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Baiting Bill (1151) is Senate side

This was from a prior thread that got locked. A simple question and a classic Gabe answer. It appears he can add Hunt Talk to the list?

Welcome to Hunt Talk @GST

Just curious. How many forums have you been banned from? I've heard conflicting numbers.
Well its been awhile so my memory may be kinda foggy 🙃
I was banned from Nodak Angler by a moderator that banned a few farmers and ranchers at the time over a couple legislative issues that still swears we run a hfh operation which I have never had or have any interest in i think I was asked to come back on that one but it had kinda died

Then the whole Toby and the ban hammer deal on Fishingbuddy site where a moderator with a drinking problem banned a bunch a guys

I know I got back on that one and the previous moderator on there just called a couple days ago asking advice on this 1151 bill 🙂 but that site died shortly after the banning as well

Then the last one was Nodak Angler where the tribe voted me off the Island

Volmer told me in a message I could come back on down the line sometime but there really isn’t any reason to

I only came here to set the record straight on some comments a fellow ND has made that has now accused me of lying

I had hoped that kind of childish thing and personal accusations could be avoided and we could have a good discussion sharing other viewpoints and information even if we disagree

It seems hard to have truth based factual dialogue any more I hope this site is different but I have no intention of staying on a site dedicated to another states sportsmen once this ND topic disappears it would be a bit forward to think my opinion should matter as a NDan in Mts issues

I was surprised Brock felt it necessary to bring a ND issue to a national site instead of posting more on our states most popular site Nodak Angler

He is not getting the positive response there like he is here so maybe he is searching for a different audience
Brock’s the one deflecting questions. What was solved ? Where do we go now ? Nothing and nowhere . There’ll be more baiting than ever !

We avoided having a legislative body take game management tools from the agency tasked with game management. We continue to let the NDGF manage the state's wildlife with the best peer reviewed data available and to the best of their abilities.

And to preemptively answer the #1 question related to this topic; No. I have not seen 600 deer on a silage pile. The most I've seen is probably near 100.
We avoided having a legislative body take game management tools from the agency tasked with game management. We continue to let the NDGF manage the state's wildlife with the best peer reviewed data available and to the best of their abilities.

And to preemptively answer the #1 question related to this topic; No. I have not seen 600 deer on a silage pile. The most I've seen is probably near 100.
avoided nothing - baiting is still legal
Is this a common practice for you? To just make stuff up about people you don't even know? Go find some integrity.
You’ve been doing well at it . Lol . Relax lighten up it’s Friday . Have a good weekend
I think the people with 600 deer in their silage pit will still be hunting over bait. Seems like a win win for everyone.
I think the people with 600 deer in their silage pit will still be hunting over bait. Seems like a win win for everyone.
Legally.. We still could technically but never have. But not many else have that same opportunity to have that common ag practice.

Why hasn't the game and fish banned hunting over bait in every unit in North Dakota if a bait pile is that much of a risk.. There are studies saying prion diseases can occur sporadically, so if a bait pile is that big of a risk to a disease that can occur anywhere at anytime, wouldn't the science say the game and fish should have gone statewide in 09? Or did the negative feedback from their attempts to ban it in the legislature in 07 and 09 stop them from doing that so that a bill like this didnt get brought forth back then?
The game on your private land is public property. Laws or regulations ... what's the difference?
Surely you can understand the difference between a law and a regulation?

Only the executive branch of government can enact laws that govern all people. Game and fish agencies/commissions can only enact regulations with respect to hunting and fishing.

Also, laws typically don’t legalize an action, they prohibit an action. I.e an action such as feeding deer is legal unless prohibited by legislative action, which cannot come from G and F. Unless as pointed out earlier, they are legislatively granted that authority to enact a blanket feeding rule.
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Then why all the gnashing of teeth by those in favor of the bill?
If someone so chooses in any unit in North Dakota right now they could go dump semi loads of grain/feed out year round (terrible idea, trust me.. I know) and put trail cams up, sit there and take pictures/video with a camera, etc.. They just can't sit there with a bow.

Someone in those units where hunting over bait can't use a mock scrape with scents, or a homemade licking branch with scent either.
But go ahead let’s call each other names . Maybe we can go look for our integrity together
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