Be On Lookout for Errors With MT Refund/Tags Mailed Out

How’s this for awesome? Drew a 300-50 mule deer buck tag. Yet the license says antlerless…

I do think Beignet had a good idea. We need to list our all the errors that have occurred recently, and the press needs to dig in.

-Buck tags showing antlerless
-dates on tags that exceed the general season
-individuals unsuccessful in the draw receiving permits

…..I know there’s more, my brain is fried
I do think Beignet had a good idea. We need to list our all the errors that have occurred recently, and the press needs to dig in.

-Buck tags showing antlerless
-dates on tags that exceed the general season
-individuals unsuccessful in the draw receiving permits

…..I know there’s more, my brain is fried
The list is long …. Over selling elk tags few years back so there was no alternates list . Then , I believe 2 years ago f’n up the alternates list draw and having a do over . Then , f’n up the draw . Then …. Etc etc
Paper tags …. It rained the day this week that mine was in my mailbox … I work for a living … I can’t check it continuously.. when I got it , the entire envelope was soaked it’s a disaster ….. but I’ll probably get another one in the mail anyways so why call
I drew the big game combo but returned my elk combo when I whiffed on my LE permit. Hoping this is isolated but I received two envelopes from MT FWP today. One had my deer combo, the other had a big game combo license.

So no refund and received 2 deer combos as well as the elk combo.

I hope this is a one off but I am not holding my breath. I hope this doesn't get abused if this was a large screw up.
I got two combos last year. My little angel got the better of my little devil…
So we know the big game combos were screwed up. Are there any verified reports that people got sent limited entry permits that they didn’t actually draw?
So we know the big game combos were screwed up. Are there any verified reports that people got sent limited entry permits that they didn’t actually draw?
According to FWP it was only the 1200 combo tags and no permits. However….I fully expect some random permits to show up for people.
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So we know the big game combos were screwed up. Are there any verified reports that people got sent limited entry permits that they didn’t actually draw?
Brother got a call today from a Nonresident, that if he drew was going to hunt the ranch. "FWP mistake, not his problem" is his thinking. Brother told him he wasn't hunting the ranch with out a proper tag even if it was a FWP mistake. Not sure if the license he got in the mail was an deer/elk combo or 799 archery. He applied for the 799 archery so that is what he figured he got.
What a pile of :poop:
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Brother got a call today from a Nonresident, that if he drew was going to hunt the ranch. "FWP mistake, not his" his thinking. Brother told him he wasn't hunting the ranch with out a proper tag even if it was a FWP mistake. Not sure if the license he got in the mail was an deer/elk combo or 799 archery. He applied for the 799 archery so that is what he figured he got.
What a pile of :poop:
Wait a second! Non residents can hunt the ranch? Sign me up!😂😂😂😂

This whole FWP screw up is just ridiculous. I know it’s a hassle but I believe anyone with an incorrect tag should have to turn it in to receive the new correct one. This doesn’t work for all the combo tags accidentally issued though.
Brother got a call today from a Nonresident, that if he drew was going to hunt the ranch. "FWP mistake, not his" his thinking. Brother told him he wasn't hunting the ranch with out a proper tag even if it was a FWP mistake. Not sure if the license he got in the mail was an deer/elk combo or 799 archery. He applied for the 799 archery so that is what he figured he got.
What a pile of :poop:
Exactly the attitude I was afraid many would have.
I understand the brandy but why’d anyone want to blast an immature buck or bull.
Exactly the attitude I was afraid many would have.
Since FWP is apparently sending out return envelopes to all who received incorrect tags, they could suspend future hunting rights for anyone who does not return them. Of course, that would require them to write a computer program to accomplish that, which would likely result in those people getting lifetime tags instead. 😂
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