About two years ago I was in a world of hurt. Herniated a disc and couldn't stand straight, couldn't walk normal and Felt it all the way down to my right ankle. Tried shots and meds (steroids, relaxers, opioids, etc.) Dr. Recommended surgery but only after I completed a full regimen of physical therapy. After the first several visits I quit as it wasn't helping me, went back to the Dr. and he said no way, surgery was a last resort and he wouldn't approve until therapist said they had done all they could for me. Four months of therapy later I had marked improvement. Still took about a year to be able to do everything I could do before. Pushing myself hard scared the hell out of me because I would give anything to not go back to where I was before. Now, lots of yoga, core work, and stretching and I can run like
I used to, play basketball, etc. Lower back still gets sore but it doesn't prevent me from doing anything aside from lifting real heavy.
I wouldn't wish back pain on anyone and I completely understand how it could bring a permanent dark cloud to someone's life. Hopefully everything you have done works well for you.
I used to, play basketball, etc. Lower back still gets sore but it doesn't prevent me from doing anything aside from lifting real heavy.
I wouldn't wish back pain on anyone and I completely understand how it could bring a permanent dark cloud to someone's life. Hopefully everything you have done works well for you.