AZ Pronghorn - A lifetime dream

No dice. Got within 200 yards as they neared a big water tank. They were on edge as they approached. When a truck pulled up near the tank, the gig was up. Off they went.

Some hunts you catch lots of breaks and some hunts you can't catch a break to save your life. This one might go down as one of the latter.

Tried filming some of my own stalks today. Boy, that footage is going to need some work. When you have a bow in one hand and a camera and tripod in the other, it makes it kind of awkward. Probably messes things up more than anything, along with being poor quality footage.

Rained and lightning off and on all day. Everything got wet (wetter) again today. Raining right now as I type this. Not sure what that does to my already mucky blind down in that drainage. If it keeps raining all night, I will be left with only one option, and that will be to go down low to spot and stalk. Oh well, two big bucks down there that I would really like to shoot.

A local guy warned me about "Mesa mud." Said it sticks to everything. He was right. Hard to spot and stalk with five in "mud heels."

My buddy Wade is coming up for the weekend. Will be fun to catch up on old times. His extra pair of eyes will be welcomed. Probably be more BSing than hunting.

A few picks of the mud mess today.


Tried filming some of my own stalks today. Boy, that footage is going to need some work.

Don't do it. Half hunt, half camera isn't going to get either done. You've put a lot of work into this show and this episode, which everyone appreciates. Kevin & Loren already got some good stuff. You've been working for this tag since way, way before the show was even an idea in your head. Sometimes even important things have to take a back seat. This time it's the show IMHO.

If it dries out and you set up blinds, set the cameras. Other wise keep one handy for after you arrow one. My 2¢ again, but I think you're getting nearly full value on this one.
Biggest buck escaped and the average buck is prancing around in front of us saying, "Pick me Pick me! I want to be on TV."

Any other hunt and he would have his wish fulfilled.

On to the next ones.
Don't do it. Half hunt, half camera isn't going to get either done. You've put a lot of work into this show and this episode, which everyone appreciates. Kevin & Loren already got some good stuff. You've been working for this tag since way, way before the show was even an idea in your head. Sometimes even important things have to take a back seat. This time it's the show IMHO.

If it dries out and you set up blinds, set the cameras. Other wise keep one handy for after you arrow one. My 2¢ again, but I think you're getting nearly full value on this one.

I second that, give the hunt 100%, film after the fact.
Left the camera behind on that stalk. Got the does to feed within 14 yards. The buck bedded at 32 yards and stood and grazed at 40 yards. Just not quite what I was looking for. Shooter in any other place I have archery hunted pronghorn.

On to the big one.
Enough already. I think you have given them pronghorn enough chances. You will have to close the deal out pretty soon. However, when one waits so long for a tag, you dont want to rush anything.

As long as you are enjoying yourself, I guess there is no need to hurry.
The anticipation is killn me wife is even askin if ya put one to sleep yet cuz she can't get her turn on the family computer.....Good Luck!!!
Don't do it. Half hunt, half camera isn't going to get either done. You've put a lot of work into this show and this episode, which everyone appreciates. Kevin & Loren already got some good stuff. You've been working for this tag since way, way before the show was even an idea in your head. Sometimes even important things have to take a back seat. This time it's the show IMHO.

If it dries out and you set up blinds, set the cameras. Other wise keep one handy for after you arrow one. My 2¢ again, but I think you're getting nearly full value on this one.

I agree with DDD, Trophy photos with your dream buck make for better memories and better hunttalk stories than videos of the ones you could have gotten (IMHO this situation)
Well I just want to publicly state how stupid I am as I had previously not even really looked at this section of hunt talk. Being new I didn't know what this little section was all abut but decided to finally take a look at why there were 11 people viewing and 10 pages of BS on this thread....well I now know after about 45 minutes of reading through all this hoping to see a kill pic. I am now sitting on the edge of my site eagerly awaiting Randy's post from tonight...hoping currently he's skinning out a 90" goat! I will go and read all the other threads here to keep me entertained while I wait. Hoping for the best Finny!
I can't keep my eyes open any longer as I push the refresh button hoping for an update. Randy, I'm getting old and can't stay up like I used to so I'll put this out to the universe and say, I hope to see you in some good pictures tomorrow. Good night.
Long night. Spent time looking over some new country. Was nice to spend the day catching up with Wade.

This evening was another evening thunderstorm and the antelope seemed to be as averse to lightning as I am. Only one antelope found and it was too late to go after him.

Yesterday, I was out hunting near where the posse was located. Talked to them and the tagholder had shot what he said was a great buck at 11:30am. They told me it was a great hit behind the shoulder, but was still moving. This was at 2:15pm. Usually, great hits don't allow the animal to continue for almost three hours. They had to get going to finish the deal.

Well, today, I drive out to look over the bucks in that area, and the tagholder is out there with the posse. Not sure if he was trying to kill another one, or if this was the toughest antelope in the world, running around with a behind the shoulder hit a day after taking the arrow and they were just trying to finish him off.

On the way in there, the posse had all their UTVs parked in the road. One guy was glassing something from the roadblock, while the rest were out in the sage. He did not move any of the UTVs, rather just gave me the look of "If you want to hunt here, you are going to have to go around us." So, locked in the hubs, crawled over the rocks, and go around him, I did. Not sure if this is all coincidence and accidental, or what, but I sure am left with the impression that the posse thinks this is their turf.

Good news is that I have met Robert and Jackie, and a bunch of other really cool hunters camped nearby. We are sharing information each day and providing daily reports of who saw what, and where. Enjoying the visits with those folks.

Loren sent me this video snapshot of a clip he took when I was out doing some spot and stalk experiments Wednesday evening. Experiments being the best term. Thought the lightning bolt looks pretty cool. Glad it was out in front and to the left. Should look cool on video. Caught it with two different cameras, so the shot should make the cut.


Tomorrow is the day. So close today, and finding spots where I can consistently locate pronghorn. Just have to hit it when that one big whopper shows up. Hopefully I can make the shot.
Hmmm...a great hit behind the shoulder? Sounds like they got confused about which end of the animal the shoulder is on. Don't let those guys get into your head. Good luck out there-- you deserve it.

Oh, and maybe don't walk around in a lightning storm with a big old metal tripod in your hands. Just sayin'...

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