Best Bullett for 7mm Rem Mag

Boy your bullet choices are all over the board. Likely anyone would do if you placed it right! These thing's with bullet's are to me so overplayed they are ridiculas! Take each bullet you suggested and place it exactly where you envision the best shot to be and from the time the bullet hits to when the animal falls down, what is going to change? Something few seem to realize is that there is no magic in a bullet, the magic is in knowing how to use the bullet you selected!

I used a 7mm Rem Mag many years ago and put a lot of tough into bullet's. Couldn't get the old Nosler partitions to shoot well enough to satify myself! Felt the 154gr Hornady spire point was just a bit to light and was certain of any lighter bullet. Things have changed. had a 115gr load that was super accurate in it and properly placed for what the bullet was, instant death but who knew back then? Bullet of preference with that old rifle was the 160gr Speer Hot Core, never failed me! It helps that dure to the construction of that bullet simply gave me a large area to place a good shot! people today have a ton of good bullet's avaliable to them and for what ever reason people are still killing game with Remington core locks, must be luck! Will a monolithic bullet kill an animal any deader than dead? I don't think so. If you hit an animal in the ear with a varmint bullet will it simply walkaway? I doubt it!

The best bullet for anyone is the bullet they shoot best and have a lot of faith in! make your stalk, place your bullet and fill out your tag! of course also understand what you have to do to make the bullet do what it needs to do!
I’ve settled on the 160 grain partition. Still have a year to see if I can find a better bullet. It will probably be my only elk hunt to Colorado. I might be it but I want the best bullett that shoots out of my Vanguard. When I’m 10 years older and talk about this hunt I want to know I did it right.
My Remington 700 loves the 162gr Hornady Precision Hunters. I killed my 1st elk last year with them. He didn't go 10 feet. My shot was 315yds. 2 fast shots and it was over.

i build a 6.5 cal on a hagn action using the 204 case, with 125 gr partitions ive shot everything apart from a sambar here in nz n that includes one of our wapiti
the young bull only took three faltering steps n keeled over(256 yrds n frontal shot)mv only 2500
Back before I learned that I had to shoot a bullet with a ballistic coefficient over .600, I killed a couple of elk with a 150 gr Nosler Partition and a 175 gr Speer Mag-Tip (cheaper cousin of the Grand Slam at the time). 😀
Back before I learned that I had to shoot a bullet with a ballistic coefficient over .600, I killed a couple of elk with a 150 gr Nosler Partition and a 175 gr Speer Mag-Tip (cheaper cousin of the Grand Slam at the time). 😀
Aren’t you glad you learned that lesson?
I tried Hammer Hunters this year and had great results on a cow elk (two shots through the body made soup out of her lungs and heart). Hopefully I can will get to test them on a bear and a deer within the next couple months. 🤞

I've also had great results with Nosler E-tips.
I really appreciate the answers that start with ‘my gun likes…’. My gun LOVES federal premium 160gr nosler partitions. I get consistent .5 MOA groups at 200 yards from my bench. I have killed everything but moose with that load. This year I’m having a horrible time finding any so I tried some 155 terminal ascents-barely kept them on paper crazy stuff. Now I’m being really restrictive on how much practice I put in before the Wyoming opener.
I sighted mine in with Norma Whitetail 150's. Which the gun actually likes. Then went to Fed Premium Accubond 160's, that it did ok with. Then tightened up the groups with Nosler E-Tip 150's. I've been searching for Norma Bondstrike 165's but haven't found them. I would like to try them.
Thinking about buying a 7mm Rem Mag. I was thinking of either going with 175g Corelokts ($40 a box) or 160g A-Frames at twice that. I've been shooting premium bullets forever but I can't imagine a 175g Corelokt not working well on elk.
I hunted with corelokts for 20 years before making the shift to coppers. I wish I had been shooting coppers from the start.
All that said, I’d recommend 150 grain. It has plenty of killing power and you’ll shoot flatter.
Federal 168 grain berger hybrid hunters are lights out out of my x-bolt. Other rounds don't even compare.
I have a BDL in 7mm Rem Mag coming in I hope in a few weeks. I'm thinking either old school 175g Corelokts, or 160g A-Frames factory ammo. I haven't reloaded in a few years, gotten lazy. I still reload for my 500 Jeffery though
Grew up shooting Remington Core-Lokt in my Savage Model 99 E Lever Action .243. Fantastic. However, bought a new Browning X-Bolt Speed 7MM Rem Mag this year and it seems to like the Federal Terminal Ascent 155 Grain Bonded the most. Sub MOA and Coefficient is hard to beat so shoots as flat as almost any. My son bought a 7mm Rem Mag in a Weatherby this year as well and he has been surprised how much his gun likes the Federal...even more than some high end Hornady, etc. Your experience may vary but the Federal Terminal Ascent has been top notch for us.
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