Awful tv hunting show


Well-known member
Jul 14, 2013
So yesterday I caught the tail end of a hunting show on the Outdoor channel when I was tuning in to watch The Western Hunter which I enjoy almost as much as Fresh Tracks.
Anyhow the yahoo that was doing the shooting shot at a mule deer buck he said was at 450 yards and proceeded to gut shoot the animal. The entrails were hanging out of the buck as the clown is yelling "I smoked em" and the buck is staggering away. He made no attempt to put a finishing shot into the animal. He turns to the camera and starts extolling the virtues of his new brand x rifle and scope.
I was so disgusted that I finally called Direct TV and told them to cancel my subscription to the outdoor channel. I know I should have cancelled sooner but I was keeping it for only the few show that are watchable.
I can see why Randy left to be only on you-tube and didn't want to be associated with those kind of tv shows.
I would say, unfortunately, the majority of hunting shows are terrible. It really makes me appreciate the handful of good ones. Fresh tracks, western hunter, meateater, and lately Hushin, are about the only ones I watch.
The majority of the hunting shows anymore are really bad. I don't watch the Outdoor Channel at all. These so called professional hunters along with the sponsors are a detriment to what real hunting is all about. I can't believe that they air half the crap they do. People must buy into the B.S.for the shows to continue airing. But there is some good ones that were mentioned in previous post.
I would say, unfortunately, the majority of hunting shows are terrible. It really makes me appreciate the handful of good ones. Fresh tracks, western hunter, meateater, and lately Hushin, are about the only ones I watch.

So true! I find myself watching more YouTube hunting shows then the outdoor channel. Hushin, Born and raised, and Randy are the 3 I watch.
Western Hunter is the only outdoor show I bother to watch on TV anymore. I think its a good show. The rest basically suck for reasons like you mentioned. I watch Randy's shows on the net, and really appreciate what he does for hunters as a group.
Havent had tv for a few years and don't really miss it. Mostly just watch youtube hunting shows like Randys or The Mountain Project.
I canceled when Gold Fever went off the air. Gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, fe-va-va-va-va-va, gold, gold, gold fever! Tom Massey >= any "professional" hunter on TV.
There was an episode of Pigman the other night that the asshole shooting decided he wanted to do a head shot on a pig....with a bow...and he did and they showed the pig flailing around and the shooter fist pumping all proud of himself. I really don't understand why Leupold associates with Pigman and the dumb shit he does.
There was an episode of Pigman the other night that the asshole shooting decided he wanted to do a head shot on a pig....with a bow...and he did and they showed the pig flailing around and the shooter fist pumping all proud of himself. I really don't understand why Leupold associates with Pigman and the dumb shit he does.

Agree! I cannot stand Pigman.
So true! I find myself watching more YouTube hunting shows then the outdoor channel. Hushin, Born and raised, and Randy are the 3 I watch.

I've heard Born and Raised are good. I'll have to check that out too. It's funny, over the last year and a half or so I have found my self reaching for the lap top when it's time to sit down for the evening rather than the TV remote.
When i felt it necessary to further control my spending, Dish TV was went and because of what is on the wwweb at a great savings, i really don't feel deprived or miss regular TV. Now my wide screen Sony TV is used as my monitor so watching what's on the tube is quite enjoyable. There are guys and outdoor shows that turn my guts and jerk my knees but i'm a old Coach at heart and want to see guys do things, "better". I do give all the creator-content guys credit though, they're trying to make it happen for themselves while working doing what they love. That's never a bad thing.
I too am a Fresh Tracks, Hushin, and Born and Raised Outdoors fan on YouTube. I love Western Hunter, their content and cinematography is authentic and breathtaking... I wish they would upload on YouTube and Amazon Prime like Randy, that way I don't have to wait until January when they upload their content to VHX.
Yeah I went on a here last winter when I was living in a hotel for work and watched some awful hunting shows. I haven't had dish/cable TV for years. Makes me glad I don't pay for crap like that anymore. I emailed sponsors of the awful animal killing TV shows and told them I would not use their products if they support these jerks that do more harm than good to we the true hunters. Not one response back, but rest assured I don't use their products.
They all have bad about them. Poor shot placement, poor hunter ethics, hunter doing things they were taught not too in hunters education...etc.etc.etc. Hush, Fresh Track, Pigman...etc.etc.etc....They all have issues. I have pretty much stopped watching anything unless I'm bored. Randy is at least entertaining.
What was the hunting show?

Calling to cancel doesn't really do much. Look up the show, and call the sponsors. Tell them you are posting about it on a very popular hunting message board. Take away his money stream.
They all have bad about them. Poor shot placement, poor hunter ethics, hunter doing things they were taught not too in hunters education...etc.etc.etc. Hush, Fresh Track, Pigman...etc.etc.etc....They all have issues. I have pretty much stopped watching anything unless I'm bored. Randy is at least entertaining.

Would love to hear what issues you have with MeatEater or Fresh Tracks.
HA HA HAAAA I became a member of the GPAA back in the EARLY 90's because of that show!! Even went on a gold prospecting retreat in AZ with them! :)

I canceled when Gold Fever went off the air. Gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, fe-va-va-va-va-va, gold, gold, gold fever! Tom Massey >= any "professional" hunter on TV.
Haven't seen Gold Fever in years,they used to show it on public tv here in Az.:cool:
There is some stupid stuff being shown on some of the hunting shows.

I think one that comes to mind is Relentless Pursuit (I'm pretty sure it is this show). On the intro, the guy shoots a brown bear in the head with an arrow and then celebrates.

I cannot believe they continue to show that clip each week, pisses me off to no end and a horrible look for hunters.

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