beardown pics

BearDown, You know I'm chittin' yah on the Bear size. I only shoot 2 year olds myself so I can;t talk :D :D

Even if you guys made that canyon look worse then it is, thats a Fetchiung Ugly looking canyon. I've seen cows with Flatter faces ;)

I think tomorrow is the DAY.. AHHH chit, which reminds me,..... "TAX's", I better get busy !!!
Moosie I know size doesnt matter, its how hard it was that counts!!! ;) :D :D ...So far I think I got jacked the first couple days here! :mad: First the road to the trailhead that was open last weekend suddenly got closed! So I had to go to plan B Which the wheather jacked me every day.It is supposed to clear-up this week , so I will go back out in a couple days, hopefully they will be movin around again, the only tracks I cut was five different sets of kitty tracks, and they say lions are not a problem!! :rolleyes:
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