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Baiting Bill (1151) is Senate side

I talked to multiple senators after the vote that stated their constituents were in opposition. In some cases more than 20 to 1 in opposition. A few stated it was closer to 50/50 but opposition still won out. So, maybe the "will of the people" was heard, just took some of the people a little longer to speak up.

But again, this wasn't about "the will of the people" for you folks. Nor was it about the kids or the handicapped folks. It wasn't about science, or "psuedo-science" as you folks like to call it. It was, and still is, about one thing and one thing only. An amoeba of an argument focused solely around getting what you want at any cost. No shame required.

Everyone who disagrees with you is an Obama supporter with a Prius, or their voice simply doesn't matter because *insert amoeba here*.

Take care, Gabe. Hope calving is/was going well for you guys up there.
But what did this solve ? I still haven’t heard a good answer. Baiting is 100% legal still , just can’t hunt over said bait . So maybe people will bait even more and hunt less just keep deer on their land ? Have you thought of that ? I think the amount of bait piles being up for longer periods of time will drastically increase folks will start in the summer and bait all summer long to get pics and see what’s around and try keep the deer around . I think this is going to cause a lot more problems vs if hunting over bait was legal . Now there’s going to be too much grey area . Just my opinion but I expect more bait piles than I ever .
Brock at every stage 75% of testimonies were in support of this bill

Over 75% of NDans supported the measure to put the right to hunt amendment into our state constitution that gives the legislature the ability to get involved as a checks and bslances in managing game for the public good

The House ( the peoples chamber) supported the bill over 78%

The same Senate that is ignoring the people voice by looking to change the term limits measure that passed with that same level of support ignored the majority of those testifying…. That is the arrogance you support as a win

Now you bad mouth those seeking to hold that ignoring of the voice of the people accountable with the one tool we have left

Do you actually have an Obama/Biden sticker on your Prius ?
I think one big point you're conveniently leaving out is that just because 4 people show up and testify, 3 of them in favor, doesn't mean jack diddly. You're making it sound like public in person testimony translates to 75% of N. Dakota residents are in support. That's not the case, at all. Each legislator is also probably receiving dozens to hundreds of emails opposing the very same issue.

What if a group that opposes is representing several hundred or several thousands of their members who also oppose?

You're not thinking, you're stinging from what you view as a defeat and making unfounded claims that the voice of the people is not being heard.

I don't believe that's the case, many don't have the time to show up in person, because, you know they have jobs, lives, etc. But that doesn't mean they aren't talking to their legislators in person, on the phone, or via email etc.

As to your childish line about a prius and Obama sticker, that's just your way of lashing out when you don't get your way. Hilarious.
But what did this solve ? I still haven’t heard a good answer. Baiting is 100% legal still , just can’t hunt over said bait . So maybe people will bait even more and hunt less just keep deer on their land ? Have you thought of that ? I think the amount of bait piles being up for longer periods of time will drastically increase folks will start in the summer and bait all summer long to get pics and see what’s around and try keep the deer around . I think this is going to cause a lot more problems vs if hunting over bait was legal . Now there’s going to be too much grey area . Just my opinion but I expect more bait piles than I ever .
Easy fix. No baiting ANY time. How about we keep the wild game wild. People want pictures of deer on their camera, they can go to a zoo!

If I asked to hunt some property and the landowner decided to quiz me re my position on baiting, I would quiz him re his position. Then I would tell him I have about as much interest "hunting" his domesticated deer as I do his cattle ... = zero. Goodbye.
Easy fix. No baiting ANY time. How about we keep the wild game wild. People want pictures of deer on their camera, they can go to a zoo!

If I asked to hunt some property and the landowner decided to quiz me re my position on baiting, I would quiz him re his position. Then I would tell him I have about as much interest "hunting" his domesticated deer as I do his cattle ... = zero. Goodbye.
Not an easy fix . Our game and fish doesn’t have that power . It would have to be a state law . And if you think this was a fight you haven’t seen nothing until that comes up .

What if the landowner quizzed you on hunting with a compound bow or long range gun ? I mean , let the animals be wild right ?
Not an easy fix . Our game and fish doesn’t have that power . It would have to be a state law . And if you think this was a fight you haven’t seen nothing until that comes up .

What if the landowner quizzed you on hunting with a compound bow or long range gun ? I mean , let the animals be wild right ?
I don't see why the agency shouldn't have that power. It's the public resource.

Whether it's with compound bow or rifle, it's still pursuit of wild animals, not shooting some half domesticated critter over a bait pile ... or shooting them in the headlights ... or fishing with dynamite.
I don't see why the agency shouldn't have that power. It's the public resource.

Whether it's with compound bow or rifle, it's still pursuit of wild animals, not shooting some half domesticated critter over a bait pile ... or shooting them in the headlights ... or fishing with dynamite.
My private land is their resource ? In ND our g and f doesn’t thaw the power to make state laws . They can make hunting regulations such as banning baiting over hunting . But they can’t make laws
My private land is their resource ? In ND our g and f doesn’t thaw the power to make state laws . They can make hunting regulations such as banning baiting over hunting . But they can’t make laws
The game on your private land is public property. Laws or regulations ... what's the difference?
Agree on the game part . Huge difference ….. game and fish controls just that . They can’t make a no baiting law . Fact .

According to former Attorney General Stenhjam, it is within the regulatory authority of the Game and Fish to ban hunting using bait as a means of take. They can do this through proclamation, even statewide.

Also according to the former AG, the GF does not have regulatory authority over wildlife feeding. That would require a new law in statute that gives them that regulatory authority.

