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Baiting Bill (1151) is Senate side

North Dakota Wildlife Federation is the oldest statewide sportsman's org in ND. National Wildlife Federation did not submit anything. REMF has multiple chapters in this state with no centralized president so coupled with their stance on CWD and science, commented. That is kind of like me saying Farm Bureau is a national org. because they have state based groups or affiliates. Conversely, not sure why a deer farm owner from WI, or high fence managers from TX are even allowed to submit testimony.

Agreed, it will continue to come up because too many don't want to sacrifice anything for the potential good of the resource, and maybe there should be discussion on food plots. They do present some elevated risk of exposure, just nothing like bait piles. Most of the time food plots do not EXTEND the exposure period when deer concentrate
since there is similar food all over the landscape until harvest and they do not get very high visitation until food gets scarce or covered.
Most of the time food plots do not EXTEND the exposure period when deer concentrate
since there is similar food all over the landscape until harvest and they do not get very high visitation until food gets scarce or covered.
Huh ?? Most hunters quit baiting when tags are filled . They don’t till up or mow the food plots ….. just saying . Good plots congregate deer longer
But it’s all good I just hope next session there’s a bill banning baiting statewide as a law
And when do they start? Before 1 Sept when bow season opens and deer are NOT grouped up. Not everyone stops, especially fee operations or leases with multiple leasees, everyone is different. Never said they mow or till food plots, simply pointing out that all the other standing crops in the state dilute their draw to deer until the commodities near the food plots are harvested. Damn, I'm almost 60 and been involved with farmers and farming and hunting my whole life, I do know a couple things.🙂
Well I appreciate the kind words @Big Fin and @Hunting Wife, but I don't deserve them. It was a team effort in every sense of the word. I'm pretty humbled by the support from all people and parties involved. @BuzzH and @Ben Lamb, and their experience in the trenches, were a great sounding board for me. They were always available to answer my stupid questions and offer guidance and perspective.

We were able to tie in 12 conservation organizations for this effort, and throw on top of that dozens of Veterinarians, wildlife bios, journalists, and conservation leaders that helped with education and communication.

We are in debt to the members of each of those 12 organizations for standing up for what's right and holding their ground. Those members came through when we needed them most and were contacting their Senators at crucial points in the process.

Any members of those 12 groups who read this, I hope you understand you're the real MVP for getting involved, and we thank you.

I have many thank you letters to write.
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"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat"

Outstanding effort, Brock. Take a bow!
The opponents absolutely made a huge difference kudos to them . I wasn’t , and still am not for one way or the other I just want it to either be open or closed statewide. No unit by unit stuff . Do like Montana and Minnesota and make a statewide baiting ban . Period .

You do realize that in MN and many other states there are very notable area specific management changes when CWD is detected and when concentrations are higher? Where my family hunting land is in Northern MN the population has been hurting and they've been trying to recover it for a while. Then came 2 town deer testing positive for CWD so the regs changed and last year the doe harvest doubled. Yet, I don't see people from there saying "slaughter the does everywhere in MN, it's only fair". The "well if billy gets to bait so should I" or "If I can't bait Billy shouldn't either" schtick is a bad look.
"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat"

Outstanding effort, Brock. Take a bow!
Congratulations Brock! Take a victory lap. But having been involved in political battles over the years, keep this in mind. You have to win every time. The political opposition only has to win once. Be prepared next legislative biennium. And the next,,,,,,, and the next.
This reminds me of something an old friend used to say about things like this, "No is only good until the next time and yes is good forever".

Congratulations Brock! Take a victory lap. But having been involved in political battles over the years, keep this in mind. You have to win every time. The political opposition only has to win once. Be prepared next legislative biennium. And the next,,,,,,, and the next.
May not even have to wait that long. Bill proponents are now advocating for disruption of public meetings. I guess an attempt to prevent actual information from being shared with the public? Pathetic move in my opinion.

Straight from their own page:
"When the topic of CWD comes up, shut it down! Don’t let them push the fear anymore."
May not even have to wait that long. Bill proponents are now advocating for disruption of public meetings. I guess an attempt to prevent actual information from being shared with the public? Pathetic move in my opinion.

Straight from their own page:
"When the topic of CWD comes up, shut it down! Don’t let them push the fear anymore."
Facebook is such a dumpster fire.
May not even have to wait that long. Bill proponents are now advocating for disruption of public meetings. I guess an attempt to prevent actual information from being shared with the public? Pathetic move in my opinion.

Straight from their own page:
"When the topic of CWD comes up, shut it down! Don’t let them push the fear anymore."
We can argue the science about it all day due to "mays, may nots, cans and cannots" etc and go in circles all day like we have in the past.. But I see that as more of a "don't let information that's possibilities be told as a whole truths when it isn't necessarily the whole truth" statement.

We've gone round and round on here before about it and I'm not here to do that again. the senate floor and senators that stood up and spoke in opposition of the bill talked ethics in their speeches and I'm not here to argue ethics either becuase I really don't care how you hunt.. Except I do like giving snow goose jump shooters grief from time to time.

But I don't really see that as a call to "disrupt public meetings" when it says don't let them push the fear anymore like "always fatal" and whether or not prions percolate in the soil or not. I've been to advisory board meetings that have been heated on a multitude of different fronts, not just CWD (although the last couple years that seems to be the most common issue). But opinions are like a**holes and everyone has one and that's just mine 🤷🏻‍♂️
North Dakota Wildlife Federation is the oldest statewide sportsman's org in ND. National Wildlife Federation did not submit anything. REMF has multiple chapters in this state with no centralized president so coupled with their stance on CWD and science, commented. That is kind of like me saying Farm Bureau is a national org. because they have state based groups or affiliates. Conversely, not sure why a deer farm owner from WI, or high fence managers from TX are even allowed to submit testimony.

