Background checks on ammo purchases.


Well-known member
Dec 27, 2016
I posted this in the school shooting thread but after 29+ pages I think most tuned out from that.

“Closing this absurd loophole will not by itself stop the next mass shooting tragedy. But this popular approach must be part of our larger strategy for ending gun violence," Wasserman Schultz said.

I don’t think it has a chance in hell of passing right now but who knows in 2 to 4 years. I’m sure there will be a limit on how much you can purchase at one time as well. This would also negatively affect everyone whether you like A.R. 15‘s or not. Fun times ahead!
Great.... "the same quick and easy process that applies to the purchase of firearms"... it took me 3 hours to get a background check to buy a shotgun, quick and easy my a@$. Guess this precludes running to gas station to grab an extra box of shells mid-hunt, imagine it would make getting ammo super fun in places like AK with less than great internet access.
What’s that saying, so goes California, so goes the rest of the country.. anyone who thinks that the agenda is really to protect children is a fool. I have yet to even see a law proposed that would have stopped any of the recent school shootings. Make no mistake, these people don’t care about school children any more than they care about black people, immigrants, women, or the environment. Every policy they dream up fails, and when their policies fail, they just dream up more crap policies that will fail. The liberal democrat party could not exist without a victim.
The leftist shills will be along soon to explain how this doesn't infringe on anyone's rights. "A common sense approach any reasonable person wwould agree with."
This seems like a pretty dumb idea. I could see checks on orders of 1000 rounds or more of centerfire ammo, but every purchase is silly.
NY tried this with the SAFE act. The feds said no to using NICS for ammo purchases, but they passes a bill that you can't order ammo online unless you have it shipped to a FFL. It's getting nasty out there and the left is coming hard after whatever little thing they can get.
The NYS Safe act, as mentioned above, required background checks for ammo purchases. The idea has been shelved, but can be reactivated if the NYS Police come up with a methodology to implement it. I used to really enjoy buying ammo through mail order, but that has ended......
Instead of a thousand round limit Ben maybe they should have a 20 round box a month limit cause who needs more than 20 rounds to get there deer and elk in a months period, still gives a guy a couple rounds to check his zero.
But don’t worry cuz the left is no threat, right Ben?

I feel safer with the dems coming after my guns than I do the GOP coming after my clean air, water, public lands & wildlife (and my healthcare, retirement investments, etc). But yeah, let's play identity politics rather than look at the actual chances of something like this passing, even if the Dems take the House.

Instead of a thousand round limit Ben maybe they should have a 20 round box a month limit cause who needs more than 20 rounds to get there deer and elk in a months period, still gives a guy a couple rounds to check his zero.

Clearly, if we do one thing, it will lead to enactment of things so horrific that only hyperbole can answer our questions.

Gun owners should be at the forefront of this debate, and not just sharing silly memes trying to shame other people from their beliefs. We shouldn't be harassing and attacking kids who survive school shootings, and we shouldn't be swinging dick around to make ourselves feel better about our love of guns.

These are our countrymen & women who are looking for answers. We could be helpful in giving them something that would actually work. The right has correctly diagnosed some of the biggest issues related to gun violence, yet they refuse to actually look at ways to limit that violence. The left has misdiagnosed the problem and thinks that only gun control can solve the issue. Both sides continue to only see half of the problem.

Gun violence is absolutely a cultural problem. If you want to fix the culture, then empower those who are most at risk (poor kids - urban and rural, black, white and brown) to find their path to prosperity. Offer free vocational training & community college, even offer free tuition to land grant colleges - give kids an opportunity to succeed rather than simply tell them to do it on their own. Same goes for healthcare - if you want to honestly look at ways to better how we treat mentally ill, then you have to consider single payer. A nation that invests in it's people is a nation that thrives. It worked in the last century and built the middle class. We've abandoned those principles in favor of policy that rewards selfishness and greed.

Gun control is addressing a symptom, not the disease. Yet even with that acknowledgement, gun owners could be leading the way in finding real solutions to a cultural problem that no other industrialized nation suffers from, but instead we choose division, derision and inaction. That is how we truly lose our freedoms.

This bill has no chance of passing. Yet we do know that people like James Holmes ordered thousands of rounds off the internet, same with the LV shooter (stockpiled rounds). Same with the guy who shot up a Planned Parenthood. Hell, I have about 8-10K rounds right now in my ammo locker. If I want to purchase that many rounds, I don't have a problem going through a background check similar to buying a gun. It's not an abrogation of rights, since I can still buy them - it's a regulation of a right, just as all rights have regulation.
If you want to fix the culture, then empower those who are most at risk (poor kids - urban and rural, black, white and brown) to find their path to prosperity.

Voting demographics have shown that this will never be high on their representatives' list...
Voting demographics have shown that this will never be high on their representatives' list...

People are too complacent these days, demand better from those we elect...

If they don't get the hint, send them packing.

As to the background check on ammo, not a good idea for a lot of reasons.
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The irony is, I know numerous people that never bought more than a couple hundred rounds a year for duck hunting or upland bird hunting, and even less, 20-50 for their hunting rifle, that now have enough ammo to last 10 years or more.

A criminal that wants to do violence can simply drive across the border, but as much ammo has he/she wants, and drive back to CA. These type of laws solve nothing, they only burden law abiding citizens.
So 100 round limit? 20?

If we cannot buy 1000 rounds without a BG check why would we be able "stockpile" without a permit?

Incremtalism at it's finest, and "reasonable" people will be there every step of the way insuring us all is well.
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