Kenetrek Boots

“Extreme Outer Limits” leaving tv

true but equipment and practice has a ton to do with it, in my opion, and l own 2 long range rifles, is don't even think about it taking 500 to 600 yard shot unless you have shot at least 200 or 300 rounds in a summer. the way my dad and l practice is you get 2 shots at whatever range we are shooting, which to us is a realistic hunting situation.
How many people do you think are actually shooting that 200-300 rounds per year, hopefully away from the bench? I agree, but I'd say that's a minimum.
It doesn't matter, it only takes one kill shot to be successful. All the misses and wounded animals are just warm up shots.
That's so sad! While I understand people killing animals for food it seems like there are a group of people doing it just for views. As someone who doesn't hunt it's hard to distinguish between who is doing it out of necessity and for clicks. I saw this video on youtube where people were shooting birds out of trees with a bow and arrow. I remember when I was in archery class in high school, I could barely hit a bail of hay! It made me wonder how often the birds are hit and not found? Do they suffer often? They seem like such small targets.
That's so sad! While I understand people killing animals for food it seems like there are a group of people doing it just for views. As someone who doesn't hunt it's hard to distinguish between who is doing it out of necessity and for clicks. I saw this video on youtube where people were shooting birds out of trees with a bow and arrow. I remember when I was in archery class in high school, I could barely hit a bail of hay! It made me wonder how often the birds are hit and not found? Do they suffer often? They seem like such small targets.
Look up the lifespan of the birds you are concerned about.
That's so sad! While I understand people killing animals for food it seems like there are a group of people doing it just for views. As someone who doesn't hunt it's hard to distinguish between who is doing it out of necessity and for clicks. I saw this video on youtube where people were shooting birds out of trees with a bow and arrow. I remember when I was in archery class in high school, I could barely hit a bail of hay! It made me wonder how often the birds are hit and not found? Do they suffer often? They seem like such small targets.
The birds are easy to find. It's finding the arrow that can be tricky.