Arizona - a step forward as a state!

Jose, Exactly what constitutional rights are being violated, by whom and in what manner?

Why doesn't someone else ask Jose what part of illegal alien isn't against the law?

Dan55 I think he's been asked a 100 times... I guess I missed his answer.:D:D
"Love to see the lawsuits filed for violating people's constitutional rights. That should completely bankrupt AZ....."

josie, what constitutional rights do ILLEGALS have?
Jose, Exactly what constitutional rights are being violated, by whom and in what manner?

Why doesn't someone else ask Jose what part of illegal alien isn't against the law?

Jose is completely ignorant on this topic, he's proven this multiple times. Good luck getting any answers to you questions. He'll just post some hateful, tasteless remarks.
Jose is completely ignorant on this topic, he's proven this multiple times. Good luck getting any answers to you questions. He'll just post some hateful, tasteless remarks.

...but you hafta admire the ostentatious morality of the absentee bleeding heart.;)

The boy is absolutely obsessed with the 'racist' brand...a true fool's default mindfart.
Maybe Jose is dare I say, an illegal? I'm just throwing that out there.
illegal immigration is the movement of people across national borders in a way that violates the immigration laws of the destination country. Illegal immigrants are also known as illegal aliens to differentiate them from legal aliens. I don't have a problem with immigration, why should anyone? We all immigrated here at one time or another for the most part. What I DO have a problem with is Illegal Immigrants. I'm not just talking about the Mexicans, Asians, Texans, :) etc. I have a problem with anyone who does come into this country illegally. If you were to go to Europe for example and drive from Spain to Germany, (correct me if I'm wrong, it's been 10 years since I've been over there) but you would have to produce "papers" or documentation of place of domicile etc.If everything is not in order then they send you packing. (unless you bribe them) There is a right way to get into this great country and there is a wrong way. It's black and white! It's not about race, creed, sex, or religion. We have the same problems on the northern border with illegals, it's just not on such a large scale as the southern boarder. The funny thing is I know of a lot of Mexicans who came here legally and are even more pissed about this whole ordeal then we are. They paid their time and dues to do so, then they see some illegal getting the same benifits that they are without the effort, time, or work they put in. Anyway that's my .02 worth.
Love to see the lawsuits filed for violating people's constitutional rights. That should completely bankrupt AZ.....


The illegals already have, that is why this passed. Funny thing is the press and the libs say the cops will be profiling brown skinned folks now. I just have to ask, what is it the border patrol does all day long? They can do it but the cops can't?
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Maybe Jose is dare I say, an illegal? I'm just throwing that out there.
"He's pretty fly for a white guy..." Don't disagree with the rest of the post, especially the Texans ;) but that's barking up the wrong tree.
The liberals are spreading lots of lies about this bill. One has to wonder, if this IS a bad law, why do they (liberals) need to tell so many lies ? Why can’t they make a convincing argument telling the truth ?

This law specifically prohibits racial profiling.
This law specifically prohibits law enforcement from detaining people and/or questioning about citizenship without a lawful reason to make contact, such as a traffic ticket or suspicion of other crimes.
The exact things liberals are claiming will happen are specifically prohibited.
I recently went to Tahiti. They almost wouldn't let me get on the plane to go there because I had a one way ticket. They wanted to make sure I was leaving the country. This was the ticket agent not immigration. It took me amost two hours and several emails to convince them that I wasn't going to stay. If we could just have half of the security this small nation has we would be better off.
"He's pretty fly for a white guy...".
Some of his posts he's right on the money but on this subject he almost seems like he is defending himself or someone he knows personally. Jose does throw some low blows on occasion.
On a different note maybe if we gave back Texas we wouldn't have much of a problem on the southern boarder.:D
Mexico acknowledges migrant abuse, pledges changes

By MARK STEVENSON, Associated Press Writer – 2 hrs 16 mins ago
MEXICO CITY – Amnesty International called the abuse of migrants in Mexico
a major human rights crisis Wednesday, and accused some officials of
turning a blind eye or even participating in the kidnapping, rape and murder
of migrants.

"Migrants in Mexico are facing a major human rights crisis leaving them with
virtually no access to justice, fearing reprisals and deportation if they
complain of abuses," Knox said.

Central American migrants are frequently pulled off trains, kidnapped en
masse, held at gang hideouts and forced to call relatives in the U.S. to pay
off the kidnappers. Such kidnappings affect thousands of migrants each
year in Mexico, the report says.

Many are beaten, raped or killed in the process.

One of the main issues, Amnesty says, is that migrants fear they will be
deported if they complain to Mexican authorities about abuses.

The Amnesty report said one female migrant told researchers that
Mexican federal police had forced her group off a train and stolen their
belongings. Forced to walk, she said, she was subsequently attacked by a
gang and raped.
Well, I guess HoseB is going to pull his usual disappearing act.

Just as a point of information, you know, just to clarify Hoser's ascertain about constitutional rights... Jose, if you read the preamble, it states, "We the people of the United States...." Not We the people of the United States and all of the illegals, or all of the non cititzens.. What does that indicate? Tells me that the Constitution was drawn to protect the rights of the citizens of the United States. I read no provision that extends the protection of the Constitution to foreigners for any purpose. Illegals in this country are foreigners (citizens of another country) and are therefore not guaranteed any rights or protections under the Constitution. If you can follow this, then you should be now be aware that there are no protections of rights, civil or otherwise, for those illegally in this country. So why are you or anyone worried about thier "civil rights"? They are entitled to humane treatment. As they probably snuck into this country jammed in the back of a van or truck with several others who were also unwashed and they get sent home in an airplane with a full seat all to themselves, that sound pretty civil to me. They are not entitled to anything further.

