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Arizona - a step forward as a state!

And you think if these 500 illegals that suddenly became unemployed and can no longer get a job anywhere in the US are going to go back to their home country on their own

Actually this has been happening for many illegals already, beginning with the so-called economic downturn in this country. There was an article in the NY Times (I think) about many Brazilian families (mainly in the Boston area) that were here illegal, some for 20 years, and were returning because the situation here was becoming harder economically and legally to deal with and it was better for them to voluntarily return home.

Believe me, if you cut off the opportunity for employment and the ability to receive federal/state assistance for people who are here illegally, the vast majority will solve the problem by getting out of Dodge in a hurry.

Those people involved in illicit activities are going to continue breaking the law regardless of immigration status, laws or geography.
Matt and Jose are no brainer correct with their tag team prognostications of juris obstructionism. The manchurian campaigner in chief has Holder and company on point. Of course, it has begun with spoon fed media appetite...and advanced with cherry picked activism like this: http://catholic.org/national/national_story.php?id=36355

Wanna bet Escobar 'coincidently' leaves the ranks soon for an undisclosed federal LE position?

Personally I don't object to Shakira's profile.

Welcome back Matt, I see your're still gulping and regurgitating party line mantra. "Lame attempts to satisfy disgruntled voter base."....surely even you can see the irony.
News is breaking as I type out of Arizona...

Apparently the Cheif of Police wasnt briefed or in agreement on the new immigration law and is speaking out on the issue; saying it will in fact make his officers job MORE difficult?

...Not 18 minutes later a Deputy Sheriff is reported to have been shot in the desert by a suspected illegal imigrant with an AK-47, in the same county 80% of the illegals enter our country?!

Because of this, I hereby rescind my offer of support to AZ for armed assistance until their own LEO can get on the same page on this issue:rolleyes:?

Oh and FYI - One of the two CNN links I clicked into off Google News had a BAD VIRUS on it; so I'd probably give it an hour or so before viewing till they get that cleared up and avoid linking it here too; as to not infect guys' computers on Hunt Talk.

They are just decent people who want a better life for their families, right ?

"The area is used by both drug- and human-smugglers who bring their wares through the remote desert from Mexico north to Phoenix."
NHY- The irony is passing a bill that has no legal merit, constitutional merit or the ability to enforce, yet still wins big points with the voting public...It will most definitely be ironic, when the (Conservative) Supreme Court sees this bill as unconstitutional...

I have to admit though, GW did the best thing to get rid of illegal aliens...he helped crash the economy, now no one has a job and the illegals are leaving.

NHY- Another ironic event is the oil mess BP has created (after lobbying to say more safety regulations aren't needed for ocean bed drilling). Now the people yelling for more drilling in the ocean are up in arms about the mess it has created. Even Obama, who thinks there should be more drilling will have to rethink his position. (The ironic part is this is the one item that the Republicans weren't going to fight Obama on.)
The whole racial profile thing has to be the biggest joke and lame attempt by the Pro Illegal groups. I ask again, what does the border patrol do all day long to protect us from illegal immigartion... They profile, they HAVE TO. If they are down near the border and see a person that looks Hispanic I am sorry, they should be asked about their status. If a cop pulls a car over in PHX and anyone inside cannot speak English.... reasonable suspicion right there.
They are just decent people who want a better life for their families, right ?

What do you mean by that? The way I take it is your talking about the illegal's want a better life. Well sure they do, but SO DO I and every other person here in this country. How does it make it better for all of us if we have to support illegals? Everyone (for the most part) is welcome here in the US if they do it legally. I work way to hard to support my family, and to support and defend the constitution of the United States of America. I don't think I should have to support those who break the law, I do enough of that with my taxes for those who are here legally.

Mattk- "NHY- The irony is passing a bill that has no legal merit, constitutional merit or the ability to enforce, yet still wins big points with the voting public...It will most definitely be ironic, when the (Conservative) Supreme Court sees this bill as unconstitutional..."
They probably will see it as unconstitutional, but how well do they really know the constitution? What right do illegal immigrants have? I do not see anything about them in the constitution. They have no passport, green card, yellow card etc.The only right they have is the right to fair treatment as we escort them and their families out of the country. Give them the info of how to come here legally and send them packing. Their home countries would do it to us. I know from personal experience. My grandmother tried to move to Canada illegally a few years ago.(she is my step grandmother and isn't all there) She didn't last more then a month before she got the boot and in a lot of trouble. That was when OBAMA took office. Why shouldn't we do the same?
PHOENIX – Gov. Jan Brewer on Friday signed a follow-on bill approved by Arizona legislators that make revisions to the state's sweeping law against illegal immigration — changes she says should quell concerns that the measure will lead to racial profiling.

The law requires local and state law enforcement to question people about their immigration status if there's reason to suspect they're in the country illegally, and makes it a state crime to be in the United States illegally.

The follow-on bill signed by Brewer makes a number of changes that she said should lay to rest concerns of opponents.

"These new statements make it crystal clear and undeniable that racial profiling is illegal, and will not be tolerated in Arizona," she said in a statement.

The changes include one strengthening restrictions against using race or ethnicity as the basis for questioning by police and inserts those same restrictions in other parts of the law.

Another change states that immigration-status questions would follow a law enforcement officer's stopping, detaining or arresting a person while enforcing another law. The earlier law had referred to a "contact" with police.

Another change specifies that possible violations of local civil ordinances can trigger questioning on immigration status.
I bet similar laws get passed in other Western states in the next legislative session.

Another change specifies that possible violations of local civil ordinances can trigger questioning on immigration status.
I just caught this part. Like grass height? Unlicensed vehichles on blocks? Near where I work those two alone could trigger a few interactions.
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I bet similar laws get passed in other Western states in the next legislative session.

I just caught this part. Like grass height? Unlicensed vehichles on blocks? Near where I work those two alone could trigger a few interactions.

I means painting your house, pink, yellow, purple, etc.
Way to go AZ!!!!!!!! Moe if you need help give me a call! I have been at the loading bench for two days, it might be enough to last a couple of hours!
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