Agreed, it will continue to come up because too many don't want to sacrifice anything for the potential good of the resource, and maybe there should be discussion on food plots. They do present some elevated risk of exposure, just nothing like bait piles. Most of the time food plots do not EXTEND the exposure period when deer concentrate
since there is similar food all over the landscape until harvest and they do not get very high visitation until food gets scarce or covered.
Tell that to the 400 plus deer that wintered in 10 acres of standing corn we left for over 5 months

That “resource” benefited from approximately $7000 worth of corn left in the field for them

It seems to have reduced the damage to the hay in our ranch yard so there is a benefit to us but can you see how people that make actual significant financial investments to help that resource while others type comments accusing them of not caring about the “resource” doesn’t carry well ?

Food plots attract, congregate and hold deer

The cwd prion lives in the soil forever according to the GF vet and it lives on the leaf of a turnip deposited in the saliva of an infected deer till the next deer browses on that same leaf

The GF “ science” tells us that on their website

Food plots are seeded and emerge in June and deer start browsing on them… that continues through the winter in ND until April ( those 400 deer are just leaving that corn and surrounding habitat now)

10 months exposure

We presented this fact based science ( from the GF own website as being a risk and the NDGF will STILL continue to pay for anyones seed up to 5 acres of food plots

So by YOUR comments… the NDGF does not care about the “ good of the resource”

We have advisory meetings coming up please be sure to tell the NDGF that
May not even have to wait that long. Bill proponents are now advocating for disruption of public meetings. I guess an attempt to prevent actual information from being shared with the public? Pathetic move in my opinion.

Straight from their own page:
"When the topic of CWD comes up, shut it down! Don’t let them push the fear anymore."
May not even have to wait that long. Bill proponents are now advocating for disruption of public meetings. I guess an attempt to prevent actual information from being shared with the public? Pathetic move in my opinion.

Straight from their own page:
"When the topic of CWD comes up, shut it down! Don’t let them push the fear anymore."
Brock no one is calling for disruptions of meetings so stop the 1/6 insurrection claims okay

Dr. Charlie Bronson contradicted their own science from their web site in his testimonies

Even crane here now (after the fact) that good plots ARE a transmission risk and yet the NDGF continues funding them

The NDGF admitted THEY still feed deer in their short stop policies

And if cwd trulybis the pandemic Charlie insinuated will wipe out the deer herd then ban baiting state wide if you want to “ protect the resource “ and end food plots

That is what is being advocated to speak out at

So stop trying to push some bs narrative cause in the last live streamed advisory meeting from Bismarck itvwas YOUR side that was attacking fellow hunters making accusations against them while Jeb stood by not saying a thing
For those that think this was a “win” stop and realize this

All that was being done was an effort to find a compromise with the NDGF to allow hunting over bait even with restricted amounts

Hunting over bait does not cause transmission 🤔

Feeding/baiting deer still continues for a number of purposes including some being done by the NDGF as well as sportsmen and housewives

Dr Charlie Bronson asked at a cwd meeting if our group would be open to limiting the amount of bait🤔

All through this testimonies we repeatedly heard from the GF this bill would take away a “ tool from THEIR tool box” to manage cwd

Those supporting this bill (75%) have a tool box as well …. We tried to use the tool of compromise with the GF for several years and that tool was useless

So we tried the tool our state constitution specifically spells out we can of approaching this “by law” through the legislature and that tool was taken away by Brock and company of national orgs dictating policy without any means for ND members to vote on that policy

So now because of those efforts of these national orgs and their in state representatives landowner sportsmen, farmers and rancher may be down to the last tool in our tool box and that is a pretty blunt big hammer

There is already talk by many people not directly involved with this bill that the hunting access they allowed even with their lands posted is done

ND is 93% private lands all 3 major ag orgs supported this ( FU and FB being on the same side is rare) and all 3 of those orgs members or their representatives voted on and supported this bill representing over 40,000 members landowner sportsmen farmers and ranchers … how many acres are in that memberships control?

People on sites like this do not understand the frustration that exists in the country with these govt agencies and the NGOs that push their agendas through these agencies …it is real and beyond just this baiting issue

So heres what will likely happen

Access that has been granted ( in our area lands that have had 20 plus once in a life time moose tags filled in the last 6 years with the land owners loading them with their tractors helping locate animals and calling hunters, along with deer archery and bird hunting are now closed) … will change

With farms being several thousand acres now it can add up fast a couple large farms that have never been posted now will be … electronic posting allows that to be done relatively easily

It remains to be seen how many acres will be closed but the hunting landscape WILL change even more there is no doubt

You can make accusations, call farmers greedy, make your own threats of retaliation through legislative bills ect…. and that will just reaffirm this response

So what will happen….bow hunters that see their access closed on private lands will turn to the 7% of lands that are public in ND that Brock and company brag about “ethical” hunting on

There is already complaints about how crowded these lands are gettingand that the “resource” is being pressured to hard …. There is talk of going to a draw archery tag that is likely to happen…. When access to private lands becomes harder people will apply to hunt public lands and there will be a 2 then 3 then 4 year wait building points to draw an archery tag

Maybe guys that can afford to travel to other states to hunt won’t be impacted … but alot of everyday sportsmen will be

Or… people will just quit bow hunting … then how does that next generation get introduced??? 🤔

So those of you that think this is a “win” …. Remember this post 5-10 years from now when the threads bitching about archery draw tags and 4?year waits start showing up on these sites and people are saying they hung up their bow and are fishing more

Yep access was already getting tough but it was allowed … this “win” will make it even harder … so who really won here ?
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