arrow help


New member
Aug 23, 2013
hey guys, i was looking at the deer crossing archery hunter arrows bu couldnt find any reviews of them on here, I know they are a new company but someone i know was bragging about how good they were. he let me shoot his and i was impressed. i was shocked when he said he got them for under 70$ total.

I was looking at getting them but not sure. does anyone have info on them that they can help me make my choice?

thanks in advanced!
Lots of reviews on archery talk sound like a good arrow for the price but i just switched to gold tip and and am very impressed so far
I use to shoot GT and liked them. did the job and killed some deer. But if I can get the same quality for a better price i will. i looked on AT and some people are saying they are better than GT.. I think i'll try them out