Be On Lookout for Errors With MT Refund/Tags Mailed Out

Wow what a complete disaster for them. Think if even 10% abuse this...big oof FWP
That would be 10% on top of Hanks already established extra 10% on top of the newly expanding quotas.

I feel bad for the guys that waited 15 years for a special hunt that is no longer going to be a special hunt due to crowding. Feel worse for the resource.
There should be an option to check a box and “apply my refund to my FWP account”. I got a check the other day, for $4. Four dollars! It must have cost at least $1 to process and mail that to me. Seems like a waste of paper and expense and I would gladly let that $4 sit with them until next year.
There was an option this year to have your measly refund applied to the Block Management program. (Thank you Rep. Marilyn Marler)
I've said it before, FWP needs to spend the money they fritter away on glossy feel-good publications (internet and hard copy) on hiring someone other than Big Timber HS business class to look after their internet technology needs.
I gotta say, this smells a lot like internal sabotage. Given the caustic political partisan polarization in that state (actually, the whole damn country), it would not surprise me that the resource will take a hit just so someone can play political games with the system.
That would be 10% on top of Hanks already established extra 10% on top of the newly expanding quotas.

I feel bad for the guys that waited 15 years for a special hunt that is no longer going to be a special hunt due to crowding.
Well great !!! Hunting on a general elk tag should Be way less crowed this year as everyone and their dog now has a first choice only LE permit !
My 799-21 permit says 9/3-11/29 on it. I did draw it seemingly legitimately in the first go round.
Is it possible for FWP to withdraw a couple of premium permits because a lucky recipient is overly critical of their performance elsewhere?

Asking for a friend… who wants to know if he should say how he really feels or if he should hold back.
Best part, I called them today to confirm what else got screwed up. My $350 refund check for my elk combo is in the mail too. So if I was a POS and didn’t throw the extras away, I’d have 2 deer tags, 1 elk tag, all for about $700. 🙄
so what did they advise? Did you ask them what their plan was going forward wit this screw up?
Is it possible for FWP to withdraw a couple of premium permits because a lucky recipient is overly critical of their performance elsewhere?

Asking for a friend… who wants to know if he should say how he really feels or if he should hold back.
I think it’s a better chance you will get more permits!! Maybe 10% more? Will that make you happy?
Let's press them to correct the problem instead of typing hashtags and using the same old worn out jokes about neck roasts. Honestly, I'm pissed. I am 100% positive that people will take it as a green light and be hunting when they should not be, including folks on here that claim they won't. Anybody who is ok with that happening or wishes that upon MT.......well get the F#&% out, you don't deserve any opportunity here.

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