (who is the long range Club President and an ATF licensed reloader).
If I were to own a 7mm mag, I’d hope and pray that it liked the 160 NAB. Great bullet. If not then I’d try something from 150-160gr that was bonded or mono, because at that speed you can get a lot of performance from a bullet that holds together well
Not a fan. The plating seems to make the case brittle. Looks cool, that's all. mtmuley
I’ve heard these sorts of things. I can’t say that I’ve used enough to say anything definite, but my 200 Federal Nickle plated 222Rem has never given me any issue over more than a 20yr period in two different rifles. I would think that I have to have reloaded some of them in excess of ten times. I don’t load them hot at and all and size them minimally. Perhaps if I was pushing them hard or sizing them a lot I would have run into trouble long before I expected it.

I did use 50pcs in an F-Class match in a 308Win. I don’t remember why I did it exactly. Whatever the case, it was only a club match and I was in a hurry, so I just loaded my usually load in them and took them. Ruined every primer pocket in just that one firing. I just chalked it up to not being as hard as Lapua. I have shot that load in Norma brass without issue though.
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I’ve heard these sorts of things. I can’t say that I’ve used enough to say anything definite, but my 200 Federal Nickle plated 222Rem has never given me any issue over more than a 20yr period in two different rifles. I would think that I have to have reloaded some of them in excess of ten times. I don’t load them hot at and all and size them minimally. Perhaps if I was pushing them hard or sizing them a lot I would have run into trouble long before I expected it.

I did use 50pcs in an F-Class match in a 308Win. I don’t remember why I did it exactly. Whatever the case, it was only a club match and I was in a hurry, so I just loaded my usually load in them and took them. Ruined every primer pocket in just that one firing. I just chalked it up to not being as hard as Lapua. I have shot that load in Norma brass without issue though.
Only case I ever had stick in the die was a nickle .338 RUM. mtmuley
I have an old Wetherby 7mm that likes Federal Premium 165 Game getters right out of box. Very accurate for mine for a factory load. Have killed all my elk, deer & a moose with it.
I'm working on a move to all copper bullets. Had an MRI stopped when they found metal (assumed to be lead) in my lower-right abdomen. Not sure that it was from ingested lead (bullet particle), but it may well be.

So, investigating Nosler E-Tips, Barnes LRX, Federal Trophy Copper, Hornaday CX (replaces GMX). It has been relatively hard to find, but I've seen more recently. Some local, but most via online sources.
+1 for the 160 accubond.

I'd stay away from accubond LR. Loaded some for a 7mauser at 2500 and they still came apart like a ballistic tip at shorter range.
I shoot factory ammo. My rifle loves 162gr Hornady E-LDX Precision Hunters. I took an elk @315 yds. Shot 2 time both hits and he went 10 feet. Can't say enough about the way that they performed. 1/2 tp 3/4 MOA all day out of my rifle.

I'm working on a move to all copper bullets. Had an MRI stopped when they found metal (assumed to be lead) in my lower-right abdomen. Not sure that it was from ingested lead (bullet particle), but it may well be.

So, investigating Nosler E-Tips, Barnes LRX, Federal Trophy Copper, Hornaday CX (replaces GMX). It has been relatively hard to find, but I've seen more recently. Some local, but most via online sources.
I’ve shot a lot of Barnes. I think it’s well worth your time to look at Hammer Bullets.
The only hornady bullet i shot at elk are interbonds, and have killed several with 154gr interbonds. Usually just load a accubond or partition either at any 7mm weight will handle a elk. If gun is set up for longer shooting 175 berger elites are amazing (easy to load and super accurate).
I have shot a 7mm for the past 25 yrs and for the past 15 yrs I have only shot 150 grain Nosler Ballistic Tips. The old Weatherby shoots them so well.
168gr Bergers. HSM loads them in their Trophy Gold line. My Tikka is 0.6-0.75 MOA with the factory loads in them. I've never had a problem with them, but I make a point to not shoot shoulder joints. In soft tissue, animals of all size react like they've been struck by lightning. Good luck finding factory ammo or even components right now though.

I've had good luck with the 162 ELD-X, which I'll use as a back up to the Bergers, since I typically don't want to use the Bergers on Antelope since they've gotten more difficult to come by (the bullets, that is). They don't group quite as well for me as the Bergers, but still sub 1". Every antelope I've shot and every elk I've seen shot by ELD-X's died all the same, so field performance doesn't seem to be an issue.

Point is, there's a ton of good options out there in the 7mm realm- shoot what you can find and that your gun likes.
I’ve heard these sorts of things. I can’t say that I’ve used enough to say anything definite, but my 200 Federal Nickle plated 222Rem has never given me any issue over more than a 20yr period in two different rifles. I would think that I have to have reloaded some of them in excess of ten times. I don’t load them hot at and all and size them minimally. Perhaps if I was pushing them hard or sizing them a lot I would have run into trouble long before I expected it.

I did use 50pcs in an F-Class match in a 308Win. I don’t remember why I did it exactly. Whatever the case, it was only a club match and I was in a hurry, so I just loaded my usually load in them and took them. Ruined every primer pocket in just that one firing. I just chalked it up to not being as hard as Lapua. I have shot that load in Norma brass without issue though.
I have 50 25-06 nickel cases (federal) that I've loaded about 5 times a piece and they're fine still. I must be doing something wrong though, because they produce less accuracy with loads that otherwise shoot very well in Hornady brass.
I have 50 25-06 nickel cases (federal) that I've loaded about 5 times a piece and they're fine still. I must be doing something wrong though, because they produce less accuracy with loads that otherwise shoot very well in Hornady brass.
Shoot the Hornady loads over a chrono and adjust the powder charge in the federal until MV matches that of the Hornady. That will MOST LIKELY fix it.
Shoot the Hornady loads over a chrono and adjust the powder charge in the federal until MV matches that of the Hornady. That will MOST LIKELY fix it.
Oh, fps is roughly the same as is. I'm not worried about it. It delivers stellar accuracy with other loads.
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