Yeti GOBOX Collection

Bad Weekend for the Lopes

Silent But Deadly

New member
Jul 25, 2001
Great Falls, MT
Today the Antelope are flying their flags at half mast. It was a brutal weekend for them, even the women and children. Fuggingoodhunter is a brutal SOB. The second I had a lope down, he was all over it, ripping it apart like a starving wolf. I have disturbing photos of this frightening act.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 10-21-2002 10:55: Message edited by: Weekend Warrior ]</font>
I could hear him howling and yelling something about.. "Save the leather cheerio for meeee...."

That boy is sick and twisted, no doubt. His shot placement on buck antelope.. gawd! He likes to have a horn in hand before putting a fatal bullet in the animal. It's a new and interesting way to field judge them for sure.
Dude, that's funny... that's the same thing he called it. But I could see him with my binos from a distance. He was holding it up by it's front legs while doing pelvic thrusts. I put down the Swaros, convinced that I'd seen enough at that point.
I was there and can confirm the rumors. It's all true. Even the howling. He's a sick and twisted individual when he misses breakfast.

The pics need to be posted!!
Here's some evidence...

First, is my good buddy Grandpa Bob's lope.. He shot it in the throat running at over 200 yards. At the time he shot, this buck was in a large group and all we could see was thier heads and necks. Bob should really be called "The Iceman" He rarely breaks a rifle out to hunt and usually only takes one or two shots a year in the case that he does. Something tragic usually happens to the poor unsuspecting wildlife when Grandpa Bob's in town. This buck is one I videoed on a scouting trip earlier in the summer. I figured Bob would like him. We tried several stalks on this buck. The first didn't work, the second Bob missed, but only because I told him it was 200 yards farther than it actually was. The 3rd time, Bob took the offhand running jugular shot. Poor lope. It was only a matter of time anyway. Bob said the buck was only "prolonging his death" by making us chase him for a couple hours. His prongs are just shy of 7"

After we took some photos of Bob's buck, I shot two does. It made me sad. But at least now my frieds at work have plenty of meat to make jerky with.

Around 3PM we made it back to where Weekend Warrior and pal Koy, along with Fuggingoodhntr and Yetty were hunting. FGH and Yetty had taken nice bucks. Yetty's is a real heavy beast with like 7.5" bases. WW and Koy had taken out some frustrations on does also. These are the animals that FGH had his way with. I hope those two dingleberries took some pictures of them for this discussion. I think WW took photos of FGH during his satanic assault on the does.

In any event I tagged along with WW and Koy.. Koy made a nice stalk and ambushed this buck that evening..

The next day WW, Koy, and I spent in search of a hog lope for WW. He was going to shoot nothing but a huge buck until about 2PM, then drop his standards to a fawn. Thankfully at about 1:30, he found one that he liked, made a quick stalk and put the hurt on him. I'm glad he didn't shoot a fawn. This one is slightly nicer.

Here's one of the cool garage photos that hunts always should have at the end.

Hopefully, WW, FGH, and Yetti have some additional pictures to post here. Get the film developed lope killers...

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 10-22-2002 05:24: Message edited by: Greenhorn ]</font>
Looks like you guys had a good weekend. How many goats can you fit in the bed of a pickup? Thanks for the pics, Greeny.

YIKES!!! Now that's what I call whackin' 'em and stackin' 'em!!! Those speedgoats sure are some interesting creatures. Congrats on a fun and bloody weekend!
Damn.....them speedgoats hated to see you guys coming...........they'll always referr to it to their offspring as "the day the music died" :eek:
You guys have the game all f****ed up. What went on was not sexual it was purely animal. I didnt want to post the sexual pics of weekend Warrior, but It looks like Ill have no choice. The photos I have show it is not just one animal or specie, he is a repeat offender.
I don't know what you are talking about fuggingoodhunter. I'm sure any photos you have of me are only doctored photos with my face attached to the Yetty's body. I would never do such a thing to a game animal that I respect so much.

The photos of the insane antelope ripper should be posted later today. I'm just getting around to getting them developed.
Weekend, Its on. You may be getting a visit from the FBI after I get to a scanner. Its going to be ugly. There is no "superimposed" going on here. Its just plain ugly. Im looking at a whiteail and a poor freak goat- neither of them deserved what they got.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 10-22-2002 13:39: Message edited by: Fuggingoodhnter ]</font>
The scouting I did this year really paid off. I'll post my photo soon. I'll also post a picture of myself with the antelope I shot. While I'm at it I'll dig up the last time Weekend Warrior got laid. I know I have a photo of that some where around here.

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