Be On Lookout for Errors With MT Refund/Tags Mailed Out

Since FWP is apparently sending out return envelopes to all who received incorrect tags, they could suspend future hunting rights for anyone who does not return them. Of course, that would require them to write a computer program to accomplish that, which would likely result in those people getting lifetime tags instead. 😂
This is the first I have heard of this. They are mailing out return envelopes and asking for people to return their tags?
Have they responded to the incorrect dates on the permits and what they are doing with that? With the dates on my permits and current regs, my limited entry archery permit becomes a muzzleloader permit😂😂
This is the first I have heard of this. They are mailing out return envelopes and asking for people to return their tags?

“What we’ve done is we’re contacting everybody that got those licenses, and we’re gonna send them a letter with a postage-paid return envelope and ask them to mail back their licenses, but the licenses themselves will not be valid,” Greg Lemon, an administrator for Montana FWP told GearJunkie.
I do think Beignet had a good idea. We need to list our all the errors that have occurred recently, and the press needs to dig in.

-Buck tags showing antlerless
-dates on tags that exceed the general season
-individuals unsuccessful in the draw receiving permits

…..I know there’s more, my brain is fried

-NR that elected to return general tags if they were unsuccessful in the LO Permit draw receiving the general tag they elected to return AND a refund
-Archery only permit that is supposed to end on 10/16 showing season date through 11/29

“What we’ve done is we’re contacting everybody that got those licenses, and we’re gonna send them a letter with a postage-paid return envelope and ask them to mail back their licenses, but the licenses themselves will not be valid,” Greg Lemon, an administrator for Montana FWP told GearJunkie.
Some very wishful thinking
Way too many screwups for this to be "mistakes" or "IT glitches." I have about zero use for the present administration but if someone on the inside is wrecking things on purpose just to make FWP look bad (or worse than they already look... which is a tall order), I hope they find the SOB(s) and give him a blindfold and cigarette. I'll reserve judgment on this issue because it just stinks TOO badly to be anything but sabotage. Makes little difference because I've already formed an opinion of present administration and FWP management based on the screwups they have publicly orchestrated and owned up to ... proudly.
Any guesses on what the latest screw up will be in the B tag drawing? Is that this week or next?

FWP is set to issue another press release outlining their newest simplification process for license allocation. It will have a catchy acronym “ PYOBtag” (Print your own B tag.)

“ Director Worsech explained that the new simplified regulation process has proven to still be to complicated for FWP to implement effectively. “Since, the definition of insanity is trying the same old thing and expecting different results, we are going to implement the honor system and allow hunters to send us cash and exercise their discretion in what they feel is appropriate for bag limits and season structure.”

Director Worsech also outlined how FWP is increasing opportunity at every opportunity in order to fulfill Montana hunters’ wishes. “ The average hunter wants to fill tags and our department has no biological evidence that this will have a negative impact on wildlife populations in Montana.”
No draw this year . Everyone who applied gets

My brother sent a concerned email regarding his application status and a confusing email he received.
I called licensing and she said an email last week was sent causing confusion…
But Blicense drawing is next week.
And all good with his app.

She sounded stressed and frustrated but it was a pleasant customer experience for me.