Discussion? Hoser, can you hear me, I'm talking to you?
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My wife is from Brazil, has deeply tanned skin and a fair amount of accent in her English (you'd suspect she were from another country most likely) and is someone that has a likelihood of being detained and questioned by authorities about her citizenship if they found probable cause to do so.

We've talked about this bill at length, as you might imagine since we live in AZ, and neither of us have a problem if this occurs (easy to say as it hasn't happened but still). Perhaps it's because she is a permanent resident alien, in this country legally and we did it the RIGHT way.

I can attest that it was a genuine pain in the butt to fill out the paperwork, wait in lines, pay the (sometimes very costly) fees, etc. to do it the right way but we did so. I don't see why it's impossible for others to do likewise and, more to the point, why they feel it's okay to ignore the law of a country they so badly want to live in.

I don't suspect this bill will be successful in the long run because it 1) will probably tossed out on its butt due to the mere fact that states can't regulate immigration and 2) it doesn't really address the main contributors to illegal immigration.

The way illegal immigration has been ignored by every administration for decades is shameful. Rather than address the issues and try to solve them, both parties just want to point fingers across the aisle and both parties want to claim the problem is just too big to be fixed. I couldn't disagree more. I think the problem can be solved, not without tremendous hard work, and would be fixed if there weren't money to be made by those who benefit most by allowing it to continue.

Until the government gets serious about 1) securing the border, 2) making it impossible to employ someone who does not have a valid (and confirmed) SSN, 3) denying any federal and/or state assistance to people who also lack said SSN and 4) ending the farce that has become the "anchor baby" rule, NOTHING will improve.

Just my 2¢. Your mileage may differ...
Triple D. You hit the nail right on the head. Funny thing about this whole this is as I read this one of my coworkers is reading it with me. He was born in Mexico City but now is a legal US citizen and serving proudly with me in the Air Force doing a job that requires a very detailed background investigation. Not to mention that he calls home AZ. He says "if I ever get pulled over and questioned, I would just give them what they ask for and thank them for making it harder to be an Illegal."
I also work with another guy who is from Canada, and is a legal US citizen. They both do not have dual citizenships. They joined the AF and had to go through the headache like every other immigrant by the time they were supposed to reenlist. They both are on the third enlistment. They want to be here and think that joining the military should be a requirement for those who are physically able to. They would have a greater appreciation for the US if they did. At least they do.
3D and MDog.. I suspect the your wife and friends have a special distaste for those who forgo the formalities and try to cheat the system. I am familiar with the intracacies of obtaining legal status for foreign nationals. It is a time consuming and intense process. For those who have the desire and the fortitude to withstand it, I say Good on ya.. I suspect that they would have more reason than any of us to feel ill will toward the cheaters.
As mentioned...the biggest problem with this bill is the states vs federal rights to manage immigration. Only the federal government has that right as well it should. You wouldn't want New Mexico to allow everyone that wanted to come to the US easy immigration and thereby get citizenship status for the rest of the states...The racial profiling that would occur is a given also (even though it's said it won't happen). If you are a blonde haired woman that's 50 years old...good chance you wouldn't be asked your citizenship status. The only way to not profile...ask everyone to show their citizenship status. That shouldn't take up very much of the LEO's time...I'm sure they have too little to do on their jobs as it is.

This bill is nothing more than a lame attempt to satisfy a disgruntled voter base. It's already in the courts and I foresee will be considered unconstitutional...on various grounds. It's a feel good bill that doesn't make any real attempt to stop or slow down illegal immigration. When you get a bill that fines and shuts down businesses and people who hire illegal immigrants...then you can start talking about real illegal immigration policy. Until then, it's simply a ploy to get votes.
So it is not the illegal's fault that they are illegal, it is businesses fault. Interesting concept.

How about the schools that teach the illegal kids & the emergency rooms that heal the illegals? Should they be shut down & fined also for catering to the illegals?
jabber-It is illegal to hire an illegal alien...If you want to control the spread of dandelions in your yard, mowing isn't going to get the job done. You have to kill the roots. You can send a few hundred thousand illegal immigrants back to whichever country they are from a day and you will still have an illegal immigration problem. Of course, you will have the logistical problem of sending a hundred thousand people packing also. It's still not going to cut down or even slow the problem. Find out why they are here...and stop that from happening. It's easier to stop one business that hires 500 illegals, than to stop 500 illegals...Get rid of the demand for illegal immigrants and you get rid of the supply...
And you think if these 500 illegals that suddenly became unemployed and can no longer get a job anywhere in the US are going to go back to their home country on their own where not only can they not get a job, but also will not have free health care or schooling for their kids. They have no incentive to leave the US because of all the free handouts they get.

And that doesn't even start to talk about the illegals that aren't working in a "legitimate" business. How are we going to convince all the drug runners, thiefs, murderers & rapist that they no longer have jobs here and need to go home? Seems to me like having the police assist in deporting illegals would make sence. Just another step in the right direction. I agree with you that businesses that hire illegals needs to be addressed, but that is not the only thing that needs to be done. Anywhere & everywhere they (illegals) are found, they should be deported, not catered to.

I have a number of hispanics working for me, and everyone of them that I have talked to about this law in AZ, agree with it and would not have a problem if they were stopped and required to show their proof of citizenship.

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