According to former Attorney General Stenhjam, it is within the regulatory authority of the Game and Fish to ban hunting using bait as a means of take. They can do this through proclamation, even statewide.

Also according to the former AG, the GF does not have regulatory authority over wildlife feeding. That would require a new law in statute that gives them that regulatory authority.
Ok so what that I said is false ? I said exactly what you said
They can make a no baiting for hunting purposes regulation …. They cannot make it a state law …. I just …. Said …. That
If the AG says they have regulatory authority, that means state law gives the agency that authority. Proclamation is the supplement, interpretation, or application of said law.

HB 1151 would've been a state law stripping that authority, meaning any regulations under that umbrella of 1151 would've been null and void.

There's no law in the ND century code that spells out how many walleye you can keep as a daily limit either. Because state law gives authority to the GF to determine that limit through proclamation or a rule setting process. But anyone who catches too many fish is still breaking the law.
If the AG says they have regulatory authority, that means state law gives the agency that authority. Proclamation is the supplement, interpretation, or application of said law.

HB 1151 would've been a state law stripping that authority, meaning any regulations under that umbrella of 1151 would've been null and void.

There's no law in the ND century code that spells out how many walleye you can keep as a daily limit either. Because state law gives authority to the GF to determine that limit through proclamation or a rule setting process. But anyone who catches too many fish is still breaking the law.
Yeh I hear you and I agree . I’m just saying that baiting is and will be completely legal . Just can’t hunt over it
They can make a no baiting for hunting purposes regulation …. They cannot make it a state law …. I just …. Said …. That
Uhhh ... okay. Baiting is different than feeding. Baiting is feeding for the purpose of attracting an animal to harvest it. The agency is responsible for the management of public game ... year round. Unless there is some state law authorizing private individuals to feed wild animals (ridiculous as that sounds), I'm not sure what law would be needed to stop it. Maybe there is some legislative law there specifically authorizing feeding wild game but I wouldn't think it should be that hard to get the legislature on board with throwing it out. Yes, it is unhealthy for the animals, and not just for CWD. I recently saw an article where a cow and calf moose were literally fed to death in a BC suburb.

Personally, I think hunting in the west should always be above that Eastern crap. Food plots and baiting can stay east of the Mississipi (include Texas, the land of the totally lost re public game management). North Dakota should be ashamed of giving in to that dude-ish chicken shit hunting domesticated deer garbage. Blows me away that this is even an issue in that state.
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Yeh I hear you and I agree . I’m just saying that baiting is and will be completely legal . Just can’t hunt over it
If you are not hunting over feed put there expressly for the attraction of a target is it actually baiting? You bait a hook with the end goal of catching a fish; bait a mousetrap to catch a mouse; you bait deer to shoot them. I guess if you think getting a picture from a trail camera is baiting then OK so be it. I have never heard of a "bird baiter" or "humming bird baiter". I don't bait my dog, I feed her. Feeding wildlife (supplementally) could actually be viewed as potenially falling under the Agency charged with managing the people's wildlife's purview if it was shown to be having deleterious effects, so I am not so sure you are 100% correct that it couldn't be done. I'm no attorney, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express within the last year.
If you are not hunting over feed put there expressly for the attraction of a target is it actually baiting? You bait a hook with the end goal of catching a fish; bait a mousetrap to catch a mouse; you bait deer to shoot them. I guess if you think getting a picture from a trail camera is baiting then OK so be it. I have never heard of a "bird baiter" or "humming bird baiter". I don't bait my dog, I feed her. Feeding wildlife (supplementally) could actually be viewed as potenially falling under the Agency charged with managing the people's wildlife's purview if it was shown to be having deleterious effects, so I am not so sure you are 100% correct that it couldn't be done. I'm no attorney, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express within the last year.
Doesn’t matter - I can bait all I want if I don’t hunt over it call it what u want
Doesn’t matter - I can bait all I want if I don’t hunt over it call it what u want
Doesn't a feed pile placed out from July-January have the same opportunity to spread CWD as a bait pile placed in that same time frame?

There has been 2 attempts to ban feeding through legislature met with much opposition. And it failed both times. Sportsmen/landowners feeding deer through our harsh winters correctly, have done hands down more positively then they have negatively to impact herd healths and survival rates.

If the game and fish is that concerned about a bail pile will spreading CWD why wasn't it, through the proclamation to regulate means of take, banned statewide in 1 shot? Honest question there.
Doesn't a feed pile placed out from July-January have the same opportunity to spread CWD as a bait pile placed in that same time frame?

There has been 2 attempts to ban feeding through legislature met with much opposition. And it failed both times. Sportsmen/landowners feeding deer through our harsh winters correctly, have done hands down more positively then they have negatively to impact herd healths and survival rates.

If the game and fish is that concerned about a bail pile will spreading CWD why wasn't it, through the proclamation to regulate means of take, banned statewide in 1 shot? Honest question there.
I would f’n think so but it’s the blind leading the blind
Had nothing do with cwd - some guy , Brock or his dad , had their buck gey shot by a private landowner over bait …. That’s it and that’s all
Had nothing do with cwd - some guy , Brock or his dad , had their buck gey shot by a private landowner over bait …. That’s it and that’s all
I've heard that argument to many times before also..

The last few years I haven't been into deer hunting nearly as much as before. Do I still like it, absolutely and I still hunt hard and have had good luck.

But I've killed the last couple deer with a rifle (after chasing them all fall with a bow) but don't find shooting a buck at 200 yards with my rifle that exciting for some reason.
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