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Grouse off my deck? Nah, to easy. I always put a 100 miles on my truck to shoot a few.


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Grouse off my deck? Nah, to easy. I always put a 100 miles on my truck to shoot a few.

A true talent in the grouse hunting world is if you can fill your limit without leaving your property. If you can shoot two over your morning coffee, you can then nap the rest of the morning, catch the football game and proclaim to your wife that you've done your hard work for the day. A grouse in my yard is truly and endangered species.
A true talent in the grouse hunting world is if you can fill your limit without leaving your property. If you can shoot two over your morning coffee, you can then nap the rest of the morning, catch the football game and proclaim to your wife that you've done your hard work for the day. A grouse in my yard is truly and endangered species.

I can never shoot my pet birds.. I feed the huns more scratch than my chickens in the winter time.

Once they're over the property line though, game on.
How far west in MT does a guy have to go to get into good ruffed, spruce, or blue grouse numbers? I live in far NE MT and might have to give the pheasants a break for a few days this fall. Never shot a grouse beside sharptail or sage.
How far west in MT does a guy have to go to get into good ruffed, spruce, or blue grouse numbers? I live in far NE MT and might have to give the pheasants a break for a few days this fall. Never shot a grouse beside sharptail or sage.

That is easy, come on down and I can show you, then you can show me some pheasants. Pheasants are good to eat, but grouse is even better...
We went back out today, this time we took a dog...

I can most definitely put a guy on pheasants. I'd love to get a nice ruffed and spruce or blue to mount. It'll just depend on if I can make time.
I think the Snowy Mountains are as far East that you will find Blues and Ruffs. I haven't come across Spruce Grouse that far East. The habitat is there though, so maybe?
I'm glad to read that the Finnish DNA polluting my blood is also the reason I have seldom passed up a ruffed or blue grouse(I did research on them when they weren't having a name change due to some taxonomist's hot flash, so they're still blue grouse), even while big game hunting. I have shot them with several calibers of rifle, .22 handguns, and .410, 28 gauge and 20 gauge shotguns. My French Brittany hunting companion has accounted for 35 blue grouse this year, and they went a long way toward convincing him his job was also retrieving Contrary to the opinions of several hunters, I have shot them with rifles, dressed them, and walked a couple hundred yards to find elk bedded down in the timber. No such luck in the open, of course.
For thirty years a highlight of our elk hunt was the annual grouse dinner near the end of the hunt made up of blue and ruffed grouse killed during the hunt. One of our number insisted that it was a heinous crime to kill His Imperial Majesty, the king of game birds, the ruffed grouse, with a handgun or rifle, so we arranged to feed him the two shot-riddled birds he had accumulated during the hunt with about six green beans while the rest of us ate those without shot. He showed up the next year with a Colt Woodsman.
I must admit, even though I share Finnish DNA, I have never stooped to throwing sticks at game. That must be the Swedish influence.

That pheasant spot you asked me not to return to keeps producing. Thanks again.

PEAX Trekking Poles

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