AZ Pronghorn - A lifetime dream

Good luck buddy. Best investment I ever had was getting this iPad. Now I watch movies during those boring times.

Good luck buddy.

Losing my mind, sitting here looking at water and at the horizon, trying to convert every shrub and brush into a thirsty antelope. Maybe a DQ will get me off the schnide.

Sing. Sing a song. Sing out loud. Sing out strong. :D
Stick with it --- the Fat Lady doesn't even know where you are! No matter what you do, keep waaaaaaay more water with you than you think necessary, especially if you get out and dog 'em (DON'T drop your pack!). Like Craig said, it may be best to hunker down somewhere and let them drift your way ...
Got a serious plan. Heading to Flagstaff to drop Loren off at the airport, then after doing some laundry, will pull out the big weapon.

I think they have thrown down and now are calling me out on my hunting stick-to-it-iveness. They' ve pulled the big bluff - The Triple Dog Dare.

Well, they have never seen 'Ol Fin charged up on an extra large raspberry cocholate truffle blizzard with chocolate ice cream. Chased down with a Starbucks venti no-foam triple shot latte. Might even grab a box of Dilly Bars to keep me amped up and ready to roll.

That's the last weapon, Fin's H-bomb, the weapon to end all hunts, to bring about world peace on the plains of Arizona.

If that doesn't work over the next week, the antelope win. Unless of course, Moosie can Fed Ex me one of those power shakes, preferably chocolate.
Well, sounds to me like you've got a real solid plan there for sure.
Stick with it BF, good things will happen!

Love these dang live reports, although it sure cuts into the work productivity.....
Got a serious plan. Heading to Flagstaff to drop Loren off at the airport, then after doing some laundry, will pull out the big weapon.

I think they have thrown down and now are calling me out on my hunting stick-to-it-iveness. They' ve pulled the big bluff - The Triple Dog Dare.

Well, they have never seen 'Ol Fin charged up on an extra large raspberry cocholate truffle blizzard with chocolate ice cream. Chased down with a Starbucks venti no-foam triple shot latte. Might even grab a box of Dilly Bars to keep me amped up and ready to roll.

That's the last weapon, Fin's H-bomb, the weapon to end all hunts, to bring about world peace on the plains of Arizona.

If that doesn't work over the next week, the antelope win. Unless of course, Moosie can Fed Ex me one of those power shakes, preferably chocolate.

Vent triple?? No, no do a quad grande. Those things set your mind straight in short order. Wife tasted mine once on our way to our place in OR and just damn near blew chunks on the windshield.
At least you don't have a silly song running though your head like "The Lion Sleeps Tonight".............................................John:D

Ah you azz. Fin might not but I do now. "In the jungle the mighty jungle the lion sleeps tonight" In the jungle the mighty jungle the lion sleeps tonight" Aweemaway, Aweemaway Aweemaway, Aweemaway.. :confused::mad::confused::confused::eek:
DQ chocolate on my lips and latte foam spilled on my shirt. Classified pics to follow.
You are lucky you are near Flag and not Phoenix - remolding our house here in 116 degrees - rather be with you and having bad

All right now Fin, you've had your tasty treats now get some shut eye so you can knock one down tomorrow...Looking forward to seeing some pics of a nice buck takin the eternal nap with you smiling behind him...
I am hitting the rack now. Fully charged after my treats today. Clean laundry, lots of rest, and ready to get after it tomorrow. Spotting and stalking first thing in the morning. Then devising a plan for the afternoon based on what I see in the morning.

Proof of my plotting and scheming.


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