Arrows flight is funny...

I just called a shop in Seattle and got the most helpful guy ever... he told me to try tuning my bow before anything... he said my 125 gr heads might just be to heavy, spend $5 and try the 100's first. THEN, tune the bow, if i struggle with that, he would gladly help me tune it...
I wasnt thinking about not being close to a shop I forget sometimes living in south central Pa where a good shop isnt far you guy out west have to travel much farther
try the 100 grs n paper tune n let us know how its going
Ok, @Ajax2744 you raise something I didn’t think about... my string twisting. I thought it might be my peep or something but one of the lines will block field of site “sometimes” of the prep, when I draw back, is this from the line twisting or is it just from that section? So much stuff to watch... why did I try to learn something new??? 😂😂😂 (I’m addicted to figuring it out obviously)
Ok, @Ajax2744 you raise something I didn’t think about... my string twisting. I thought it might be my peep or something but one of the lines will block field of site “sometimes” of the prep, when I draw back, is this from the line twisting or is it just from that section? So much stuff to watch... why did I try to learn something new??? 😂😂😂 (I’m addicted to figuring it out obviously)
The whole string stretches which causes twists in the string to elongate and turn your peep. A shop can press your bow and take off your string and twist is back up to the correct length and reset your peep to the right angle. And a string set that is in tune will shoot night and day better.
Ok, I have nobody close but cabelas... and Grizzley. Griz sold me the arrows that according to more than half the people are wrong spine, and according to Easton are wrong spine... but cabelas is... cabelas... who should I trust? Oh griz put on the peep site that seems sloppy too, but did fix my loop... and taught me how to wax my string, and fixed my quiver which Bear sent me right handed on a left handed bow...
I could have him restring, or buy a new string? 😂😂😂
I don't know much about your background and knowledge with archery up to this point but it sounds like a helping hand would be ideal. Find a good tech, even if you have to drive 2-3 hours to get to them. Have them put on a quality string, and get everything tuned up for you. Don't be afraid to ask questions about the work they had to do, just let them know you're pretty new to this and are trying to learn. You can make a post on recommendations for a good shop somewhere like ArcheryTalk or ask the semi-local 3D/target shooters - they often have facebook groups where they post tourney info and stuff anyways.
NEW UPDATE- I just got my bow back. Holy Shit guys... lol.

How did I even shoot this before?
The new peep-site made a world of difference. I can see my site perfectly, no string blocking my sight line at all, its beautiful.
The bow makes this really nice feeling at full draw, like...i dont know, a little POP at the back end that lets me know, HEY BUDDY, you are here. IT never did that before... now when I let it go, it feels smooth, the arrow feels like it slides out of the biscuit and it flies straight, i can almost feel it start spinning...
I am not going to say I get a little chub or anything, but... THIS whole thing just changed literally EVERYTHING about how I feel about this bow.

My shots are tight, not as tight as a lot of you shoot I am sure, but really good for me. I can now focus on getting really accurate so I can be like you guys!
I also put several into the circle at 50 and 60 yards. I put my new Muzzy broad heads on (I went with them only because they were at the shop) and the arrow didn't change much on its flight path, so that made me pretty happy. (a little left).

Thank you guys SO much! Cant wait to shoot an Elk and show you guys a picture!
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