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I see a lot of familiar names over here.

Are the rules here actual rules? Or are they like open container laws, and just sort of a recommendation?


I see a lot of familiar names over here.

Are the rules here actual rules? Or are they like open container laws, and just sort of a recommendation?



they're actual rules. That said, there are plenty of spirited "debates"

Avoid bad language and you should be fine. Fin is a reasonable mod. Usually threads just get locked and we discuss other subjects.
Here is a Private Message exchange with a 24hr guy who came here and when you guys refused to slurp up his Kool-aid, he decided I was the problem. He had been warned that threads of political trolling with no value to the discussion of hunting and public lands get locked on this site. You guys teased him a bit, so he sent me this PM. I had not even posted on that thread, but eventually locked it, as it was going down hill in a hurry.

What's the problem Randy? You liberal idiots elected the traitor in the white house! Now when a person has the nerve to tell it like it is and defend their stance, you go ballistic and lock the thread. If your lib buddies can't see humor for what it is, you deserve each other! You people really are pathetic!

I proceeded to tell him I've never voted for a Democratic Presidential candidate in my life; that if he has a problem with people who can think for themselves, then this site might not be the best place for him; and that this is a hunting site with some very serious hunters who really have no use for the whining, sniveling, and political ranting he had been pouring out in every post.

So, he decided to tell me where the bull chits in the buckwheat.

You have got to be one of the most dishonest, self-serving, hypocritical, narcissistic asshole that has ever been seen on television! And don't even bother with the surprised "what are you talking about" response. You have been this way long enough to know you intentionally do this. Your hunts are phony and poorly edited. You claim you try to live and let live but that is only as long as the living is done YOUR way !!! Remove my name and email from your so called forum as I will not be associated with you and the other low lifes you have attracted.

Not wanting him to hurt himself each time he logged in, I figured it best to tell him he could go play by/with himself.
Big Fin said:

If you feel that way, not sure why you are compelled to come to the site.


His last note before I changed his password.

Are you really too stupid to comprehend what you read? I was right the first time, you really are pathetic.

If he is smart enough to crack his password code, I guess he can come back and post. But, I doubt I have to worry about that. Was funny to see him come on line and try to sign in, not knowing I changed his PW.

He hangs out a lot on 24hr and professes to be an expert on most topics. He loves the political topics and if anyone on 24hr has even a slightly different view than him, they are surely "an idiot."

He's lucky my wife was not moderating the day he sent that. She would have been on him like fire on a hay bale.
If it's that repulsive to you, why do you keep posting "over there?" Just curious.

And just for the record, I think Shrap and flave are good guys.

I would hate to see this place get infiltrated with the other goons though. With Fin at the helm, I bet they wouldn't last long.
Rabbit feet are luckier than grouse feet, proven fact.
There's plenty of good people with useful info at just have to ignore the parade pissers and attention whores.

Thanks for sharing the pictures shrapnel....
I may have to revisit this whole elk thing.

Seems to be a good way to find grouse.

I kinda like this website. People are talking about me already.

Speaking of me...

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