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Awful tv hunting show

I tried watching western hunter one time. He was hunting coues in Az. He came across another hunter and said he could tell the guy was a "real" hunter because the guy had Swaro binos. So the blue collar guy who can only afford Vortex is less of a hunter? Came across as a real elitist ass. Never watched it again
Was it The Hunt? I watched a few episodes on Netflix, and wouldn't recommend it to anyone. After every guided hunt he product name-dropped his equipment and was just awful to listen to.
I haven't had TV for several years, so when I'm on the road is the only time I see how bad it really is. I ended up watching something called "Critical Mass" by Drury the other night. Horrifying. For some reason, part of it involves running an obstacle course and shooting a bow at targets WHILE ANOTHER DOOFUS SHOOTS AT YOU WITH PADDED ARROWS! Stolen right from American Gladiators. The best that could be said about American Gladiators is that they never claimed it was related to bowhunting. The upshot of the whole thing is that there are a bunch of "hunters" competing for some jerkwad championship, based on videos of their hunts, scores in ridiculous things like the above, and general popularity votes. I'd love to see hunters safety certifications revoked for anyone involved in this mess.
Would love to hear what issues you have with MeatEater or Fresh Tracks.

I don't want to start a pissing match with anyone over who did what on what show TV versus YT....etc.etc. They all have their issues, no one is perfect is all I'm saying.
I don't want to start a pissing match with anyone over who did what on what show TV versus YT....etc.etc. They all have their issues, no one is perfect is all I'm saying.

Don’t need to be a passing match, but since you specifically criticize/accuse Fresh Tracks on this forum, I think you should provide your evidence.
Fresh Tracks and Into High Country are very good. Western Hunter is decent but I agree Chris Denham is an elitist ass. Nate Simmons drives me nuts too. He extolls the virtues of public lands and bitches and moans the second he sees another hunter. Their stories are good though. Anymore I just go down Youtube rabbit holes when it comes to hunting shows. Mountain Project is a good one.
I tried watching western hunter one time. He was hunting coues in Az. He came across another hunter and said he could tell the guy was a "real" hunter because the guy had Swaro binos. So the blue collar guy who can only afford Vortex is less of a hunter? Came across as a real elitist ass. Never watched it again

I doubt the comment was intended as elitism. I’ve been in the Outdoorsmans shop and had Cody help me get one of their heads to work with my budget slik Tripod and Vortex binoculars.

On an early season az rifle coues hunt, seeing a tripod on a guy’s pack does mark them as competition on a different level than the road hinting masses. That said, I’ve never met Chris so take it fwiw.
You fellows would not want to be in the crosshairs of the most dangerous series' huntresses out there...Southern Charm
I doubt the comment was intended as elitism. I’ve been in the Outdoorsmans shop and had Cody help me get one of their heads to work with my budget slik Tripod and Vortex binoculars.

On an early season az rifle coues hunt, seeing a tripod on a guy’s pack does mark them as competition on a different level than the road hinting masses. That said, I’ve never met Chris so take it fwiw.

I'll have to rewatch it, but I remember it being somewhat offputting.

Edit: apparently you cant find that show for free. It was season 2 episode 14 if you want to see it.
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Don’t need to be a passing match, but since you specifically criticize/accuse Fresh Tracks on this forum, I think you should provide your evidence.

OK, Watch the turkey hunting video and watch the guy run with the loaded gun. Now this will start a pissing match with you and others I'm sure...oh it was in a safe direction....this...that...exactly why I did not want to mention specifics....face it...they all have issue...did you REALLY think Fresh Tracks is a virgin honey pot or something...pure as the driven snow?
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OK, Watch the turkey hunting video and watch the guy run with the loaded gun. Now this will start a pissing match with you and others I'm sure...oh it was in a safe direction....this...that...exactly why I did not want to mention specifics....face it...they all have issue...did you REALLY think Fresh Tracks is a virgin honey pot or something...pure as the driven snow?

Maybe not the safest act ever, but we've all probably done that at some point. Hell I was forced to run with a loaded m16 as a dumbass teenager lol. No person or show is perfect, but in my opinion, that is small potatoes compared to the positives that come from Fresh Tracks
Maybe not the safest act ever, but we've all probably done that at some point. Hell I was forced to run with a loaded m16 as a dumbass teenager lol. No person or show is perfect, but in my opinion, that is small potatoes compared to the positives that come from Fresh Tracks
Nope, I never have...never will....I was taught not too in my hunting class many moons ago...I knew if I mentioned it people would come back with,oh, is that all you got? This was about how bad all shows are, I agree, especially the hush one mentioned....There is no show exempt from stupid behavior was my point per the title of the thread no matter how big or small. :)
I like the outdoor hunting channels. When I was recouping from my heart attack I could not think of anything else I would rather watch. I watch the YouTube channels too. As far as making bad shots it happens. I don’t think they are celebrating the animal they killed. They are celebrating the fact the kill shot was captured on film. It’s all about the footage and with that comes sponsorships aka money.
I'll have to rewatch it, but I remember it being somewhat offputting.

Edit: apparently you cant find that show for free. It was season 2 episode 14 if you want to see it.

No worries I can see your side of it too. I remember the episode. Just from a coues hunter perspective I suspect it had as much to do with a tripod and 15x’s signifying a serious coues hunter more than the brand name. If he made the same comment about a pair of 8x’s while archery elk hunting in dark timber I’d have to concede your point.
No worries I can see your side of it too. I remember the episode. Just from a coues hunter perspective I suspect it had as much to do with a tripod and 15x’s signifying a serious coues hunter more than the brand name. If he made the same comment about a pair of 8x’s while archery elk hunting in dark timber I’d have to concede your point.

This conversation has me missing hunting coues lol.
OK, Watch the turkey hunting video and watch the guy run with the loaded gun. Now this will start a pissing match with you and others I'm sure...oh it was in a safe direction....this...that...exactly why I did not want to mention specifics....face it...they all have issue...did you REALLY think Fresh Tracks is a virgin honey pot or something...pure as the driven snow?

I was pretty sure we were talking about showing poor ethics. But you are right. That’s not a safe act, although one I am certainly guilty of. Don’t know why you are being so defensive.
Fresh Tracks and Into High Country are very good. Western Hunter is decent but I agree Chris Denham is an elitist ass. Nate Simmons drives me nuts too. He extolls the virtues of public lands and bitches and moans the second he sees another hunter. Their stories are good though. Anymore I just go down Youtube rabbit holes when it comes to hunting shows. Mountain Project is a good one.

This is true about Nate Simmons. I have seen a couple of episodes where he bitches when he sees other hunters. Who doesn't occasionally see other hunters on public land? It's their land too.
Nope, I never have...never will....I was taught not too in my hunting class many moons ago...I knew if I mentioned it people would come back with,oh, is that all you got? This was about how bad all shows are, I agree, especially the hush one mentioned....There is no show exempt from stupid behavior was my point per the title of the thread no matter how big or small. :)
I've ran after things before after I've placed one shot then ran a short ways to get a clear follow up shot and will continue to do so, I don't see this as unsafe but rather the ethical thing to do. people trip and fall walking plenty with a gun, so maybe we should all just crawl..
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